from paddleocr import PaddleOCR import os import cv2 import pytesseract import pandas as pd import re from thefuzz import fuzz from thefuzz import process import logging import json logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) def process_image(path): """ The main function that performs optical character recognition (OCR) on an image and processes the extracted data. Returns: obj: Processed text output containing extracted information. """ csv_path = 'data.csv' data_dict = { "provinsi": "", "kabupaten": "", "nik": "", "nama": "", "tempat/tgl lahir": "", "jenis kelamin": "", "gol. darah": "", "alamat": "", "rt/rw": "", "kel/desa": "", "kecamatan": "", "agama": "", "status perkawinan": "", "pekerjaan": "", "kewarganegaraan": "", "berlaku hingga": "", } # Create list for labels spelling correction labels = list(data_dict.keys()) labels.remove("kabupaten") try: # Read csv data file df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) except: raise ValueError("Cannot find the csv data file.") try: # Resize image image = resize_image(path) # Run Tesseract to get the right rotation and color conversion image_xyz = rotate_image(image) except: raise ValueError("Invalid image input.") # Run PaddleOCR on the whole image and Tesseract on detected areas by PaddleOCR all_data = run_ocr(image_xyz) # Check if the 16-digit ID number exists all_data = check_numbers(all_data) # Split labels and data new_data = split_items(all_data) try: # Correct the text of labels new_data, found_labels = correct_labels(new_data, labels) # Correct the data new_data = correct_data(new_data, df) except: pass try: # Add labels if missing new_data = add_missing_labels(new_data, labels, found_labels) except: pass # Print the clean output text = print_output(new_data) # Convert to JSON text_obj = json.dumps({"text":text}) return text_obj def get_scores(result): """ Get scores from the OCR result. Args: result (list): The OCR result list. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing lists of sorted confidence scores, overall score, and all scores. """ scores = [round(line[1][1],4) for line in result[0]] overall_score = 0 for score in scores: overall_score += score overall_score = round(overall_score/len(scores),4) sorted_scores = sorted(scores) # Raise error if the 3rd confidence score is less than 90% if sorted_scores[2] < 0.9: raise ValueError("Poor image quality. Please avoid shadows, flashlights, and patterned backgrounds.") return overall_score, sorted_scores, scores def add_missing_labels(new_data, labels, found_labels): # Add labels if a maximum of 3 labels is missing if len(found_labels) < 15 and len(found_labels) > 12: added = 0 for i in range(len(labels)): if labels[i] != found_labels[i][0]: # Use next label index - 2 + the number of shifted items # Else, use previous label index + 2 + the number of shifted items try: if labels[i] == "gol. darah": idx = found_labels[i][1] + added elif labels[i] == "alamat": # Get Gol. Darah index and check if the length of next item is greater than two gol_idx = new_data.index("gol. darah") if len(new_data[gol_idx+1]) > 2: idx = gol_idx + 1 else: idx = gol_idx + 2 else: idx = found_labels[i+1][1] - 2 + added except: idx = found_labels[i-1][1] + 2 + added if idx < len(new_data)-1: new_data.insert(idx, [labels[i], labels[i], 'label']) found_labels.insert(i, [labels[i], idx]) else: new_data.insert(len(new_data)-2, [labels[i], labels[i], 'label']) found_labels.insert(i, [labels[i], len(new_data)-2]) added += 1 else: raise ValueError("Some labels cannot be detected. Please recapture a photo of the ID.") return new_data def check_numbers(all_data): """ Check if there is a 16-digit number in OCR text. Args: all_data (list): The structured OCR result list. Returns: list: A list containing the structured OCR output """ ktp_num = "" for i in