import os import re import functools import requests import pandas as pd import as px import torch import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline, WhisperProcessor from import Pipeline from librosa import load, resample from rpunct import RestorePuncts from utils import split_into_sentences os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 # summarization is done over inference API headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.environ['HF_TOKEN']}"} summarization_url = ( "" ) # There was an error related to Non-english text being detected, # so this regular expression gets rid of any weird character. # This might be completely unnecessary. eng_pattern = r"[^\d\s\w'\.\,\?]" def summarize(diarized, check): """ diarized: a list of tuples. Each tuple has a string to be displayed and a label for highlighting. The start/end times are not highlighted [(speaker text, speaker id), (start time/end time, None)] check is a list of speaker ids whose speech will get summarized """ if len(check) == 0: return "" text = "" for d in diarized: if len(check) == 2 and d[1] is not None: text += f"\n{d[1]}: {d[0]}" elif d[1] in check: text += f"\n{d[0]}" # inner function cached because outer function cannot be cached @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128) def call_summarize_api(text): payload = { "inputs": text, "options": { "use_gpu": False, "wait_for_model": True, }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.json()[0]["summary_text"] return call_summarize_api(text) # Audio components asr_model = "openai/whisper-large" processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained(asr_model) asr = pipeline( "automatic-speech-recognition", model=asr_model, tokenizer=processor.tokenizer, feature_extractor=processor.feature_extractor, device=device, chunk_length_s=6, # 12 stride_length_s=(2, 3), # must have with chunk_length_s ) speaker_segmentation = Pipeline.from_pretrained("pyannote/speaker-segmentation", use_auth_token='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') rpunct = RestorePuncts() # Text components emotion_pipeline = pipeline( "text-classification", model="bhadresh-savani/distilbert-base-uncased-emotion", device=device, ) EXAMPLES = [["example_audio.wav"], ["Customer_Support_Call.wav"]] # display if the sentiment value is above these thresholds thresholds = { "joy": 0.99, "anger": 0.95, "surprise": 0.95, "sadness": 0.98, "fear": 0.95, "love": 0.99, } def speech_to_text(speech): speaker_output = speaker_segmentation(speech) speech, sampling_rate = load(speech) if sampling_rate != 16000: speech = resample(speech, sampling_rate, 16000) text = asr(speech) print(text) chunks = text["chunks"] diarized_output = [] i = 0 speaker_counter = 0 # New iteration every time the speaker changes for turn, _, _ in speaker_output.itertracks(yield_label=True): speaker = "Customer" if speaker_counter % 2 == 0 else "Support" diarized = "" while i < len(chunks) and chunks[i]["timestamp"][1] <= turn.end: diarized += chunks[i]["text"].lower() + " " i += 1 if diarized != "": diarized = rpunct.punctuate(re.sub(eng_pattern, "", diarized), lang="en") diarized_output.extend( [ (diarized, speaker), ("from {:.2f}-{:.2f}".format(turn.start, turn.end), None), ] ) speaker_counter += 1 return diarized_output def sentiment(diarized): """ diarized: a list of tuples. Each tuple has a string to be displayed and a label for highlighting. The start/end times are not highlighted [(speaker text, speaker id), (start time/end time, None)] This function gets the customer's sentiment and returns a list for highlighted text as well as a plot of sentiment over time. """ customer_sentiments = [] to_plot = [] plot_sentences = [] # used to set the x range of ticks on the plot x_min = 100 x_max = 0 for i in range(0, len(diarized), 2): speaker_speech, speaker_id = diarized[i] times, _ = diarized[i + 1] sentences = split_into_sentences(speaker_speech) start_time, end_time = times[5:].split("-") start_time, end_time = float(start_time), float(end_time) interval_size = (end_time - start_time) / len(sentences) if "Customer" in speaker_id: outputs = emotion_pipeline(sentences) for idx, (o, t) in enumerate(zip(outputs, sentences)): sent = "neutral" if o["score"] > thresholds[o["label"]]: customer_sentiments.append( (t + f"({round(idx*interval_size+start_time,1)} s)", o["label"]) ) if o["label"] in {"joy", "love", "surprise"}: sent = "positive" elif o["label"] in {"sadness", "anger", "fear"}: sent = "negative" if sent != "neutral": to_plot.append((start_time + idx * interval_size, sent)) plot_sentences.append(t) if start_time < x_min: x_min = start_time if end_time > x_max: x_max = end_time x_min -= 5 x_max += 5 x, y = list(zip(*to_plot)) plot_df = pd.DataFrame( data={ "x": x, "y": y, "sentence": plot_sentences, } ) fig = px.line( plot_df, x="x", y="y", hover_data={ "sentence": True, "x": True, "y": False, }, labels={"x": "time (seconds)", "y": "sentiment"}, title=f"Customer sentiment over time", ) fig = fig.update_yaxes(categoryorder="category ascending") fig = fig.update_layout( font=dict( size=18, ), xaxis_range=[x_min, x_max], ) return customer_sentiments, fig demo = gr.Blocks(enable_queue=True) demo.encrypt = False # for highlighting purposes color_map = { "joy": "green", "anger": "red", "surprise": "yellow", "sadness": "blue", "fear": "orange", "love": "purple", } with demo: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): audio = gr.Audio(label="Audio file", type="filepath") with gr.Row(): btn = gr.Button("Transcribe") with gr.Row(): examples = gr.components.Dataset( components=[audio], samples=EXAMPLES, type="index" ) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("**Call Transcript:**") diarized = gr.HighlightedText(label="Call Transcript") gr.Markdown("Choose speaker to summarize:") check = gr.CheckboxGroup( choices=["Customer", "Support"], show_label=False, type="value" ) summary = gr.Textbox(lines=4) sentiment_btn = gr.Button("Get Customer Sentiment") analyzed = gr.HighlightedText(color_map=color_map) plot = gr.Plot(label="Sentiment over time", type="plotly") # when example button is clicked, convert audio file to text and diarize speech_to_text, audio, [diarized], status_tracker=gr.StatusTracker(cover_container=True), ) # when summarize checkboxes are changed, create summary check.change(summarize, [diarized, check], summary) # when sentiment button clicked, display highlighted text and plot, [diarized], [analyzed, plot]) def cache_example(example): diarized_output = speech_to_text(example) return audio, diarized_output cache = [cache_example(e[0]) for e in EXAMPLES] def load_example(example_id): return cache[example_id] examples._click_no_postprocess( load_example, inputs=[examples], outputs=[audio, diarized], queue=False ) demo.launch(debug=1)