import json import os from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Optional, Dict from PIL import Image import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from huggingface_hub import HfFileSystem @dataclass class Field: type: str title: str name: str = None help: Optional[str] = None children: Optional[List['Field']] = None other_params: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) # Function to get user ID from URL def get_user_id_from_url(): user_id = st.query_params.get("user_id", "") return user_id HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN_WRITE") print("is none?", HF_TOKEN is None) hf_fs = HfFileSystem(token=HF_TOKEN) input_repo_path = 'datasets/emvecchi/annotate-pilot' output_repo_path = 'datasets/emvecchi/annotate-pilot' to_annotate_file_name = 'to_annotate.csv' # CSV file to annotate COLS_TO_SAVE = ['comment_id'] agreement_labels = ['strongly disagree', 'disagree', 'neither agree no disagree', 'agree', 'strongly agree'] quality_labels = ['very poor', 'poor', 'acceptable', 'good', 'very good'] priority_labels = ['not selected', 'not a priority', 'low priority', 'neutral', 'moderate priority', 'high priority'] default_labels = agreement_labels function_choices = ['Broadening Discussion', 'Improving Comment Quality', 'Content Correction', 'Keeping Discussion on Topic', 'Organizing Discussion', 'Policing', 'Resolving Site Use Issues', 'Social Functions', 'Other (please specify)'] property_choices = ['appropriateness', 'clarity', 'constructiveness', 'common good', 'effectiveness', 'emotion', 'impact', 'overall quality', 'proposal', 'Q for justification', 'storytelling', 'rationality', 'reasonableness', 'reciprocity', 'reference', 'respect', 'Other (please specify)'] assistance_choices = ['Expand the breadth of moderator role', 'Reduce my own bias', #'Assist with recall', 'Avoids missing relevant instances', 'Improve speed of moderation tasks', 'Manage prioritization of comments to consider', 'Visualization of properties narrows down moderator contribution', 'Other (please specify)'] default_choices = function_choices consent_text = 'By taking part in this study you agree that you read all the details in [the consent form]( and that you give your consent to participate in the study.' guidelines_text = 'Please read the guidelines' study_code = 'some code here' intro_fields: List[Field] = [ #Field(type="container", title="**Introductory Questions:**", children=[ Field(name="intro_moderation_goals", type="text", title="As a moderator, what are your goals/objectives for the comment section? (free text)"), Field(name="intro_experience", type="text", title="What do you feel contributes to a good experience for the users/discussion?"), Field(name="intro_valuable_comment", type="text", title="What makes a comment or contribution valuable?"), Field(name="intro_bad_comment", type="text", title="What makes a comment or contribution of poor quality, unconstructive or detrimental to the discussion?"), #]), ] fields: List[Field] = [ Field(name="topic", type="input_col", title="**Topic:**"), Field(type="expander", title="**Preceeding Comment:** *(expand)*", children=[ Field(name="parent_comment", type="input_col", title=""), ]), #Field(name="parent_comment", type="input_col", title="**Preceeding Comment:**"), Field(name="comment", type="input_col", title="**Comment:**"), Field(name="image_name", type="input_col", title=""),# "**Visualization of high contributing properties:**"), Field(type="container", title="**Need for Moderation**", children=[ Field(name="to_moderate", type="radio", title="Do feel this comment/discussion would benefit from moderator intervention?"), Field(name="actions_clear", type="select_slider", title="With what level of **priority** would you need to interact with this comment?", other_params={'labels': priority_labels}), ]), Field(type="container", title="**Moderation Function**", children=[ Field(name="mod_function", type="multiselect", title="What type of moderation function is needed here? *(Multiple selection possible)*"), Field(name="mod_function_other", type="text", title="*If Other, please specify:*"), ]), Field(type="container", title="**Contributing properties**", children=[ Field(name="relevant_properties", type="multiselect", title="Which property(s) is most impactful in your assessment? *(Multiple selection possible)*", other_params={'choices': property_choices}), Field(name="relevant_properties_other", type="text", title="*If Other, please specify:*"), ]), Field(type="container", title="**Moderator Assistance**", children=[ Field(name="helpful", type="radio", title="If this comment/discussion was flagged to you, would it be helpful in your task of moderation?"), Field(name="mod_assistance", type="multiselect", title="If yes, please motivate the benefit it would contribute to the task. *(Multiple selection possible)*", other_params={'choices': assistance_choices}), Field(name="mod_assistance_other", type="text", title="*If Other, please specify:*"), ]), Field(type="container", title="**Other**", children=[ Field(name="other_comments", type="text", title="Please provide any additional comments or information: *(optional)*"), ]), ] INPUT_FIELD_DEFAULT_VALUES = {'slider': 0, 'text': None, 'textarea': None, 'checkbox': False, 'radio': "not selected", 'select_slider': 0, 'multiselect': None} SHOW_HELP_ICON = False def read_data(_path): with + '/' + _path) as f: return pd.read_csv(f) def read_saved_data(): _path = get_path() if