import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline from PLModel import PLColorDiff from dataset import ColorizationDataset from utils import lab_to_rgb, split_lab import torch import default_configs from icecream import ic from unet import SimpleUnet def get_image(image): print(image) dataset = ColorizationDataset([image], split="val", config=conf, size=128) lab_img = dataset.get_tensor_from_path(image) batch = lab_img.unsqueeze(0) # x_l, _ = split_lab(batch) # bw =, *[torch.zeros_like(x_l)] * 2), dim=1) model.eval() img = model.sample_plot_image(batch) rgb_img = lab_to_rgb(*split_lab(img)) # model.test_step(batch) return(rgb_img[0]) conf = SimpleUnetConfig = dict ( # device = get_device(), device = "mps", pin_memory = torch.cuda.is_available(), T=300, lr=5e-4, batch_size=64, img_size = 128, sample=False, log=False, should_log=False, sample_fn = None, val_every=20, epochs=100, using_cond=False ) ckpt_path = "checkpoints/epoch=1-step=706.ckpt" ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=torch.device("mps")) unet = SimpleUnet() model = PLColorDiff(unet, None, None) ic.disable() model.load_state_dict(ckpt["state_dict"]) demo = gr.Interface( get_image, inputs=gr.inputs.Image(label="Upload a black and white face", type="filepath"), outputs="image", title="Upload a black and white face and get a colorized image!", ) demo.launch()