import streamlit as st from collections import defaultdict def app(client): st.title('🟢 Compétences') # Dropdown to select the period selected_period = st.selectbox("🧷 Sélectionner la période", ["Trimestre 1", "Trimestre 2", "Trimestre 3", "Année"]) # Filter periods based on the selection if selected_period == "Année": periods_to_display = client.periods else: periods_to_display = [period for period in client.periods if == selected_period] # Create a list of subjects for tabs # Assuming evaluations have a subject attribute tab_labels = sorted({ for period in periods_to_display for evaluation in period.evaluations}) # Create tabs for each subject tabs = st.tabs(tab_labels) def level_to_emoji(level): mapping = { "Très bonne maîtrise": "⭐ Très bonne maîtrise", "Maîtrise satisfaisante": "🟢 Maîtrise satisfaisante", "Maîtrise fragile": "🟠 Maîtrise fragile", "Maîtrise insuffisante": "🔴 Maîtrise insuffisante" } return mapping.get(level, level) # Fallback to the original level if it doesn't match known levels for tab, subject in zip(tabs, tab_labels): with tab: # Display competencies for all selected periods for period in periods_to_display: # Organize evaluations by subject evaluations_by_subject = defaultdict(list) for evaluation in period.evaluations: evaluations_by_subject[].append(evaluation) # Display competencies for the current tab's subject if subject in evaluations_by_subject: for evaluation in evaluations_by_subject[subject]: with st.expander(f"Évaluation: {} (📅 {'%d/%m/%Y')})"): st.markdown("### Information générale") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.write(f"Nom") st.write(f"##### **{}**") with col2: st.metric(label="Date","%d/%m/%Y")) with col3: st.metric(label="Coefficient", value=str(evaluation.coefficient)) st.markdown("---") st.markdown("### Compétences évaluées") for acquisition in evaluation.acquisitions: acq_col1, acq_col2, acq_col3 = st.columns([3, 2, 1]) with acq_col1: st.write(f"{}") with acq_col2: # Use the function here to prepend the emoji to the level description st.write(f"{level_to_emoji(acquisition.level)}") with acq_col3: st.write(f"Coefficient: {acquisition.coefficient}")