,filename,nwords,text,label_,start,end,Conf. score,sent no.,grammatical realization,span dep,ner,POS,span dep seq,TAG sequence,POS sequence,head,head dep,children,morphology,sent 0,10201608.txt,234,is,MONOGLOSS,2,3,0.9989574,0,Main verb 1,ccomp,,VBZ,ccomp,VBZ,AUX,writing,ROOT,nsubj_attr,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"My name is Cleo Karagan, I'm writing to express my opinion for this statement above." 1,10201608.txt,234,'m writing,MONOGLOSS,7,9,0.9922621,0,ROOT,ROOT,,VBG,aux_ROOT,VBP_VBG,AUX_VERB,writing,ROOT,ccomp_punct_nsubj_aux_advcl_punct,Aspect=Prog|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part,"My name is Cleo Karagan, I'm writing to express my opinion for this statement above." 2,10201608.txt,234,this statement above,ENDOPHORIC,14,17,0.9711079,0,Object,pobj,,NN,det_pobj_advmod,DT_NN_RB,DET_NOUN_ADV,for,prep,det_advmod,Number=Sing,"My name is Cleo Karagan, I'm writing to express my opinion for this statement above." 3,10201608.txt,234,above,ENDOPHORIC,16,17,0.6934864,0,Adverbial phrase,advmod,,RB,advmod,RB,ADV,statement,pobj,,,"My name is Cleo Karagan, I'm writing to express my opinion for this statement above." 4,10201608.txt,234,think,ENTERTAIN,23,24,0.9996306,1,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,think,ROOT,advmod_punct_nsubj_ccomp_punct,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"First of all, I think that it must be offer to the students to learn how to play a musical instrument." 5,10201608.txt,234,must,ENTERTAIN,26,27,0.99951744,1,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,offer,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"First of all, I think that it must be offer to the students to learn how to play a musical instrument." 6,10201608.txt,234,In my opinion,ENTERTAIN,41,44,0.9995571,2,Prepositional phrase,prep,,IN,prep_poss_pobj,IN_PRP$_NN,ADP_PRON_NOUN,be,ROOT,pobj,,"In my opinion, it must be necessary for schools to learn the students how to play a musical instrument." 7,10201608.txt,234,must,ENTERTAIN,46,47,0.9995567,2,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,"In my opinion, it must be necessary for schools to learn the students how to play a musical instrument." 8,10201608.txt,234,is,MONOGLOSS,63,64,0.999321,3,Post-predicate that-cl 2,ROOT,,VBZ,ROOT,VBZ,AUX,is,ROOT,nsubj_attr_cc_conj,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Music is a kind of art and it will be very beautiful to teach the students how to play one of the musical instruments. Second of all, I understand that some students might be not want to learn how to play a musical instrument." 9,10201608.txt,234,will,ENTERTAIN,70,71,0.99945027,3,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,be,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,"Music is a kind of art and it will be very beautiful to teach the students how to play one of the musical instruments. Second of all, I understand that some students might be not want to learn how to play a musical instrument." 10,10201608.txt,234,understand,ENTERTAIN,93,94,0.999602,3,Adjectival complement,acomp,,VBP,acomp,VBP,VERB,be,conj,advmod_punct_nsubj_ccomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Music is a kind of art and it will be very beautiful to teach the students how to play one of the musical instruments. Second of all, I understand that some students might be not want to learn how to play a musical instrument." 11,10201608.txt,234,might,ENTERTAIN,97,98,0.9989379,3,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,want,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"Music is a kind of art and it will be very beautiful to teach the students how to play one of the musical instruments. Second of all, I understand that some students might be not want to learn how to play a musical instrument." 12,10201608.txt,234,not want,DENY,99,101,0.99867284,3,Dependent verb 1,ccomp,,VB,neg_ccomp,RB_VB,PART_VERB,understand,acomp,mark_nsubj_aux_aux_neg_xcomp,VerbForm=Inf,"Music is a kind of art and it will be very beautiful to teach the students how to play one of the musical instruments. Second of all, I understand that some students might be not want to learn how to play a musical instrument." 13,10201608.txt,234,will must,ENTERTAIN,112,114,0.99894553,4,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux_aux,MD_MD,AUX_AUX,accept,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,and it will must be accept from teachers and the other students. 