import os import gradio as gr from textwrap import dedent import google.generativeai as genai # Tool import from import GeminiSearchTools from import YahooFinanceNewsTool from import BrowserTools from import SECTools from import MixtralSearchTools from import ZephyrSearchTools # Google Langchain from langchain_google_genai import GoogleGenerativeAI #Crew imports from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew, Process # Retrieve API Key from Environment Variable GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO = os.environ.get('GOOGLE_API_KEY') # Ensure the API key is available if not GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO: raise ValueError("API key not found. Please set the GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO2 environment variable.") # Set gemini_llm gemini_llm = GoogleGenerativeAI(model="gemini-pro", google_api_key=GOOGLE_AI_STUDIO) # Base Example with Gemini Search TITLE1 = """

SmartMix - Your Safe Place

""" TITLE2 = """

"This is an agent simulated group therapy session providing a safe, judgment-free environment, allowing for open exploration of sensitive topics. Please input the topic you would like to discuss. Active phrases produce realistic interactions."

""" TITLE3 = """

"To see active group discussion click on logs during run."

""" def crewai_process(research_topic): # Define your agents with roles and goals Emily = Agent( role='Emily Mental Patient Graphic Designer Anxiety', goal='To learn how to manage her anxiety in social situations.', backstory="""Emily is a 28-year-old graphic designer. She has always struggled with social anxiety, making it difficult for her to participate in group settings. She joined the therapy group to improve her social skills and manage her anxiety.""", verbose=True, allow_delegation=False, llm = gemini_llm, tools=[ MixtralSearchTools.mixtral_crazy ] ) David = Agent( role='David Mental Patient Musician Bipolar', goal='To gain insights into managing his bipolar disorder.', backstory="""David, a 35-year-old musician, has been living with bipolar disorder for over a decade. His condition has impacted his career and personal life. He seeks to understand his emotions better and find stability through the group sessions.""", verbose=True, allow_delegation=False, llm = gemini_llm, tools=[ MixtralSearchTools.mixtral_normal ] ) Sarah = Agent( role='Sarah Mental Patient Former Teacher Depression', goal='To find strategies to cope with her depression.', backstory="""Sarah, 42, is a former teacher who has been battling depression for several years. The illness has led her to leave her job. She hopes to find new coping mechanisms and rediscover her passion for teaching.""", verbose=True, allow_delegation=False, llm = gemini_llm, tools=[ ZephyrSearchTools.zephyr_crazy ] ) Michael = Agent( role='Michael Mental Patient Ex-Soldier', goal='To overcome his PTSD and return to a normal life.', backstory="""Michael is a 30-year-old ex-soldier. He developed PTSD following his service. Struggling with flashbacks and anxiety, he joined the group to seek support and ways to return to civilian life smoothly.""", verbose=True, allow_delegation=False, llm = gemini_llm, tools=[ ZephyrSearchTools.zephyr_normal ] ) Lisa = Agent( role='Dr. Lisa Therapist', goal='To facilitate the group progress and assist each member in their personal goals.', backstory=""" Dr. Thompson is a seasoned psychologist specializing in group therapy. With over 15 years of experience, she is skilled at creating a safe space for her patients to explore and address their mental health challenges.""", verbose=True, allow_delegation=False, llm = gemini_llm, tools=[ MixtralSearchTools.mixtral_crazy, ZephyrSearchTools.zephyr_crazy ] ) # Create tasks for your agents task1 = Task( description=f"""Discuss the {research_topic} from your backstory perspective. Use Mixtral """, agent=Emily ) task2 = Task( description=f"""Discuss the {research_topic} from your backstory perspective. Use Zephyr """, agent=David ) task3 = Task( description=f"""Discuss the {research_topic} from your backstory perspective. Use Mixtral """, agent=Sarah ) task4 = Task( description=f"""Discuss the {research_topic} from your backstory perspective. Use Zephyr """, agent=Michael ) task5 = Task( description=f"""Discuss the {research_topic} from your backstory perspective. Use Gemini, Mixtral or Zephyr what ever is appropriate. """, agent=Lisa ) # Instantiate your crew with a sequential process crew = Crew( agents=[Emily, David, Sarah, Michael, Lisa ], tasks=[task1, task2, task3, task4, task5], verbose=2, process=Process.sequential ) # Get your crew to work! result = crew.kickoff() return result # Create a Gradio interface with gr.Blocks() as iface: gr.HTML(TITLE1) gr.HTML(TITLE2) gr.HTML(TITLE3) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.Image(value="crewai/resources/smartmix.jpg") with gr.Column(scale=5): run_button_crewai = gr.Button(value="Run", variant="primary", scale=1) fn=crewai_process, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=2,label="Topic Input", placeholder="Enter Discussion Topic..."), outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Group Synopsis"), ) # Launch the interface iface.launch(debug=True)