hf_fs.exists(output_repo_path + '/' + _path): with + '/' + _path) as f: try: return json.load(f) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(e) return None # Write a remote file def save_data(data): hf_fs.mkdir(f"{output_repo_path}/{data['user_id']}") with"{output_repo_path}/{get_path()}", "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data)) def get_path(): return f"{st.session_state.user_id}/{st.session_state.current_index}.json" def display_image(image_path): with as f: img = st.image(img, caption='8 most contributing properties', use_column_width=True) #################################### Streamlit App #################################### # Function to navigate rows def navigate(index_change): st.session_state.current_index += index_change print(st.session_state.current_index) # st.rerun() def show_field(f: Field, index: int, data_collected): if f.type not in INPUT_FIELD_DEFAULT_VALUES.keys(): match f.type: case 'input_col': st.write(f.title) if == 'image_name': st.write(f.title) image_name =[index][] if image_name: # Ensure the image name is not empty image_path = os.path.join(input_repo_path, 'images', image_name) display_image(image_path) else: st.write([index][]) case 'markdown': st.markdown(f.title) case 'expander' | 'container': with (st.expander(f.title) if f.type == 'expander' else st.container(border=True)): if f.type == 'container': st.markdown(f.title) for child in f.children: show_field(child, index, data_collected) else: key = + str(index) value = st.session_state.default_values[] = data_collected[] if data_collected else \ INPUT_FIELD_DEFAULT_VALUES[f.type] if not SHOW_HELP_ICON: f.title = f'**{f.title}**\n\n{}' if else f.title = None match f.type: case 'checkbox': st.session_state.data_inputs[] = st.checkbox(f.title, key=key, value=value, case 'radio': st.session_state.data_inputs[] =, ["yes","no","other","not selected"], key=key, case 'slider': st.session_state.data_inputs[] = st.slider(f.title, min_value=0, max_value=6, step=1, key=key, value=value, case 'select_slider': labels = default_labels if not f.other_params.get('labels') else f.other_params.get('labels') st.session_state.data_inputs[] = st.select_slider(f.title, options=[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100], format_func=lambda x: labels[x // 20], key=key, value=value, case 'multiselect': choices = default_choices if not f.other_params.get('choices') else f.other_params.get('choices') st.session_state.data_inputs[] = st.multiselect(f.title, options = choices, key=key, max_selections=3, case 'text': st.session_state.data_inputs[] = st.text_input(f.title, key=key, value=value) case 'textarea': st.session_state.data_inputs[] = st.text_area(f.title, key=key, value=value) def show_fields(fields: List[Field]): index = st.session_state.current_index data_collected = read_saved_data() st.session_state.default_values = {} st.session_state.data_inputs = {} for field in fields: show_field(field, index, data_collected) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") if submitted: with st.spinner(text="saving"): save_data({ 'user_id': st.session_state.user_id, 'index': st.session_state.current_index, **([index][COLS_TO_SAVE].to_dict() if index >= 0 else {}), **st.session_state.data_inputs }) st.success("Feedback submitted successfully!") navigate(1) st.set_page_config(layout='wide') # Title of the app st.title("Moderator Intervention Prediction") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True) #with st.expander(label="Annotation Guidelines", expanded=False): # st.write('some guidelines here') # Load the data to annotate if 'data' not in st.session_state: = read_data(to_annotate_file_name) # Initialize the current index if 'current_index' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.current_index = -3 def add_validated_submit(fields, message): if st.form_submit_button("Submit"): if all(not x for x in fields): st.error(message) else: navigate(1) def add_checked_submit(): check = st.checkbox('I agree', key='consent') add_validated_submit([check], "Please agree to give your consent to proceed") def add_annotation_guidelines(): st.markdown( "
Annotation Guidelines"+guidelines_text+"
" , unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(f"username is {st.session_state.user_id}") if st.session_state.current_index == -3: with st.form("data_form"): st.markdown(consent_text) add_checked_submit() elif st.session_state.current_index == -2: user_id_from_url = get_user_id_from_url() if user_id_from_url: st.session_state.user_id = user_id_from_url navigate(1) else: with st.form("data_form"): st.session_state.user_id = st.text_input('Please enter your user ID', value=user_id_from_url) if st.form_submit_button("Submit"): navigate(1) elif st.session_state.current_index == -1: add_annotation_guidelines() with st.form("data_form"): show_fields(intro_fields) elif st.session_state.current_index < len( add_annotation_guidelines() with st.form("data_form"): show_fields(fields) else: st.write(f"Thank you for taking part in this study! Code to finish the study: {study_code}") # Navigation buttons if st.session_state.current_index > 0: if st.button("Previous"): with st.spinner(text="in progress"): navigate(-1) if 0 <= st.session_state.current_index < len( st.write(f"Page {st.session_state.current_index + 1} out of {len(}") # disable text input enter to submit # import streamlit.components.v1 as components components.html( """ """, height=0 ) st.markdown( """""", unsafe_allow_html=True )