export default { common: { add: 'Add', addSuccess: 'Add Success', edit: 'Edit', editSuccess: 'Edit Success', delete: 'Delete', deleteSuccess: 'Delete Success', save: 'Save', test: 'Test', saveSuccess: 'Save Success', reset: 'Reset', action: 'Action', export: 'Export', exportSuccess: 'Export Success', import: 'Import', importSuccess: 'Import Success', clear: 'Clear', clearSuccess: 'Clear Success', yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', confirm: 'Confirm', download: 'Download', noData: 'No Data', wrong: 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', success: 'Success', failed: 'Failed', register: 'Register', login: 'Login', notLoggedIn: 'Login / Register', logOut: 'Login Out', unauthorizedTips: 'Unauthorized, please verify first.', email: 'Email', password: 'Password', passwordConfirm: 'Confirm Password', resetPassword: 'Reset Password', resetPasswordMail: 'Send Reset Password Mail', auditTip: 'Sensitive words do not take effect on Admin.', }, chat: { newChatButton: 'New Chat', placeholder: 'Ask me anything...(Shift + Enter = line break, "/" to trigger prompts)', placeholderMobile: 'Ask me anything...', copy: 'Copy', copied: 'Copied', copyCode: 'Copy Code', clearChat: 'Clear Chat', clearChatConfirm: 'Are you sure to clear this chat?', exportImage: 'Export Image', exportImageConfirm: 'Are you sure to export this chat to png?', exportSuccess: 'Export Success', exportFailed: 'Export Failed', usingContext: 'Context Mode', turnOnContext: 'In the current mode, sending messages will carry previous chat records.', turnOffContext: 'In the current mode, sending messages will not carry previous chat records.', deleteMessage: 'Delete Message', deleteMessageConfirm: 'Are you sure to delete this message?', deleteHistoryConfirm: 'Are you sure to clear this history?', clearHistoryConfirm: 'Are you sure to clear chat history?', preview: 'Preview', showRawText: 'Show as raw text', usageEstimate: 'Estimate', usagePrompt: 'Prompt', usageResponse: 'Response', usageTotal: 'Total token cost', deleteUser: 'Delete User', setUserRole: 'Set Role', deleteUserConfirm: 'Are you sure to delete this user? After deletion, this email can never be registered or logged in again.', verifiedUser: 'Verified User', deleteKey: 'Delete Key', editKeyButton: 'Edit Key', deleteKeyConfirm: 'Are you sure to delete this key?', }, setting: { setting: 'Setting', general: 'General', advanced: 'Advanced', statistics: 'Statistics', config: 'Base Config', siteConfig: 'Site Config', mailConfig: 'Mail Config', auditConfig: 'Audit Config', avatarLink: 'Avatar Link', name: 'Name', description: 'Description', temperature: 'Temperature', top_p: 'Top_p', saveUserInfo: 'Save User Info', role: 'Role', chatHistory: 'ChatHistory', theme: 'Theme', language: 'Language', api: 'API', reverseProxy: 'Reverse Proxy', timeout: 'Timeout(ms)', socks: 'Socks', socksAuth: 'Socks Auth', httpsProxy: 'HTTPS Proxy', balance: 'API Balance', statisticsPeriod: 'Statistics Period', statisticsPeriodLastMonth: 'Last Month', statisticsPeriodCurrentMonth: 'Current Month', statisticsPeriodLast30Days: 'Last 30 Days', statisticsPrompt: 'Prompt', statisticsCompletion: 'Response', statisticsTotal: 'Total', smtpHost: 'Host', smtpPort: 'Port', smtpTsl: 'Tsl', smtpUserName: 'UserName', smtpPassword: 'Password', siteTitle: 'Title', siteDomain: 'Domain', registerEnabled: 'Register Enabled', registerReview: 'Register Review', registerMails: 'Register Mails', apiBaseUrl: 'Api Base Url', apiModel: 'Api Model', accessToken: 'Access Token', loginEnabled: 'Login Enabled', loginSalt: 'Login Salt', loginSaltTip: 'Changes will invalidate all logged in', monthlyUsage: 'Monthly Usage', auditEnabled: 'Third Party', auditProvider: 'Provider', auditApiKey: 'Api Key', auditApiSecret: 'Api Secret', auditTest: 'Test Text', auditBaiduLabel: 'Label', auditBaiduLabelTip: 'English comma separated, If empty, only politics.', auditBaiduLabelLink: 'Goto Label Detail', auditCustomizeEnabled: 'Customize', auditCustomizeWords: 'Sensitive Words', accessTokenExpiredTime: 'Expired Time', userConfig: 'Users', keysConfig: 'Keys Manager', userRoles: 'User Role', status: 'Status', chatModels: 'Chat Models', remark: 'Remark', }, store: { siderButton: 'Prompt Store', local: 'Local', online: 'Online', title: 'Title', description: 'Description', clearStoreConfirm: 'Whether to clear the data?', importPlaceholder: 'Please paste the JSON data here', addRepeatTitleTips: 'Title duplicate, please re-enter', addRepeatContentTips: 'Content duplicate: {msg}, please re-enter', editRepeatTitleTips: 'Title conflict, please revise', editRepeatContentTips: 'Content conflict {msg} , please re-modify', importError: 'Key value mismatch', importRepeatTitle: 'Title repeatedly skipped: {msg}', importRepeatContent: 'Content is repeatedly skipped: {msg}', onlineImportWarning: 'Note: Please check the JSON file source!', downloadError: 'Please check the network status and JSON file validity', }, }