range(len(all_data)): id_output = re.findall("\d{16}", all_data[i][4]) rt_output = re.findall("\d{3}/\d{3}", all_data[i][4]) if len(id_output) > 0: # Keep PaddleOCR output for both ktp_num, all_data[i][4], all_data[i][5] = id_output[0], id_output[0], id_output[0] if len(rt_output) > 0: all_data[i][4], all_data[i][5] = rt_output[0], rt_output[0] if ktp_num == "": raise ValueError("KTP number cannot be detected. Please recapture a photo of the ID.") return all_data def run_ocr(image): """ Perform optical character recognition (OCR) on the given image. Args: image (ndarray): The image array on which OCR will be performed. Returns: list: A list containing information about the recognized text regions, including coordinates, recognized text, and corresponding OCR outputs from different OCR engines. """ ocr = PaddleOCR( use_angle_cls=True, lang="id", det_max_side_len=1500, det_limit_type="min", det_db_unclip_ratio=1.7, drop_score = 0.75, show_log=False, ) result = ocr.ocr(image, cls=True) all_data = [] # Check the if the confidence score is higher than the threshold get_scores(result) # Create a list of values in form of x1, y1, x2, y2, Paddle output, Tesseract output for i, res in enumerate(result[0]): x, y = [], [] paddle_text = res[1][0] for i in range(4): x.append(res[0][i][0]) y.append(res[0][i][1]) x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(min(x)), int(min(y)), int(max(x)), int(max(y)) # Crop the area of text detected by Paddle snip = image[y1:y2, x1:x2] # Run Tesseract on the cropped area tess_text = pytesseract.image_to_string(snip, lang="ind+eng", config="--psm 6") # Clean the output of Tesseract and Paddle tess_text, paddle_text = clean_text(tess_text, paddle_text) all_data.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, paddle_text, tess_text]) return all_data def clean_text(tess_text, paddle_text): """ Clean and preprocess the recognized text from Tesseract and PaddleOCR. Args: tess_text (str): Text recognized by Tesseract OCR. paddle_text (str): Text recognized by PaddleOCR. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the cleaned and preprocessed text from Tesseract and PaddleOCR, respectively. """ # Remove unicode if "\n" in tess_text or "\x0c" in tess_text: tess_text = tess_text.replace("\n", "") tess_text = tess_text.replace("\x0c", "") # Remove space before or after colon and hyphen pattern = r"\s*([-:*])\s*" paddle_text = re.sub(pattern, r"\1", paddle_text) tess_text = re.sub(pattern, r"\1", tess_text) # Replace any 1O with 10 paddle_text = paddle_text.replace("1O","10") tess_text = tess_text.replace("1O","10") # Fix dots in ID number pattern = r"[0-9\.]{10}" res = re.findall(pattern, paddle_text) if len(res) != 0: paddle_text = paddle_text.replace(".","") # Add space after dot or comma and remove any two spaces paddle_text = re.sub(r"([A-Z]\.)([A-z])", r"\1 \2", paddle_text) # Fix commas recognized as dots and add space after it if "NO" not in paddle_text: pattern = r"([A-Za-z][\.,]\s{0,1})(\d{2})" paddle_text = re.sub(pattern, r", \2", paddle_text) tess_text = re.sub(pattern, r", \2", tess_text) else: pattern = r"([A-Za-z][\.]\s{0,1})(\d{1})" paddle_text = re.sub(pattern, r". \2", paddle_text) tess_text = re.sub(pattern, r". \2", tess_text) # Clean blood group if "Darah" in tess_text or "Darah" in paddle_text: tess_text = tess_text.replace("0", "O") paddle_text = paddle_text.replace("0", "O") # Clean symbols for item in ["'", '"', "!", "‘", "“", ":", "*","=", "+"]: paddle_text = paddle_text.replace(item, "") tess_text = tess_text.replace(item, "") # Remove hyphen, dot, or comma if in the beginning of the text if len(tess_text) > 0: if tess_text[0] in ['-','.',',']: tess_text = tess_text[1:] if len(paddle_text) > 0: if paddle_text[0] in ['-','.',',']: paddle_text = paddle_text[1:] # if paddle text is similar to tesseract text without spaces, replace paddle text with tesseract text temp = tess_text.replace(" ","") if paddle_text == temp: paddle_text = tess_text # If JL in the beggining of text, add the dot if paddle_text[:2] == "JL" or tess_text[:2] == "JL": paddle_text = re.sub(r"(JL)(\.