Although making the passengers' seats smaller and stop offering meals and entertainment to the people travelling with airplains in order to lower ticket prices has its advantages, it does have disadvantages as well. First of all, it would be a great opportunity for large families to travel together. Families with many members, may not be able to afford buying tickets for everyone, so if the tickets' prices were lowered, it would be easier and much affordable for them to travel. Secondly, more people would be interested in travelling with airplanes if they knew that they wouldn't have to pay too much money just for the tickets. That would be a really great advantage for the airlines, because it would win them more money. Of course, there are some disadvantages as well. For example, if seats were smaller, it would be really uncomfortable for passengers, and that would probably lead to them complaining and not being satisfied. Also, when people travel they might need to drink, or eat something, so if these services, along with entertainment were cut off, people would be bored and dissatisfied. For these reasons, I personally believe that the disadvantages, which would lead to people being dissatisfied, are stronger than the advantages, and that's why I do not agree with that idea.