Dear Ms. Wagner I'm writing this email to tell you my idea about changing some stuff at school. I've heard many students complain about how the toilets are always messy and that they don't have enough soap and toilet paper. One thing you could do about that is to put more soap dispensers and more toilet papers. For example, you could put toilet paper in each toilet. Another thing you could do about the toilets being messy is to put someone or some people to clean them in every break. That way the toilets will be clean and nice. What's more, is that you can put a small gym so that students will be able to exercise more. In the gym you could put a volleyball field or a tennis field and a nice thing you could add is a basketball or a soccer field. The student will definitely be really happy and I also believe that it will be a great opportunity to exercise. To sum up, I hope you take my advise into consideration I'd really appreciate it if you do. Yours faithfully,