Nowadays airplane flights are too expensive especially for families or big distances. Meals and entertainment which offered in airplanes are an established trend but lower ticket prices for lots are better rather that be pampered on the plane. There are divergent opinions on this issue there are those who claim that having fun in your slight is the most important while others maintain that cheaper tickets have the edge of. First and foremost, the prevalent view held is that during a flight you need to be convenient and comfortable. In fact, listening to music or eating a delicious meal probably makes you happier and without stress. Also, big seats are more convenient, as a result, you can take a sleep. Therefore, we can deduce that being calm or getting entertained during your flight should take the precedence over other consideration. On the other hand, we cannot refute the fact that, airplane's tickets are very expensive both for big and small distances. Lots of people believe that it is better to have lower tickets. rather than having a flight which cater to your needs. It is blatant that in a flight not only big seats or great meals can make you enjoy yourself. In other words, in a plane you can have a great view especially if the whether is clear, which is such nice for lots. Thus it can be inferred that you can have both lower ticket prices and having fun if your demandings are not lots! In the light, of this evidence the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that, it would be quit nice to have, for example, only a meal during a flight and cheaper tickets both.