Nowadays, many people use aeroplanes to go away on vacation or because of their work. Comfortable flights are provided by the airlines and in my view this should be continued. First of all, people's psychology should be taken into account. For example, a person who is commuting by plane and sits on a big and comfortable seat will feel better than someone who has not enough space. Furthermore, in-flight services can make people feel pleasure. As a result, the travel will be enjoyable. Another serious advantage of flying with all the services you need is the physical situation of the Passengers. If the place were they sit is small and they are not offered refreshments and food, they might be hungry or might suffer from pain due to the less space. Last but not least, the airlines want to make people feel joy when they fly for a certain reason. Providing the passengers with all they want, guarantees that they will have only good things to say about the company. In this way, the airport can be promoted and gain more money. Taking everything into account, in my opinion, cutting on people's pleasure in planes is not a good means of attracting costumers, even if the cost is lower. In addition, people will not feel satisfied which can lead to worse physical and mental health.