from ultralytics import YOLO import os import json from PIL import Image from uuid import uuid4 as uuid # Load Model model = YOLO('./model/') batchNumber = 18 scanningDir = f'C:\\Users\\epicl\\Desktop\\thoth Code\\label-studio\\images\\batch{batchNumber}' outputDir = f'C:\\Users\\epicl\\Desktop\\thoth Code\\label-studio\\images\\batch{batchNumber}Output' if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.makedirs(outputDir) if not os.path.exists(scanningDir): print('Wrong Path') Exception('Wrong Path') imageNames = os.listdir(scanningDir) imageNames = [x for x in imageNames if x.endswith('.jpg') or x.endswith('.png') or x.endswith('.jpeg') or x.endswith('.JPG') or x.endswith('.PNG') or x.endswith('.JPEG')] imageNames = [os.path.join(scanningDir, x) for x in imageNames] # Get Results in Batches results = [] batchSize = 32 number_of_batches = len(imageNames) // batchSize if len(imageNames) % batchSize != 0: number_of_batches += 1 for i in range(number_of_batches): start = i*batchSize end = (i+1)*batchSize if end > len(imageNames): end = len(imageNames) batch = imageNames[start:end] batchClean = [] for imageFilename in batch: try: image = batchClean.append(imageFilename) except: print(f'Error with {imageFilename}') results += model(batchClean) print(f'Batch {start} to {end} done') class_names = model.names # Save as individual then batch import for idx, result in enumerate(results): # Get Image Dimensions image =[idx]) image_width, image_height = image.size # Sort out the keys annotations first bboxes = result.cpu().to('cpu').numpy() local_dict = {x:[] for x in class_names.values()} for bbox in bboxes: x1,y1,x2,y2, confidence , classIdx = bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[5] x = x1 y = y1 w = x2-x1 h = y2-y1 classname = class_names[classIdx] local_dict[classname].append([float(x), float(y), float(w), float(h), float(confidence)]) # clean 0 lengths Labels localCopy= local_dict.copy() for key in localCopy.keys(): if len(local_dict[key]) == 0: del local_dict[key] formatJson = [ { "data":{ 'image': f'http://localhost:8080/data/local-files/?d=batch{batchNumber}/{os.path.basename(imageNames[idx])}' }, "predictions": [ { "result": [ ] } ] } ] for className in local_dict.keys(): for bbox in local_dict[className]: x,y,w,h, confidence = bbox percentage_x = x / image_width * 100 percentage_y = y / image_height * 100 percentage_w = w / image_width * 100 percentage_h = h / image_height * 100 outputJsonLocal ={ "id": str(uuid()), "type": "rectanglelabels", "from_name": "label", "to_name": "image", "original_width": image_width, "original_height": image_height, "image_rotation": 0, "origin": "manual", "value": { "rotation": 0, "x": percentage_x, #bounding box x "y": percentage_y, #bounding box y "width": percentage_w, #bounding box width "height": percentage_h, #bounding box height "rotation" : 0, "rectanglelabels": [className] #class name } } formatJson[0]['predictions'][0]['result'].append(outputJsonLocal) save_name = os.path.basename(imageNames[idx]).split('.')[0] + '.json' with open (os.path.join(outputDir,save_name ), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(formatJson, indent=4))