,filename,nwords,text,label_,start,end,Conf. score,sent no.,grammatical realization,span dep,ner,POS,span dep seq,TAG sequence,POS sequence,head,head dep,children,morphology,sent 0,10203001.txt,190,more and more people,SOURCES,2,6,0.99732363,0,Subject,nsubj,,NNS,amod_cc_conj_nsubj,JJR_CC_JJR_NNS,ADJ_CCONJ_ADJ_NOUN,believe,ROOT,amod,Number=Plur,"Nowadays, more and more people believe that all students in schools must learn how to play a musical instrument." 1,10203001.txt,190,believe,ATTRIBUTION,6,7,0.99926025,0,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,believe,ROOT,advmod_punct_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Nowadays, more and more people believe that all students in schools must learn how to play a musical instrument." 2,10203001.txt,190,must,ENTERTAIN,12,13,0.99936765,0,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,learn,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"Nowadays, more and more people believe that all students in schools must learn how to play a musical instrument." 3,10203001.txt,190,may,ENTERTAIN,31,32,0.9994031,1,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,"In the beggining, learning a musical instrument in school may be very useful for some students." 4,10203001.txt,190,is,MONOGLOSS,42,43,0.99929094,2,ROOT,ROOT,,VBZ,ROOT,VBZ,AUX,is,ROOT,csubj_punct_ccomp_punct,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"What I mean is, that by learning a instrument in school, a student may develop a strong desire about that instrument, and end up making a career." 5,10203001.txt,190,may,ENTERTAIN,54,55,0.99925655,2,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,develop,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"What I mean is, that by learning a instrument in school, a student may develop a strong desire about that instrument, and end up making a career." 6,10203001.txt,190,are,MONOGLOSS,75,76,0.99929845,3,Main verb 1,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,AUX,are,ROOT,dep_advmod_punct_nsubj_attr_punct,Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Moreover, musical instruments are a source of inspiration and creativity." 7,10203001.txt,190,would,ENTERTAIN,84,85,0.998769,4,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,love,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,"Students would love to do something that entertains them, rather than attending a lesson." 8,10203001.txt,190,rather than attending a lesson,COUNTER,93,98,0.998321,4,Prepositional phrase,prep,,IN,advmod_prep_pcomp_det_dobj,RB_IN_VBG_DT_NN,ADV_ADP_VERB_DET_NOUN,something,dobj,advmod_pcomp,,"Students would love to do something that entertains them, rather than attending a lesson." 9,10203001.txt,190,Nevertheless,COUNTER,99,100,0.9996774,5,Adverbial phrase,advmod,,RB,advmod,RB,ADV,have,ROOT,,,"Nevertheless by learning a musical instrument in school, students won't have to pay, so if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money will have the unique opportunity to learn at school without paying." 10,10203001.txt,190,won't have to,ENTERTAIN,109,113,0.8895923,5,ROOT,ROOT,,VB,aux_neg_ROOT_aux,MD_RB_VB_TO,AUX_PART_VERB_PART,have,ROOT,advmod_prep_punct_nsubj_aux_neg_xcomp_punct_cc_conj,VerbForm=Inf,"Nevertheless by learning a musical instrument in school, students won't have to pay, so if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money will have the unique opportunity to learn at school without paying." 11,10203001.txt,190,so,JUSTIFYING,115,116,0.99847275,5,Conjunction,cc,,CC,cc,CC,CCONJ,have,ROOT,,ConjType=Cmp,"Nevertheless by learning a musical instrument in school, students won't have to pay, so if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money will have the unique opportunity to learn at school without paying." 12,10203001.txt,190,if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money,ENTERTAIN,116,143,0.99647504,5,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBZ,mark_det_nsubj_advmod_advcl_aux_xcomp_advmod_aux_xcomp_det_amod_dobj_cc_aux_neg_conj_aux_xcomp_prep_pobj_cc_conj_det_dobj_prep_pobj,IN_DT_NN_RB_VBZ_TO_VB_WRB_TO_VB_DT_JJ_NN_CC_MD_RB_VB_TO_VB_IN_NNS_CC_VB_DT_NN_IN_NN,SCONJ_DET_NOUN_ADV_VERB_PART_VERB_SCONJ_PART_VERB_DET_ADJ_NOUN_CCONJ_AUX_PART_VERB_PART_VERB_ADP_NOUN_CCONJ_VERB_DET_NOUN_ADP_NOUN,have,conj,mark_nsubj_advmod_xcomp_cc_conj,Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Nevertheless by learning a musical instrument in school, students won't have to pay, so if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money will have the unique opportunity to learn at school without paying." 13,10203001.txt,190,can't afford,DENY,130,133,0.95966166,5,Dependent Verb phrase,conj,,VB,aux_neg_conj,MD_RB_VB,AUX_PART_VERB,wants,advcl,aux_neg_xcomp,VerbForm=Inf,"Nevertheless by learning a musical instrument in school, students won't have to pay, so if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money will have the unique opportunity to learn at school without paying." 14,10203001.txt,190,will,ENTERTAIN,143,144,0.99950945,5,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,have,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,"Nevertheless by learning a musical instrument in school, students won't have to pay, so if a student really wants to learn how to play a musical instrument and can't afford to learn by professionals and pay a lot of money will have the unique opportunity to learn at school without paying." 15,10203001.txt,190,totally agree,ENTERTAIN,161,163,0.9990368,6,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,advmod_ROOT,RB_VBP,ADV_VERB,agree,ROOT,dep_advmod_punct_nsubj_advmod_prep_prep_punct_cc_conj,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"All in all, I totally agree with this idea for the reasons I've mentioned before, and I think it would be a very good idea if all schools do that." 16,10203001.txt,190,before,ENDOPHORIC,172,173,0.9963727,6,Adverbial phrase,advmod,,RB,advmod,RB,ADV,mentioned,relcl,,,"All in all, I totally agree with this idea for the reasons I've mentioned before, and I think it would be a very good idea if all schools do that." 17,10203001.txt,190,think,ENTERTAIN,176,177,0.99930906,6,ROOT,conj,,VBP,conj,VBP,VERB,agree,ROOT,nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"All in all, I totally agree with this idea for the reasons I've mentioned before, and I think it would be a very good idea if all schools do that." 18,10203001.txt,190,would,ENTERTAIN,178,179,0.99852824,6,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"All in all, I totally agree with this idea for the reasons I've mentioned before, and I think it would be a very good idea if all schools do that." 19,10203001.txt,190,if all schools do that,ENTERTAIN,184,189,0.99803454,6,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_det_nsubj_advcl_dobj,IN_DT_NNS_VBP_DT,SCONJ_DET_NOUN_VERB_PRON,be,ccomp,mark_nsubj_dobj,Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"All in all, I totally agree with this idea for the reasons I've mentioned before, and I think it would be a very good idea if all schools do that."