In this day and age, there has been an argument between people about whether the airlines should make airplane seats smaller and stop offering in-flight services such as meals and entertainment in order to lower ticket prices. According to a research this issue has both negative and positive aspects that will be taken into consideration in this essay To begin with, nowaday's economy has been reduced and people are not comfortable with this situation. As a result, they are spending so much money on airlines and they have some financial difficulties. So they don't have the financial situation required to pay all this money for the ticket prices in an airplane. Secondly, in some people all these meals and entertainment that the airplanes offer are useless for them. On the other side of the coin, we have to take into account also the negative aspects for this issue. To start with, some people that want to relax during their flight want to have bigger and more comfortable and convenient seats so that they can also clear their mind. Another vital point worth considering is that people that have phobias on flying can relax and have fun there with all these equipment and other things, they can entertain themselves and be relaxable. Something else I would like to add is that today's society is very lazy and they want all these things that the airplanes provide depite the thing that it costs a lot. In a nutshell, as far as I am concerned, nowaday's people don't care about the money that they are wasting in order to be comfortable but this could have an impact on some people that are having financial difficulties and it could bring them to a difficult situation. In my opinion as meals and in-flight services are essential and vital to everyone then we have to find another way in order to lower ticket prices.