--- title: Go Chatgpt Api emoji: 💩 colorFrom: green colorTo: indigo sdk: docker pinned: false app_port: 5000 --- # go-chatgpt-api-plus 作为刚学go的一个练手项目,自用 - 将chatgpt前端进行逆向,实现绕过cloudflare - 对官方api进行代理 - 实现前端接口转标准api(通过access_token实现标准api传入访问) 端口列表 ``` /backend-api/* (前端逆向接口) /backend-api/conversation/ws (前端WS逆向为原数据流格式) /api/* (前端逆向接口) /public-api/* (前端逆向接口) /v1/* (官方api代理) /r/v1/chat/completions (前端接口转标准api,支持流式) /r/v1/chat/completions/ws (前端WS转标准api,支持流式) /r/ws/v1/chat/completions (功能相同,提供兼容) /r/v1/images/generations (前端接口转标准api,不支持流式,只支持gpt-4的账户) /getsession (实现__Secure-next-auth.session-token刷新session,返回session,或输入username与password输出session) /token (获取ArkoseToken) ``` 目前ws逆向仅支持3.5,4有些问题,看ip纯度,纯度高就能输出 ``` /r/v1/chat/completions method:["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"] input: { "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "messages": [ { "role": "user", "content": "what can you do" } ] } output: { "id": "chatcmpl-m3mYrjKTZuoNARfQerON95UJlA9XSWBi", "object": "chat.completion", "created": 1701011706, "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "choices": [ { "index": 0, "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": "I can do a wide range of tasks and provide information on various topics. Here are some of the things I can do:\n\n1. Answer Questions: I can provide information on a wide range of topics, including science, history, technology, mathematics, and more.\n\n2. Generate Text: I can generate text for various purposes, such as writing essays, creating stories, composing emails, and more.\n\n3. Language Translation: I can translate text from one language to another.\n\n4. Math Assistance: I can help with mathematical calculations, equations, and explanations.\n\n5. Programming Help: I can assist with coding and programming-related questions and problems.\n\n6. Writing Assistance: I can help with grammar and writing suggestions, including editing and proofreading.\n\n7. General Knowledge: I can provide general knowledge and facts on a wide variety of subjects.\n\n8. Recommendations: I can offer recommendations for books, movies, music, travel destinations, and more.\n\n9. Conversation and Chat: I can engage in casual conversation and chat on a variety of topics.\n\n10. Learning and Education: I can assist with learning and provide explanations on academic subjects.\n\n11. Problem Solving: I can help you brainstorm ideas, solve problems, and make decisions.\n\n12. Trivia and Quizzes: I can create and participate in trivia quizzes and answer trivia questions.\n\nPlease keep in mind that I do not have access to real-time information beyond my last knowledge update in January 2022, so some information may be outdated, and I cannot provide current news or events. If you have a specific task or question in mind, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!" }, "finish_reason": "stop" } ], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 0, "completion_tokens": 0, "total_tokens": 0 } } ``` ``` /r/v1/images/generations method:["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"] input: { "model": "dall-e-3", "prompt": "A cute baby sea otter", "n": 1, "size": "1024x1024" } output: { "created": 1701014049, "data": [ { "revised_prompt": "A cute baby sea otter, looking fluffy and adorable, with big, curious eyes, floating on its back in a calm blue ocean. The otter is holding a small shell in its tiny paws, and its fur is wet, giving it a shiny appearance under the sun. The background features a serene seascape with gentle waves and a clear sky.", "url": "https://files.oaiusercontent.com/file-fqEmsHBijHGkBKo0CnYIAfCJ?se=2023-11-26T16%3A54%3A09Z&sp=r&sv=2021-08-06&sr=b&rscc=max-age%3D31536000%2C%20immutable&rscd=attachment%3B%20filename%3Daa87dac2-8142-419d-9fe1-afa90c0a376e.webp&sig=xjwmZhzC3fZSF7V6TJ5hTWkmxBOMiVQKs0v/wTJRvAM%3D" } ] } ``` ``` /getsession methods:["POST"] input: { "refreshCookie":"" } or { "username":"", "password":"" } output: { "user": { "id": "", "name": "", "email": "", "image": "", "picture": "", "idp": "auth0", "iat": 1701014297, "mfa": false, "groups": [], "intercom_hash": "" }, "expires": "2024-02-24T15:58:17.821Z", "accessToken": "", "authProvider": "auth0", "models": [ { "slug": "text-davinci-002-render-sha", "max_tokens": 8191, "title": "Default (GPT-3.5)", "description": "Our fastest model, great for most everyday tasks.", "tags": [ "gpt3.5" ], "capabilities": {}, "product_features": {} } ], "refreshCookie": "" } ``` ``` /token/:id methods:["GET"] eg: /token/0A1D34FC-659D-4E23-B17B-694DCFCF6A6C output: { "token": "" } ``` ## 代码部署 ### 配置文件 - 在harPool目录中加入har文件,实现登录验证与gpt4对话验证([获取har教程](./getHar.md)) - 复制一份.env.temp,并修改名称为.env,修改配置项后保存 ``` python proxy = "" #代理地址 (选填) port = 5000 #程序运行端口 host = '' #可访问ip,允许所有ip verify = false #是否对访问进行验证 auth_key = "" #若开启访问验证,则需要在Header中添加AuthKey字段,且值为auth_key的值才能访问 (选填) arkose_must = false #是否强行gpt3.5进行验证 OpenAI_HOST = "chat.openai.com" #openai网页api接口地址 (选填) openai_api_host = "api.openai.com" #openai官方api接口 (选填) proxy_pool_url="" #ipidea代理池链接 (选填) #示例http://api.proxy.ipidea.io/getProxyIp?num=10&return_type=json&lb=1&sb=0&flow=1®ions=us&protocol=http,根据访问频次设置num值 log_level = "debug" #日志等级 redis_address = "" #redis地址(若不开启代理池可选填) redis_passwd = "" #redis密码 redis_db = 0 #选择的redis数据库 ``` 其中proxy_pool_url使用的是[ipidea](https://share.ipidea.net/8hPKah)的代理池,注册送100M流量,无限ip,一个月,测试足够 使用代理池后需要填写redis信息,redis版本需要7以上 ### 运行 `go build && ./WarpGPT` ## Docker部署 首先克隆代码 ```shell git clone https://github.com/oliverkirk-sudo/WarpGPT.git cd WarpGPT ``` 正确配置.env文件,在harPool中放入har文件 (其中host应该为0.0.0.0) ```shell docker build -t warpgpt . docker run -d -p 5000:5000 warpgpt ``` ## License Apache-2.0