import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline # Define the sentiment analysis pipeline pipe = pipeline('sentiment-analysis') st.title("Plataforma de Diálogos Participativos") # Split the page into two columns. The first column will occupy 1/4 of the page width and the second column 3/4. col1, col2 = st.beta_columns([1,3]) with col1: # Text area for input text = st.text_area("Añade el texto a evaluar") # Buttons for different analysis (for this example, I'm assuming just sentiment analysis, you can add more) run_analysis = st.button("Evaluar Sentimiento") with col2: st.write("Resultados") # Create a container for output to occupy the lower half of the layout output_container = st.beta_container() if run_analysis and text: with output_container: out = pipe(text) st.json(out) elif run_analysis and not text: st.warning("Por favor, añade un texto para evaluar.")