import logging from functools import partial from typing import Optional import pandas as pd import typer from bokeh.plotting import output_file as bokeh_output_file from bokeh.plotting import save from embedding_lenses.dimensionality_reduction import ( get_tsne_embeddings, get_umap_embeddings, ) from embedding_lenses.embedding import load_model from perplexity_lenses import REGISTRY_DATASET from import ( documents_df_to_sentences_df, hub_dataset_to_dataframe, ) from perplexity_lenses.engine import ( DIMENSIONALITY_REDUCTION_ALGORITHMS, DOCUMENT_TYPES, EMBEDDING_MODELS, LANGUAGES, PERPLEXITY_MODELS, SEED, generate_plot, ) from perplexity_lenses.perplexity import KenlmModel from perplexity_lenses.visualization import draw_histogram logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = typer.Typer() @app.command() def main( dataset: str = typer.Option( "mc4", help="The name of the hub dataset or local csv/tsv file." ), dataset_config: Optional[str] = typer.Option( "es", help="The configuration of the hub dataset, if any. Does not apply to local csv/tsv files.", ), dataset_split: Optional[str] = typer.Option( "train", help="The dataset split. Does not apply to local csv/tsv files." ), text_column: str = typer.Option("text", help="The text field name."), language: str = typer.Option( "es", help=f"The language of the text. Options: {LANGUAGES}" ), doc_type: str = typer.Option( "sentence", help=f"Whether to embed at the sentence or document level. Options: {DOCUMENT_TYPES}.", ), sample: int = typer.Option(1000, help="Maximum number of examples to use."), perplexity_model: str = typer.Option( "wikipedia", help=f"Dataset on which the perplexity model was trained on. Options: {PERPLEXITY_MODELS}", ), dimensionality_reduction: str = typer.Option( DIMENSIONALITY_REDUCTION_ALGORITHMS[0], help=f"Whether to use UMAP or t-SNE for dimensionality reduction. Options: {DIMENSIONALITY_REDUCTION_ALGORITHMS}.", ), model_name: str = typer.Option( EMBEDDING_MODELS[0], help=f"The sentence embedding model to use. Options: {EMBEDDING_MODELS}", ), output_file: str = typer.Option( "perplexity", help="The name of the output visualization files." ), ): """ Perplexity Lenses: Visualize text embeddings in 2D using colors to represent perplexity values. """"Loading embedding model...") model = load_model(model_name) dimensionality_reduction_function = ( partial(get_umap_embeddings, random_state=SEED) if dimensionality_reduction.lower() == "umap" else partial(get_tsne_embeddings, random_state=SEED) )"Loading KenLM model...") kenlm_model = KenlmModel.from_pretrained( perplexity_model.lower(), language, lower_case=True, remove_accents=True, normalize_numbers=True, punctuation=1, )"Loading dataset...") if dataset.endswith(".csv") or dataset.endswith(".tsv"): df = pd.read_csv(dataset, sep="\t" if dataset.endswith(".tsv") else ",") if doc_type.lower() == "sentence": df = documents_df_to_sentences_df(df, text_column, sample, seed=SEED) df["perplexity"] = df[text_column].map(kenlm_model.get_perplexity) else: df = hub_dataset_to_dataframe( dataset, dataset_config, dataset_split, sample, text_column, kenlm_model, seed=SEED, doc_type=doc_type, ) # Round perplexity df["perplexity"] = df["perplexity"].round().astype(int) f"Perplexity range: {df['perplexity'].min()} - {df['perplexity'].max()}" ) plot, plot_registry = generate_plot( df, text_column, "perplexity", None, dimensionality_reduction_function, model, seed=SEED, hub_dataset=dataset, )"Saving plots") bokeh_output_file(f"{output_file}.html") save(plot) if dataset == REGISTRY_DATASET: bokeh_output_file(f"{output_file}_registry.html") save(plot_registry) fig = draw_histogram(df["perplexity"].values) fig.savefig(f"{output_file}_histogram.png")"Done") if __name__ == "__main__": app()