{0,1})([A-Z])",r"JL. \3", paddle_text) tess_text = re.sub(r"(JL)(\.{0,1})([A-Z])",r"JL. \3", tess_text) # Check add missing spaces to Paddle Output idxs = [] for i, char in enumerate(tess_text): if char.isspace(): idxs.append(i) for idx in idxs: try: p1 = tess_text[idx-2:idx] p2 = tess_text[idx+1:idx+3] if p1.isalpha() == True and p2.isalpha() == True: to_replace = p1+p2 new = p1+" "+p2 paddle_text = paddle_text.replace(to_replace, new) except: pass return tess_text, paddle_text def resize_image(path): """ Resize the image if its dimensions are smaller than the specified threshold. Args: path (str): The path to the image file. Returns: ndarray: The resized image array. """ img = cv2.imread(path) width = int(img.shape[1]) height = int(img.shape[0]) thresh = 1500 # Resize image to match the threshold if width < thresh and height < thresh: if width > height: percent = thresh // width else: percent = thresh // height dim = (width * percent, height * percent) img = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) return img def rotate_image(image): """ Rotate the image to the correct orientation by checking for specific text patterns in different rotations. Args: image (ndarray): The image array to be rotated. Returns: ndarray: The rotated image array if specific text patterns are found, otherwise the original image array. """ # Convert color to XYZ image_xyz = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2XYZ) # Rotate the image by 90 degrees for 4 times until recognizing some correct text for i in range(4): text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image_xyz, lang="ind+eng", config="--psm 6") if "PROVINSI" in text or "Darah" in text or "NIK" in text: return image_xyz else: image_xyz = cv2.rotate(image_xyz, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) # If text is not found until last round, return image in original rotation if i == 3: return image_xyz def correct_labels(new_data, labels): """ Correct the labels of the extracted data by matching them with a list of valid labels. Args: new_data (list): The extracted data list to be corrected. labels (list): The list of valid labels. Returns: tuple: The corrected extracted data list with updated labels and list of labels and corresponding indexes. """ thresh = 75 found_labels = [["provinsi", 0]] for i in range(len(new_data)): paddle_fuzz = process.extractOne(new_data[i][0], labels, scorer=fuzz.ratio) tess_fuzz = process.extractOne(new_data[i][1], labels, scorer=fuzz.ratio) # Skip adding provinsi because it's already added at index 0 if paddle_fuzz[0] != 'provinsi' and tess_fuzz[0] != 'provinsi': # Correct text using the match that is more than the threshold if paddle_fuzz[1] >= thresh: new_data[i][0] = paddle_fuzz[0] new_data[i][1] = paddle_fuzz[0] new_data[i].append("label") found_labels.append([paddle_fuzz[0], i]) elif tess_fuzz[1] >= thresh: new_data[i][0] = tess_fuzz[0] new_data[i][1] = tess_fuzz[0] new_data[i].append("label") found_labels.append([tess_fuzz[0], i]) # Correct "NIK" elif (len(new_data[i][0]) == 3 or len(new_data[i][1]) == 3) and ( "IK" == new_data[i][0] or "IK" in new_data[i][1] ): new_data[i][0] = "nik" new_data[i][1] = "nik" new_data[i].append("label") found_labels.append(["nik", i]) return new_data, found_labels def find_uppercase_index(text): """ Find the index of the first uppercase word in the given text. Args: text (str): The input text. Returns: int: The index of the first uppercase word, or -1 if no uppercase word is found. """ # Split lowercase followed by uppercase without space pattern = r"(? 