14,10201608.txt,234,In my view,ENTERTAIN,123,126,0.99952877,5,Prepositional phrase,prep,,IN,prep_poss_pobj,IN_PRP$_NN,ADP_PRON_NOUN,ask,ccomp,pobj,,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 15,10201608.txt,234,must,ENTERTAIN,129,130,0.99944276,5,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,ask,ccomp,,VerbForm=Fin,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 16,10201608.txt,234,if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it,ENTERTAIN,132,147,0.5215248,5,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_aux_xcomp_prep_det_pobj_cc_mark_nsubj_aux_neg_conj_dobj,IN_PRP_VBP_TO_VB_IN_DT_NN_CC_IN_PRP_VBP_RB_VB_PRP,SCONJ_PRON_VERB_PART_VERB_ADP_DET_NOUN_CCONJ_SCONJ_PRON_AUX_PART_VERB_PRON,ask,ccomp,mark_nsubj_xcomp_cc_conj,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 17,10201608.txt,234,if they don't want it,ENTERTAIN,141,147,0.9157831,5,Finite adverbial clause,conj,,VB,mark_nsubj_aux_neg_conj_dobj,IN_PRP_VBP_RB_VB_PRP,SCONJ_PRON_AUX_PART_VERB_PRON,want,advcl,mark_nsubj_aux_neg_dobj,VerbForm=Inf,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 18,10201608.txt,234,don't want,DENY,143,146,0.99549025,5,Dependent Verb phrase,conj,,VB,aux_neg_conj,VBP_RB_VB,AUX_PART_VERB,want,advcl,mark_nsubj_aux_neg_dobj,VerbForm=Inf,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 19,10201608.txt,234,if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument,ENTERTAIN,148,161,0.9979468,5,Finite adverbial clause,advcl,,VBP,mark_nsubj_advcl_aux_xcomp_cc_conj_advmod_aux_xcomp_det_amod_dobj,IN_PRP_VBP_TO_VB_CC_VB_WRB_TO_VB_DT_JJ_NN,SCONJ_PRON_VERB_PART_VERB_CCONJ_VERB_SCONJ_PART_VERB_DET_ADJ_NOUN,choose,ROOT,mark_nsubj_xcomp,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 20,10201608.txt,234,could,ENTERTAIN,163,164,0.99941564,5,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,choose,ROOT,,VerbForm=Fin,"In my view, all students must be ask if they want to join in this programm or if they don't want it, if they choose to join and learn how to play a musical instrument, they could be choose which instrument they want to learn." 21,10201608.txt,234,is,MONOGLOSS,174,175,0.9993037,6,Adjectival predicate,ROOT,,VBZ,ROOT,VBZ,AUX,is,ROOT,nsubj_acomp_cc_conj,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Music is extremely beautiful and it is good to teach that in the schools. 22,10201608.txt,234,it is good,MONOGLOSS,178,181,0.99851507,6,Extraposed to-cl 1,conj,,VBZ,nsubj_conj_acomp,PRP_VBZ_JJ,PRON_AUX_ADJ,is,ROOT,nsubj_acomp_xcomp_punct,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,Music is extremely beautiful and it is good to teach that in the schools. 23,10201608.txt,234,agree,ENTERTAIN,195,196,0.9994223,7,ROOT,ROOT,,VBP,ROOT,VBP,VERB,agree,ROOT,dep_advcl_punct_advmod_nsubj_prep_cc_conj,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"To sum up, firstly I agree with the statement above but all students will be choose if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not." 24,10201608.txt,234,the statement above,ENDOPHORIC,197,200,0.73055255,7,Object,pobj,,NN,det_pobj_advmod,DT_NN_RB,DET_NOUN_ADV,with,prep,det_advmod,Number=Sing,"To sum up, firstly I agree with the statement above but all students will be choose if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not." 25,10201608.txt,234,above,ENDOPHORIC,199,200,0.90210545,7,Adverbial phrase,advmod,,RB,advmod,RB,ADV,statement,pobj,,,"To sum up, firstly I agree with the statement above but all students will be choose if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not." 26,10201608.txt,234,but,COUNTER,200,201,0.99743927,7,Conjunction,cc,,CC,cc,CC,CCONJ,agree,ROOT,,ConjType=Cmp,"To sum up, firstly I agree with the statement above but all students will be choose if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not." 27,10201608.txt,234,will,ENTERTAIN,203,204,0.99924767,7,Modal auxiliary,aux,,MD,aux,MD,AUX,choose,conj,,VerbForm=Fin,"To sum up, firstly I agree with the statement above but all students will be choose if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not." 28,10201608.txt,234,"if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not",ENTERTAIN,206,220,0.8695306,7,Complement clause,ccomp,,VBP,mark_nsubj_ccomp_aux_xcomp_advmod_aux_xcomp_det_amod_dobj_punct_cc_conj,"IN_PRP_VBP_TO_VB_WRB_TO_VB_DT_JJ_NN_,_CC_RB",SCONJ_PRON_VERB_PART_VERB_SCONJ_PART_VERB_DET_ADJ_NOUN_PUNCT_CCONJ_PART,choose,conj,mark_nsubj_xcomp_punct_cc_conj,Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"To sum up, firstly I agree with the statement above but all students will be choose if they want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or not." 29,10201608.txt,234,it's important,MONOGLOSS,223,226,0.8831233,8,Extraposed to-cl 1,ROOT,,VBZ,nsubj_ROOT_acomp,PRP_VBZ_JJ,PRON_AUX_ADJ,'s,ROOT,advmod_punct_nsubj_acomp_xcomp_punct,Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin,"Secondly, it's important to exist in the schools these priority."