import streamlit as st from utils import generate_logline # Applying Styling st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Creating Session State Variable if 'API_Key' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['API_Key'] = '' st.title('📝 Logline Creator') # Sidebar to capture the OpenAi API key st.sidebar.title("🗝️") st.session_state['API_Key'] = st.sidebar.text_input("Paste in your OPENAI API key?", type="password") st.sidebar.markdown('Logline Generator: Input a brief story description, select creativity and receive a story title and logline in return. Designed for my cloud Meetup as a demonstration of simple chaining using LangChain. Check out our Cloud Meetup at It is free to join!') # Captures User Inputs prompt = st.text_input('Please provide a short description of your story', key="prompt") creativity = st.slider('Creativity ✨ - (0 LOW || 1 HIGH)', 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, step=0.1) submit = st.button("Generate a Logline for me") if submit: if st.session_state['API_Key']: title, logline = generate_logline(prompt, creativity, st.session_state['API_Key']) # Let's generate the script st.success('Enjoy the Logline️') # Display Title st.subheader("Title:🔍") st.write(title) # Display Video Script st.subheader("Your Logline:🔥") st.write(logline) else: st.error("Please provide your OpenAI API key in the left column.....")