Dear Ms. Wagner, I am writing to tell you my opinion about your thought to planning on making some changes. I think a good idea is to allow students use their mobile phone during the school lesson. And to cheating on a test. I believe it's something useful. They can find information for a project. Which students can do during the lesson. They can contact with their family if it's emergency. They can see a video for a lesson. For example they can see a history video. As a result to understand the lesson better. But don't use it for play games. In this situation, I think must ban the student. I think a good idea is teachers don't ban the children who cheating on a test. I think a good idea is to solve the tests all together. With this situation, I think students want to study more. I believe that they find the lesson more happy. To conclude, I believe it's a good idea to make some changes. If you change the rules which I write above, I believe all students will find the school more cool. They will get up the morning and will want to go school. I really appreciate your plan to make changes. Yours faithfully,