{ "version": "1.0", "name": "Universal Baseline", "description": "A set of universal design principles to guide the creation of infographics based on IdeaInk and Thoth's research and papers", "ruleDefinitions": [ { "name": "Overall Whitespace", "description": "Total Whitespace in an infographic is the sum of all the space in the layout that is left intentionally blank.", "quantification": "Total Whitespace is quantified as the ratio of the total whitespace to the total area of the layout. Calculate as sum of background color pixels outside all elements over total number of pixels" }, { "name": "Overall Visual Hierarchy", "description": "Overall Visual Hierarchy are the positions of elements to guide the user's attention flow. That is to say left to right, up to down, and so on. It is the order in which the user perceives the elements of the layout.", "quantification": "Overall Visual Hierarchy is quantified as the direction of the flow of the elements in the layout. Calculate as the direction of the flow of the elements in the layout in a 2D plane." }, { "name": "Overall Visual Balance", "description": "Visual balance is a sense of stability and order in the layout. Elements in the layout are arranged to create a sense of balance. It is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. For now it is defined as spacing between elements.", "quantification": "Visual Balance is quantified as the ratio of the average spacing between elements to the average size of the elements. Calculate as the average spacing between elements over the average size of the elements." }, { "name": "Overall Visual Weight", "description": "Cumulative Visual weight emphasize important elements using size and color. It is the force that attracts the eye to a particular area of the layout and quantified by how much content is in any one area.", "quantification": "Cumulative Visual Weight is quantified as the ratio of sum of all elements in an infographic that is filled with color that is not the background color over the total area of the element." }, { "name": "Elemental Visual Weight", "description": "Elemental Visual weight emphasize important elements using size and color to an element. Each type of element will have its own visual weight ratio.", "quantification": "Visual Weight is quantified as the ratio of the area of an element that is filled with color that is not the background color over the total area of the element." }, { "name": "Overall Visual Contrast", "description": "Visual Contrast ensures that there sufficient contrast between foreground and background for clear visibility without overwhelming of the senses.", "quantification": "Visual Contrast is quantified as the overall ratio of the contrast between the foreground and background colors over the total area of the layout." }, { "name": "Overall Visual Variance", "description": "Visual Variance is the use of subtle variations to differentiate elements while maintaining overall coherence. This includes the use of different relative position of elements to ensure the overall infographic does not seem like a wall of text", "quantification": "Visual Variance is quantified as the ratio of the number of different types of elements in the layout over the total number of elements in the layout. So in other words, no element should exceed a set threshold to dominate the entire infographic" }, { "name": "Overall Noise", "description": "Noise or Density is the presence of elements that are not necessary for the user to understand the content. It is the presence of elements that are not necessary for the user to understand the content.", "quantification": "Noise or density is quantified as the ratio of the number of elements in the layout that are not necessary for the user to understand the content over the total number of elements in the layout." } ], "ruleThresholds": { "overallWhitespace": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0.1, "upperThreshold": 0.25 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "overallVisualHierarchy": { "directionBased": "horizontal", "options": [ "horizontal", "vertical", "sequential", "circular" ], "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "averageInterElementalSpacingRelativeToCanvasDimensions": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0.1, "upperThreshold": 0.15 }, "standardDeviation": 0.01, "penalisingFactor": 10 }, "averageInterElementalSpacingVariance": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0, "upperThreshold": 0.15 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "averageRelativeSizeOfElementstoCanvas": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0.1, "upperThreshold": 0.2 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "degreeOfAsymmetryBasedOnArea": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0, "upperThreshold": 0.2 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "Elemental Visual Weight": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0.5, "upperThreshold": 0.6 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "averageForegroundBackgroundColorContrastRatio": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0.1, "upperThreshold": 0.2 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "averageColorWheelDistanceBetweenAnyTwoColors": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0.1, "upperThreshold": 0.2 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "degreeDeltaOfNumberOfElementTypes": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0, "upperThreshold": 2 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "degreeOfRepetitionOfLayouts": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0, "upperThreshold": 3 }, "standardDeviation": 0.5, "penalisingFactor": 1, "absoluteMiddlePointPadding": 20 }, "varianceInAreaOfDifferentElementTypes": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0, "upperThreshold": 0.1 }, "standardDeviation": 0.1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "degreeOfVarietyOfShapesPerElement": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 1, "upperThreshold": 2 }, "standardDeviation": 0.5, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "degreeOfVarietyOfColors": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 3, "upperThreshold": 5 }, "standardDeviation": 1, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "elementCountToCanvasSize": { "ratioBased": { "leftSideLowerThreshold": 15, "leftSideUpperThreshold": 20, "rightSideLowerThreshold": 1000000, "rightSideUpperThreshold": 1000000 }, "standardDeviation": 0.01, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "ratioOfOverLappingArea": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 0, "upperThreshold": 0.05 }, "standardDeviation": 0.01, "penalisingFactor": 1 }, "numberOfShadesOfColor": { "thresholdBased": { "lowerThreshold": 3, "upperThreshold": 5 }, "standardDeviation": 0.5, "penalisingFactor": 1 } }, "additionalControls": { "haveOverlap": "False", "textToImageRatios": { "bulletToComplexImage": 1, "textToFillerImage": 1 }, "ratioOfTextToBackgroundAssetSize": { "numberOfTextBlocks": { "lowerThreshold": 4, "upperThreshold": 6 }, "backgroundAssetRelativeSize": { "lowerThreshold": 0.3, "upperThreshold": 0.4 } }, "ratioOfFillerImageSizeToText": { "fillerImageRelativeSize": { "lowerThreshold": 0.5, "upperThreshold": 0.6 } } } }