import torch from diffusers import AutoPipelineForImage2Image from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import requests from io import BytesIO import gradio as gr import gc import textwrap # log gpu availability print(f"Is CUDA available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}") print(f"CUDA device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())}") def image_to_template(generated_image, logo, button_text, punchline, theme_color): template_width = 1080 button_font_size = 20 punchline_font_size = 60 decoration_height = 20 margin = 40 # wrap punchline text punchline = textwrap.wrap(punchline, width=35) n_of_lines_punchline = len(punchline) generated_image = generated_image.convert("RGBA") logo = logo.convert("RGBA") # image shape image_width = template_width // 2 image_height = image_width * generated_image.height // generated_image.width image_shape = (image_width, image_height) # logo shape logo_width = image_width // 3 logo_height = logo_width * logo.height // logo.width logo_shape = (logo_width, logo_height) # Define fonts button_font = ImageFont.truetype("./assets/Montserrat-Bold.ttf", button_font_size) punchline_font = ImageFont.truetype("./assets/Montserrat-Bold.ttf", punchline_font_size) # button shape button_width = template_width // 3 button_height = button_font_size * 3 # template height calculation template_height = ( image_height + logo_height + button_height + n_of_lines_punchline * punchline_font_size + (5 * margin) + (2 * decoration_height) ) # Calculate positions for the centered layout logo_pos = ((template_width - logo_width) // 2, margin + decoration_height) image_pos = ( (template_width - image_width) // 2, logo_pos[1] + logo_height + margin, ) # Decoration positions top_decoration_pos = [ margin, -decoration_height // 2, template_width - margin, decoration_height // 2, ] bottom_decoration_pos = [ margin, template_height - decoration_height // 2, template_width - margin, template_height + decoration_height // 2, ] # Generate Components generated_image.thumbnail(image_shape, Image.ANTIALIAS) logo.thumbnail(logo_shape, Image.ANTIALIAS) background ="RGBA", (template_width, template_height), "WHITE") # round the corners of generated image mask ="L", generated_image.size, 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.rounded_rectangle((0, 0) + generated_image.size, 20, fill=255) generated_image.putalpha(mask) # Paste the logo and the generated image onto the background background.paste(logo, logo_pos, logo) background.paste(generated_image, image_pos, generated_image) # Draw the decorations, punchline, and button draw = ImageDraw.Draw(background) # Decorations on top and bottom draw.rounded_rectangle(bottom_decoration_pos, radius=20, fill=theme_color) draw.rounded_rectangle(top_decoration_pos, radius=20, fill=theme_color) # Punchline text text_heights = [] for line in punchline: text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(line, font=punchline_font) punchline_pos = ( (template_width - text_width) // 2, image_pos[1] + generated_image.height + margin + sum(text_heights), ) draw.text(punchline_pos, line, fill=theme_color, font=punchline_font) text_heights.append(text_height) # Button with rounded corners button_text_width, button_text_height = draw.textsize(button_text, font=button_font) button_shape = [ ((template_width - button_width) // 2, punchline_pos[1] + text_height + margin), ( (template_width + button_width) // 2, punchline_pos[1] + text_height + margin + button_height, ), ] draw.rounded_rectangle(button_shape, radius=20, fill=theme_color) # Button text button_text_pos = ( (template_width - button_text_width) // 2, button_shape[0][1] + (button_height - button_text_height) // 2, ) draw.text(button_text_pos, button_text, fill="white", font=button_font) return background def generate_template( initial_image, logo, prompt, button_text, punchline, image_color, theme_color ): pipeline = AutoPipelineForImage2Image.from_pretrained( "./models/kandinsky-2-2-decoder", torch_dtype=torch.float16, use_safetensors=True, ) # pipeline.unet = torch.compile(pipeline.unet, mode="reduce-overhead", fullgraph=True) pipeline.enable_model_cpu_offload() prompt = f"{prompt}, include the color {image_color}" negative_prompt = "low quality, bad quality, blurry, unprofessional" generated_image = pipeline( prompt=prompt, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, image=initial_image, height=256, width=256, ).images[0] template_image = image_to_template( generated_image, logo, button_text, punchline, theme_color ) # free cpu and gpu memory del pipeline gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return template_image # Set up Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=generate_template, inputs=[ gr.Image(type="pil", label="Initial Image"), gr.Image(type="pil", label="Logo"), gr.Textbox(label="Prompt"), gr.Textbox(label="Button Text"), gr.Textbox(label="Punchline"), gr.ColorPicker(label="Image Color"), gr.ColorPicker(label="Theme Color"), ], outputs=[gr.Image(type="pil")], title="Ad Template Generation Using Diffusion Models Demo", description="Generate ad template based on your inputs using a trained model.", concurrency_limit=2, examples=[ [ "./assets/city_image.jpg", # Initial Image "./assets/logo.png", # Logo "Big bank building finance", # Prompt "Discover More!", # Button Text "We Maximize Risk-Adusted Returns for Our Customers", # Punchline "#00FF00", # Image Color "#0000FF", # Theme Color ] ], ) # Run the interface iface.launch(debug=True)