import easyocr import json import re import cv2 import easyocr import google.generativeai as genai langs = {'french': 'fr', 'english': 'en', 'arabic': 'ar'} GOOGLE_API_KEY = "AIzaSyC6NXwTrucSl2JkY23YWsucFZPMBDoaqJw" genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') def get_ocr(image,reader): result = reader.readtext(image) return result def get_input(result, sep = " "): a = {} for (bbox, text, prob) in result: if prob<0.3: continue k = True for row in a: if abs(bbox[0][1] - row)<=5: k = False a[row]+= sep a[row]+= text if k: a[bbox[0][1]] = text inputt = "" for row in a: inputt+= a[row] inputt+= "\n" return inputt def imp_ocr(result, image, reader): v_exp_rate = 0.2 h_exp_rate = 0.3 imp_result = [] for i in range(len(result)): prob = result[i][2] if prob < 0.1: continue if prob < 0.9: bbox = result[i][0] x = int(bbox[0][0] - (bbox[2][0] - bbox[0][0])*h_exp_rate/2) x_h = int(bbox[2][0] + (bbox[2][0] - bbox[0][0])*h_exp_rate/2) y = int(bbox[0][1] - (bbox[2][1] - bbox[0][1])*v_exp_rate/2) y_h = int(bbox[2][1] + (bbox[2][1] - bbox[0][1])*v_exp_rate/2) x = max(x, 0) x_h = min(x_h, image.shape[1]) y = max(y, 0) y_h = min(y_h, image.shape[0]) sub_img = image[y:y_h, x:x_h] res = get_ocr(sub_img,reader) if not res: imp_result.append(result[i]) continue if len(res)>1: res = sorted(res, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) if res[0][2] >= prob: imp_result.append((result[i][0], res[0][1], res[0][2])) else: imp_result.append(result[i]) else: imp_result.append(result[i]) return imp_result def extract_data(lang, to_be_extracted, image): reader = easyocr.Reader([langs[lang]]) ocr_result = get_ocr(image,reader) imp_result = imp_ocr(ocr_result, image, reader) inputt = get_input(imp_result, sep = " ") return get_output(inputt, to_be_extracted, lang) def get_output(inputt, to_be_extracted, lang): prompt = f""" Bellow is the ouptut text of an OCR system. The text is in {lang}. Your job is: 1. Format the output in a python dictionary format with the following keys : {to_be_extracted}. 2. correct any mistakes such as date formating (should be dd/mm/yyyy) or spelling mistakes (this is important). here is your input: {inputt} """ response = model.generate_content(prompt) data = extract_json(response.text) return data def extract_json(text_response): # This pattern matches a string that starts with '{' and ends with '}' pattern = r'\{[^{}]*\}' matches = re.finditer(pattern, text_response) json_objects = [] for match in matches: json_str = try: # Validate if the extracted string is valid JSON json_obj = eval(json_str) json_objects.append(json_obj) except json.JSONDecodeError: # Extend the search for nested structures extended_json_str = extend_search(text_response, match.span()) try: json_obj = eval(extended_json_str) json_objects.append(json_obj) except json.JSONDecodeError: # Handle cases where the extraction is not valid JSON continue if json_objects: return json_objects[0] else: return {} def extend_search(text, span): # Extend the search to try to capture nested structures start, end = span nest_count = 0 for i in range(start, len(text)): if text[i] == '{': nest_count += 1 elif text[i] == '}': nest_count -= 1 if nest_count == 0: return text[start:i+1] return text[start:end]