import streamlit as st
import random

# Define the choices
choices = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors']

# Function to determine the winner
def determine_winner(user_choice, ai_choice):
    if user_choice == ai_choice:
        return "It's a tie!"
    elif (user_choice == 'Rock' and ai_choice == 'Scissors') or \
         (user_choice == 'Paper' and ai_choice == 'Rock') or \
         (user_choice == 'Scissors' and ai_choice == 'Paper'):
        return 'You win!'
        return 'AI wins!'

# Streamlit app layout
st.title('Rock, Paper, Scissors Game')
st.write('Choose your move:')

# User selection
user_choice = st.selectbox('Your choice:', choices)

# AI selection
if st.button('Play'):
    ai_choice = random.choice(choices)
    st.write(f'AI chose: {ai_choice}')
    result = determine_winner(user_choice, ai_choice)