import pandas as pd import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import Network from data import df def analysis(): G = nx.DiGraph() relationship_columns = ['father', 'sibling', 'spouse', 'mother', 'child'] # G.add_nodes_from(df["itemLabel"]) inf_labels = ["residence", "occupation", "class"] for index, row in df.iterrows(): if row["itemLabel"] not in G.nodes(): G.add_node(row["itemLabel"]) information = "" for i in inf_labels: if pd.notna(row[i]): information+=f"{i}: {row[i]}\n" G.nodes[row["itemLabel"]]["attr"]=information for index, row in df.iterrows(): main_entity = row['itemLabel'] for relationship in relationship_columns: if pd.notna(row[relationship]) and not G.has_edge(main_entity, row[relationship]) and not G.has_edge(row[relationship], main_entity): # if pd.notna(row[relationship]): G.add_edge(row[relationship], main_entity, label=str(relationship)+ "_of") for x in G.nodes(): if "attr" not in G.nodes[x]: G.nodes[x]["attr"]="" # plt.figure(figsize=(50, 20)) # Set the size of the plot pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G) # Compute the positions of the nodes # # Draw the nodes and edges with labels # nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=20, node_color='skyblue', font_size=10, font_color='black', font_weight='bold', alpha=0.7) # # Draw edge labels (the relationships) # edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'relationship') # nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color='red') # plt.title('Relationship Graph with Labels') # plt.axis('off') # Hide the axes for clarity # net = Network(width="1500px", height="1000px", bgcolor="#FFFFFF", font_color="black", directed=True) net.from_nx(G) for node in net.nodes: node["title"] = G.nodes[node["id"]]["attr"] node["value"] = len(G[node["id"]]) node["font"]={"size": 20} for edge in net.edges: # Set edge title to the relationship from your graph relationship = G[edge["from"]][edge["to"]].get("label", "Unknown") edge["title"] = relationship # This will show as a tooltip edge["color"] = "blue" edge["width"] = 2 if relationship != "Unknown" else 1 html = net.generate_html() #need to remove ' from HTML html = html.replace("'", "\"") return f""""""