import os from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd import PyPDF2 from openai import OpenAI # Credit def current_year(): now = return now.year # def read_and_textify( # files: List[str], # ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: # """ # Reads PDF files and extracts text from each page. # This function iterates over a list of uploaded PDF files, extracts text from each page, # and compiles a list of texts and corresponding source information. # Args: # files (List[st.uploaded_file_manager.UploadedFile]): A list of uploaded PDF files. # Returns: # Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: A tuple containing two lists: # 1. A list of strings, where each string is the text extracted from a PDF page. # 2. A list of strings indicating the source of each text (file name and page number). # """ # # Initialize lists to store extracted texts and their sources # text_list = [] # List to store extracted text # sources_list = [] # List to store source information # # Iterate over each file # for file in files: # pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file) # Create a PDF reader object # # Iterate over each page in the PDF # for i in range(len(pdfReader.pages)): # pageObj = pdfReader.pages[i] # Get the page object # text = pageObj.extract_text() # Extract text from the page # pageObj.clear() # Clear the page object (optional, for memory management) # text_list.append(text) # Add extracted text to the list # # Create a source identifier and add it to the list # sources_list.append( + "_page_" + str(i)) # # Return the lists of texts and sources # return [text_list, sources_list] def read_and_textify(files: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """ Reads PDF files and extracts text from each page, breaking the text into segments of about 50 words. This function iterates over a list of uploaded PDF files, extracts text from each page, and compiles a list of texts and corresponding source information, segmented into smaller parts. Args: files (List[st.uploaded_file_manager.UploadedFile]): A list of uploaded PDF files. Returns: Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: A tuple containing two lists: 1. A list of strings, where each string is a segment of text extracted from a PDF page. 2. A list of strings indicating the source of each text segment (file name, page number, and segment number). """ text_list = [] # List to store extracted text segments sources_list = [] # List to store source information # Iterate over each file for file in files: pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file) # Create a PDF reader object # Iterate over each page in the PDF for i in range(len(pdfReader.pages)): pageObj = pdfReader.pages[i] # Get the page object text = pageObj.extract_text() # Extract text from the page if text: # Split text into approximately 50-word chunks words = text.split() for j in range(0, len(words), 50): chunk = ' '.join(words[j:j+50]) text_list.append(chunk) # Create a source identifier for each chunk and add it to the list sources_list.append(f"{}_page_{i}_chunk_{j//50}") else: # If no text extracted, still add a placeholder text_list.append('') sources_list.append(f"{}_page_{i}_chunk_0") pageObj.clear() # Clear the page object (optional, for memory management) return text_list, sources_list client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) def list_to_nums(sentences: List[str]) -> List[List[float]]: """ Converts a list of sentences into a list of numerical embeddings using OpenAI's embedding model. Args: - sentences (List[str]): A list of sentences (strings). Returns: - List[List[float]]: A list of lists of numerical embeddings. """ # Initialize the list to store embeddings embeddings = [] # Loop through each sentence to convert to embeddings for sentence in sentences: # Use the OpenAI API to get embeddings for the sentence response = client.embeddings.create( input=sentence, model="text-embedding-3-small" ) embeddings.append([0].embedding) return embeddings def quantize_to_kbit(arr: Union[np.ndarray, Any], k: int = 16) -> np.ndarray: """Converts an array to a k-bit representation by normalizing and scaling its values. Args: arr (Union[np.ndarray, Any]): The input array to be quantized. k (int): The number of levels to quantize to. Defaults to 16 for 4-bit quantization. Returns: np.ndarray: The quantized array with values scaled to 0 to k-1. """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): # Check if input is not a numpy array arr = np.array(arr) # Convert input to a numpy array arr_min = arr.min() # Calculate the minimum value in the array arr_max = arr.max() # Calculate the maximum value in the array normalized_arr = (arr - arr_min) / ( arr_max - arr_min ) # Normalize array values to [0, 1] return np.round(normalized_arr * (k - 1)).astype( int ) # Scale normalized values to 0-(k-1) and convert to integer def quantized_influence( arr1: np.ndarray, arr2: np.ndarray, k: int = 16, use_dagger: bool = False ) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]: """ Calculates a weighted measure of influence based on quantized version of input arrays and optionally applies a transformation. Args: arr1 (np.ndarray): First input array to be quantized and analyzed. arr2 (np.ndarray): Second input array to be quantized and used for influence measurement. k (int): The quantization level, defaults to 16 for 4-bit quantization. use_dagger (bool): Flag to apply a transformation based on local averages, defaults to False. Returns: Tuple[float, List[float]]: A tuple containing the quantized influence measure and an optional list of transformed values based on local estimates. """ # Quantize both arrays to k levels arr1_quantized = quantize_to_kbit(arr1, k) arr2_quantized = quantize_to_kbit(arr2, k) # Find unique quantized values in arr1 unique_values = np.unique(arr1_quantized) # Compute the global average of quantized arr2 total_samples = len(arr2_quantized) y_bar_global = np.mean(arr2_quantized) # Compute weighted local averages and normalize weighted_local_averages = [ (np.mean(arr2_quantized[arr1_quantized == val]) - y_bar_global) ** 2 * len(arr2_quantized[arr1_quantized == val]) ** 2 for val in unique_values ] qim = np.sum(weighted_local_averages) / ( total_samples * np.std(arr2_quantized) ) # Calculate the quantized influence measure if use_dagger: # If use_dagger is True, compute local estimates and map them to unique quantized values local_estimates = [ np.mean(arr2_quantized[arr1_quantized == val]) for val in unique_values ] daggers = { unique_values[i]: v for i, v in enumerate(local_estimates) } # Map unique values to local estimates def find_val_(i: int) -> float: """Helper function to map quantized values to their local estimates.""" return daggers[i] # Apply transformation based on local estimates daggered_values = list(map(find_val_, arr1_quantized)) return qim, daggered_values else: # If use_dagger is False, return the original quantized arr1 values daggered_values = arr1_quantized.tolist() return qim def query_search( prompt: str, sentences: list[str], query_database: list[list[float]], sources: list[str], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Takes a text prompt and searches a predefined database by converting the prompt and database entries to embeddings, and then calculating a quantized influence metric. Args: - prompt (str): A text prompt to search for in the database. Returns: - pd.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame sorted by the quantized influence metric in descending order. The DataFrame contains the original sentences, their embeddings, and the computed scores. """ # Convert the prompt to its numerical embedding prompt_embed_ = list_to_nums([prompt]) # Calculate scores for each item in the database using the quantized influence metric scores = [ [ sentences[i], # The sentence itself query_database[i], # Embedding of the sentence sources[i], # Source of the sentence quantized_influence( prompt_embed_[0], query_database[i], k=3, use_dagger=False ), # Score calculation ] for i in range(len(query_database)) ] # Convert the list of scores into a DataFrame refs = pd.DataFrame(scores) # Rename columns for clarity refs = refs.rename( columns={0: "sentences", 1: "query_embeddings", 2: "page no", 3: "qim"} ) # Sort the DataFrame based on the 'qim' score in descending order refs = refs.sort_values(by="qim", ascending=False) return refs