import cv2 from PIL import Image # from ultralyticsplus import YOLO # from transformers import pipeline import pandas as pd import numpy as np import easyocr from utils import * INVOICE = ["Numéro de facture", "Date", "Numéro de commande", "Echéance", "Total"] # model = YOLO('keremberke/yolov8s-table-extraction') # model.overrides['conf'] = 0.25 # NMS confidence threshold # model.overrides['iou'] = 0.45 # NMS IoU threshold # model.overrides['agnostic_nms'] = False # NMS class-agnostic # model.overrides['max_det'] = 1000 # maximum number of detections per image # pipe = pipeline("object-detection", model="bilguun/table-transformer-structure-recognition") def detect_tables(image): # image is an np array results = model.predict(image) result = results[0] xyxy = result.boxes.xyxy scores = result.boxes.conf tables = [] for i in range(len(scores)): if scores[i] >= 0.5: table = image[int(xyxy[i,1]):int(xyxy[i,3]), int(xyxy[i,0]):int(xyxy[i,2])] table = Image.fromarray(table) tables.append(table) return tables def insert(el, listt, pos): if not listt: listt.append(el) else: inserted = False for i in range(len(listt)): if el[pos] <= listt[i][pos]: listt.insert(i, el) inserted = True break if not inserted: listt.append(el) def rec_table(table, reader): col_row = pipe(table) cols = [] rows = [] for el in col_row: if el["label"] == 'table column': insert(el["box"], cols, pos = "xmin") elif el["label"] == 'table row': insert(el["box"], rows, pos = "ymin") table = np.array(table) csv = [] for row in rows: temp = [] for col in cols: box = intersection(row, col) cell = table[box['ymin']:box['ymax'], box['xmin']:box['xmax']] res = get_ocr(cell,reader) temp.append(get_input(res)) csv.append(temp) df = pd.DataFrame(csv) return df def intersection(box1, box2): # Extract coordinates of first bounding box x1min, y1min, x1max, y1max = box1['xmin'], box1['ymin'], box1['xmax'], box1['ymax'] # Extract coordinates of second bounding box x2min, y2min, x2max, y2max = box2['xmin'], box2['ymin'], box2['xmax'], box2['ymax'] # Calculate coordinates of intersection xmin = max(x1min, x2min) ymin = max(y1min, y2min) xmax = min(x1max, x2max) ymax = min(y1max, y2max) # Check if there is no intersection if xmin >= xmax or ymin >= ymax: return None # Return the coordinates of the intersection return {'xmin': xmin, 'ymin': ymin, 'xmax': xmax, 'ymax': ymax} def extract_tables(lang, image): reader = easyocr.Reader([langs[lang]]) tables = detect_tables(image) for i in range(len(tables)): df = rec_table(tables[i], reader) df.to_excel(f'table_{i+1}.xlsx', index=False, header=False) if __name__ == '__main__': lang = "french" to_be_extracted = INVOICE image_path = "./docs for ocr/invoices/facture.png" image = cv2.imread(image_path) print(image.shape) text_data = extract_data(lang, to_be_extracted, image) print(text_data) # extract_tables(lang, image) # extract tables from the image and download them in excel format to the current directory