id,boost,target_topic,url_x,url_reddit,url_reddit_new,url_facebook,text,link_to_url,optional_image 1,dont feed the trolls (critical ignoring),politics,,,,,"Do you know this guy? Thats a troll, he's just messing with you. Ignore him. Here's why you shouldn't engage with trolls online: #ScienceofBoosting",, 2,dont feed the trolls (critical ignoring),news,,,,,"Do you know this guy? 👹 That's a troll, he's just messing with you. Ignore him. Here's why you shouldn't engage with trolls online: #ScienceofBoosting",, 3,dont feed the trolls (critical ignoring),health,,,,,"Do you know this guy? Thats a troll, he's just messing with you. Ignore him. Here's why you shouldn't engage with trolls online: #ScienceofBoosting",, 4,general self-nudging (critical ignoring),politics,,,,,"Overwhelmed by all the political news theses days? Learn to manage your news diet with this science-backed trick: self-nudging #ScienceofBoosting #CitizenChoiceArchitect", , 5,general self-nudging (critical ignoring),news,,,,,"Sometimes it feels like there's just too much news these days... Learn to block out unwanted distractions with this science-backed trick: self-nudging #ScienceofBoosting #CitizenChoiceArchitect", , 6,general self-nudging (critical ignoring),health,,,,,"Sick of all these people telling you what's good for you? Learn to block out unwanted distractions with self-nudging. #ScienceofBoosting #CitizenChoiceArchitect", , 7,lateral reading,politics,,,,,"It can be hard to know who to take seriously. Practice lateral reading and evaluate information like a media professional #ScienceofBoosting",, 8,lateral reading,news,,,,,"Does something seem too good or too weird to be true? Maybe it is! Practice lateral reading and evaluate information like a media professional #ScienceofBoosting",, 9,lateral reading,health,,,,,"It seems like everyone's a doctor these days... Practice lateral reading and evaluate information like a media professional #ScienceofBoosting",, 10,media literacy tips,politics,,,,,"Social media makes it easy to mislead. Consider these tips for thinking critically about media online. #ScienceofBoosting",, 11,media literacy tips,news,,,,,"Not all news is created equal Consider these tips for thinking critically about media online. #ScienceofBoosting",, 12,media literacy tips,health,,,,,"Health news is everywhere... how do you decide what to trust? Consider these tips for thinking critically about media online. #ScienceofBoosting",, 13,bad news game (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Are you a target of political manipulation? Play the Bad News game and learn about common tactics used on social media to mislead you! #ScienceofBoosting",, 14,bad news game (inoculation),news,,,,,"Can you spot fake news? Are you immune to manipulation? Play the Bad News game and learn about common manipulation tactics used on social media! #ScienceofBoosting",, 15,harmony square game (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Want to build up your psychological defenses against misinformation? Harmony Square is a game that exposes the manipulation techniques that are used to mislead people online. Try it out! #ScienceofBoosting",, 16,harmony square game (inoculation),news,,,,,"Want to build up your psychological defenses against misinformation? Harmony Square is a game that exposes the manipulation techniques that are used to mislead people online. Try it out! #ScienceofBoosting",, 17,cranky uncle game (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Tired of debating your cranky uncle about politics at the family get-together? Try out this game to learn about his questionable debate tactics: #ScienceofBoosting",, 18,cranky uncle game (inoculation),news,,,,,"Tired of debating your cranky uncle about the news at the family get-together? Try out this game to learn about his questionable debate tactics: #ScienceofBoosting",, 19,cranky uncle game (inoculation),health,,,,,"Tired of debating your cranky uncle about his COVID theory at the family get-together? Try out this game to learn about his questionable debate tactics: #ScienceofBoosting",, 20,fast-and-frugal trees for info verification,politics,,,,,"Is spotting fake news as easy as 1-2-3? Try out these simple rules for deciding who to trust online. #ScienceofBoosting ",, 21,fast-and-frugal trees for info verification,news,,,,,"Is spotting fake news as easy as 1-2-3? Try out these simple rules for deciding who to trust online. #ScienceofBoosting ",, 22,fast-and-frugal trees for info verification,health,,,,,"Will the real experts please stand up? Try out these simple rules for deciding who to trust online. #ScienceofBoosting",, 23,emotional language (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Learn to recognize bad political arguments! Tip #1: Be aware of emotional language Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 24,emotional language (inoculation),news,,,,,"Learn to recognize misleading news! Tip #1: Be aware of emotional language Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 25,emotional language (inoculation),health,,,,,"Learn to recognize bad medical advice! Tip #1: Be aware of emotional language Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 26,ad hominem (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Learn to recognize bad political arguments! Tip #5: Look out for ad hominem attacks Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 27,ad hominem (inoculation),news,,,,,"Learn to recognize misleading news! Tip #5: Look out for ad hominem attacks Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 28,ad hominem (inoculation),health,,,,,"Learn to recognize bad arguments about health and science! Tip #5: Look out for ad hominem attacks Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 29,false dichotomies (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Learn to recognize bad political arguments! Tip #3: Don't fall for a false dichotomy Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 30,false dichotomies (inoculation),news,,,,,"Learn to recognize misleading news! Tip #3: Don't fall for a false dichotomy Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 31,false dichotomies (inoculation),health,,,,,"Learn to recognize bad medical advice! Tip #3: Don't fall for a false dichotomy Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 32,scapegoating (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Learn to spot bad political arguments! Tip #4: Recognize scapegoating Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 33,scapegoating (inoculation),news,,,,,"Learn to spot misleading news! Tip #4: Recognize scapegoating Learn more: #ScienceofBoosting",, 34,jaqing off (inoculation),politics,,,,,"Is that really a question? Or an excuse to make a controversial statement? Next time someone doubts some political news, ask yourself: Is this person JAQing off? (""just asking questions"")",, 35,jaqing off (inoculation),news,,,,,"Is that really a question? Or an excuse to make a controversial statement? Next time someone doubts what you saw on the news, ask yourself: Is this person JAQing off? (""just asking questions"")",, 36,jaqing off (inoculation),health,,,,,"Is that really a question? Or an excuse to make a controversial statement? Next time someone doubts accepted medical advice, ask yourself: Is this person JAQing off? (""just asking questions"")",, 37,one sec app (self-nudging),politics,,,,,"Aaaaaaaand breathe out 🧘‍♂️ All the politics these days can be overwhelming. Sometimes, we just need to take a break. Check out to stop the doomscrolling and take control of your own time. #ScienceofBoosting",, 38,one sec app (self-nudging),news,,,,,"Aaaaaaaand breathe out 🧘‍♂️ All the news these days can be overwhelming. Sometimes, we just need to take a break. Check out to stop the doomscrolling and take control of your own time. #ScienceofBoosting",, 39,deepfake cues,politics,,,,,"You would never fall for a deepfake... would you? Check out these tips for spotting deepfakes:",, 40,deepfake cues,news, ,,,,"You would never fall for a deepfake... would you? Check out these tips for spotting deepfakes:",, 41,AI-generated images,politics,,,,,"Have you ever wondered if an image is real, or if it was generated by AI? Here is how you can learn to tell the difference: ",, 42,AI-generated images,news,,,,,"Have you ever wondered if an image is real, or if it was generated by AI? Here is how you can learn to tell the difference: ",,