These days there is an argument about airplanes should make aeroplane seats smaller and stop offering in-flight services such as meals and entertain in order to lower ticket prices. This statement above have advantages and disadvantages. At first, one advantage is that in this way the prices for the tickets will be lower so people will not spent so much money to a trip. Also you can bring your meld and do not have to offer you from the aeroplane. About the seats if they will be smaller there is no problem about a small trip. One the other hand when they do not offer you nothing and you do not have something to eat that is something concerns people about this decision. Another disadvantage is that when the seats will be smaller about a long trip and you have to sleep where you may can not and have problems. In conclusion, I think that they do not have to stop offering meals and do not make the seats smaller and if you have not the money that is need for you plane you can use another transportation.