4: pattern = r"(\d{2})\W{0,1}(\d{2})\W{0,1}((19|20)\d{2})" new_data[i][0] = re.sub(pattern, r"\1-\2-\3", new_data[i][0]) new_data[i][1] = re.sub(pattern, r"\1-\2-\3", new_data[i][1]) if i != 1: paddle_except_city.append(new_data[i][0]) # Add WNI if no WNI or WNA paddle_temp = [data[0] for data in new_data] tess_temp = [data[1] for data in new_data] if not {"WNI", "WNA"}.intersection(set(paddle_temp)) and not {"WNI", "WNA"}.intersection(set(tess_temp)): try: kew_idx = paddle_temp.index("kewarganegaraan") new_data.insert(kew_idx+1, ["WNI", "WNI"]) except: pass # Fix issuer province name if similar to province name in line 2 issuer_fuzz = process.extractOne(new_data[1][0], paddle_except_city, scorer=fuzz.ratio) if issuer_fuzz[1] >= 85: for i in range(len(new_data)): if new_data[i][0] == issuer_fuzz[0]: new_data[i][0], new_data[i][1] = new_data[1][0], new_data[1][0] return new_data def replace_data(new_data, i, options_list): """ Replace the data in the extracted list with the closest matching option from the given list. Args: new_data (list): The extracted data list. i (int): The index of the item to be replaced. options_list (list): The list of options for replacement. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the replaced values for the item at index i. """ paddle_fuzz = process.extractOne(new_data[i][0], options_list, scorer=fuzz.ratio) tess_fuzz = process.extractOne(new_data[i][1], options_list, scorer=fuzz.ratio) # Replace values if fuzzy matching score exceeds threshold if len(new_data[i][0]) < 4: thresh = 65 else: thresh = 75 if paddle_fuzz[1] > thresh: new_data[i][0] = paddle_fuzz[0] new_data[i][1] = paddle_fuzz[0] elif tess_fuzz[1] > thresh: new_data[i][0] = tess_fuzz[0] new_data[i][1] = tess_fuzz[0] return new_data[i][0], new_data[i][1] def split_items(all_data): """ Split the data items in the given list into separate items based on certain conditions. Args: all_data (list): The list of data items to be split. Returns: list: The new list of split data items. """ new_data = [] for i in range(len(all_data)): paddle_idx = find_uppercase_index(all_data[i][4]) tess_idx = find_uppercase_index(all_data[i][5]) if paddle_idx not in [0, -1] and tess_idx not in [0, -1]: p1 = [all_data[i][4][:paddle_idx].strip(), all_data[i][5][:tess_idx].strip()] p2 = [all_data[i][4][paddle_idx:].strip(), all_data[i][5][tess_idx:].strip()] if p1 != ["",""]: new_data.append(p1) if p2 != ["",""]: new_data.append(p2) # Fix the text related to blood type elif "Darah" in all_data[i][4] or "Darah" in all_data[i][5]: # Add space between blood type and label darah_match_1 = re.sub(r"(Darah)\W*((A|AB|B|O))", r"\1 \2", all_data[i][4]) darah_match_2 = re.sub(r"(Darah)\W*((A|AB|B|O))", r"\1 \2", all_data[i][5]) # Locate the space space_1 = darah_match_1.rfind(" ") space_2 = darah_match_2.rfind(" ") # Write the label and values in two seperate lists try: if darah_match_1[-1] in ["A", "B", "O"]: new_data.append( [darah_match_1[:space_1].strip(), darah_match_1[:space_1].strip()] ) new_data.append( [ darah_match_1[space_1 + 1 :].strip(), darah_match_1[space_1 + 1 :].strip(), ] ) elif darah_match_2[-1] in ["A", "B", "O"]: new_data.append( [darah_match_2[:space_2].strip(), darah_match_2[:space_2].strip()] ) new_data.append( [ darah_match_2[space_2 + 1 :].strip(), darah_match_2[space_2 + 1 :].strip(), ] ) except: pass else: new_data.append([all_data[i][4].strip(), all_data[i][5].strip()]) return new_data def print_output(new_data): """ Create a formatted string output based on the given data. Args: new_data (list): The list of data items. Returns: str: The formatted string output. """ text = "" for i in range(len(new_data)): # Change labels to Uppercase if new_data[i][0] == new_data[i][1] and len(new_data[i]) == 3: text += f"{new_data[i][0].upper()}\n" else: if len(new_data[i][0]) > 0: text += f"{new_data[i][0]}\n" return text