import streamlit as st import pyttsx3 import tempfile import PyPDF2 from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient page_bg_img = """ """ st.markdown(page_bg_img, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title("Summarize & Listen to your Academic Materials on the Fly.") uploaded_pdf = st.file_uploader("Upload a research Paper", type="pdf") full_text = None MODEL_NAME = "NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Mixtral-8x7B-DPO" client = InferenceClient(MODEL_NAME) DETAILED_SUMMARIZATION_PROMPT = """ You are a very powerful summarization engine for summarizing academic contents, now you are to summarize the following text you are going to be provided which is from a document, make sure to understand all improperly parsed text and actually parse them properly , also make sure that your final summarization is very coherent and understandable by a student and is under 4000 words , also the length of the summarized text should be less than the original provided text, if you are provided with a text that includes unnecessary items that do not contribute value to the book like preface about the author, do not include them in the summarization Your summary should be concise and should accurately and objectively communicate the key points of the paper. You should not include any personal opinions or interpretations in your summary but rather focus on objectively presenting the information from the paper. Your summary should be written in your own words and should not include any direct quotes from the paper. Please ensure that your summary is clear, concise, and accurately reflects the content of the original paper. do not go out of context of the words provided. Now here is your provided text : """ with st.spinner("Extracting Text..."): if uploaded_pdf is not None: tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tfile.write( with open(, "rb") as pdf_file: pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file) num_pages = len(pdf_reader.pages) # Get text from all pages full_text = "" for page_num in range(num_pages): page = pdf_reader.pages[page_num] page_text = page.extract_text() full_text += page_text # truncating the full text at 25k characters full_text = full_text if len(full_text) < 100000 else full_text[:100000] # print(full_text) st.success("Text Extracted Successfully!!!") ################################################################################### def synthesize_text_to_audio(text): engine = pyttsx3.init() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp3") as temp_file: temp_file_path = engine.save_to_file(text, temp_file_path) # Save the audio to a temporary file engine.runAndWait() sound_file = open(temp_file_path, "rb") # Open the saved audio file for reading return sound_file summarized_text = None if full_text: with st.spinner("Summarizing Text Content..."): summarized_text = client.text_generation( DETAILED_SUMMARIZATION_PROMPT + full_text, max_new_tokens=4096, temperature=0.2, top_p=0.8, ) print(summarized_text) if summarized_text: with st.spinner('Synthesizing to Audio...'):