C.J. DUAN Data Scientist. Ph.D @Data.Scientist@dulun.com ♂phone757-742-3896 ♂¶ap-¶arkerDRC Lab, Virginia /gl⌢bewww.dulun.com /linkedincj-duan-3ab27a191 /githubhublun EXPERIENCE Data Scientist (contract) Fortune 500 Company (CPG), Research Data Science Ὄ52021 - 7.2022 ♂¶ap-¶arkerRemote •Input Data (Snowflake on AWS): Time-series of weekly sales data and weekly media (advertising) spend and GRP (Impression)s •Model: State-Space Bayesian Media Mix Model using R and RStan •Output Results: ROI effectiveness in terms of MC (media contribution) over MS (media spend) Chief Research Data Scientist DRC Lab @ Dulun Research & Consulting Ὄ52016 - Now ♂¶ap-¶arkerFreelance Completed Projects : •(2020-2021) Algorithmic Trading Robot, coded in Python, digests recent (commodity future) prices and execute order composition and routing automatically. FFT, Risk Control, Trading •(2016-2017) Develop the best distribution routing model, which saved an Alabama flower-growing farmer thousands fuel dollars on monthly basis. Transportation Scheduling, Constraint Programming, OR Replication & Learning Projects (2016 - now) : •Analysis of 6.4 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes identifies mutations associated with fitness (Obermeyer, et. al. , 2022, Science ) Bayesian multinomial logistic regression model using Pyro •Survival analysis in Stan (Filipe S. Dias, 2022, Web Blog ) Survival Analysis •Deep learning recommendation model for personalization and recommendation systems (Naumov, et. al. 2019, ArXiv ) TorchRec •Bayesian Inference for a Generative Model of Transcriptome Pro- files from Single-cell RNA Sequencing (Lopez, et. al. , 2018, Na- ture Methods ) Variational Inference for Generative Model of scRNA seq using PyTorch and Pyro •Bayesian aggregation of average data: An application in drug de- velopment (Weber, et. al. , 2018, Annals of Applied Statistics ) Pharmacometric Model using RStan Assistant Professor of Quantitative Methods Troy University Ὄ5March 2009 – May 2017 ♂¶ap-¶arkerTroy, Al Research Projects : •Research Paper (2021): Team Contingent or Sport Native? A Bayesian Analysis of Home Field Advantage, •Research Paper (2021): Exposing model bias in machine learning revisit- ing the boy who cried wolf in the context of phishing detectionWORK PHILOSOPHY “Modeling in the sciences is in fact al- most always generative modeling” Kingma and Welling (2019) MOST PROUD OF /gavelHidden Markov Model (HMM) state space, transition, and emission /binocularsMarkov Decision Process (MDP) states, actions, rewards /cogsPyro & PyTorch SVI (stochastic variaitonal inference) based Variational Autoencoder ⌛Multi-Arm Bandit (MAB) and RL 𝜋policy mapping actions to contexts /meetupMedia Mix Modeling ROAS, mROAS, Adstock, Hill function ἲ1A/B Testing and MCI multiple causal (treatment) inference ὖELDA / Mixture / Clustering Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Topic Models Ὠ0Stan & Bayesian Modeling data, parameters, model, and prediction Ἴ6Servire Est Vivere helping Braydon Farm LLC in Alabama opti- mize their daily flower delivery routes using Transportation Model EDUCATION Ph.D in Industrial Management Clemson University Ὄ52000 – 2007 REMARKS "...On behalf of my wife and I, we would like to sin- cerely thank Dr. Duan, Mrs. Amy Hu, and you for the time you spent developing a distribution plan for our new floral operation. We have incorporated it into our operation and it appears to have significantly reduced our travel time and expenses in distribution our prod- ucts to the Marvin Stores chain. Hopefully this will bePUBLICATIONS /file-altJournal Articles •(Chaojie), D. C. J., & Chakravarty, A. (2021). Team contingent or sport native? a bayesian analysis of home field advantage in professional soccer. Journal of Business Analytics ,4(1), 67–75. doi:10.1080/2573234X.2020.1854625 •(Chaojie), D. C., & Gaurav, A. (2021). Exposing model bias in ma- chine learning revisiting the boy who cried wolf in the context of phishing detection. Journal of Business Analytics ,4(2), 171– 178. doi:10.1080/2573234X.2021.1934128. eprint: https: / /doi.org/10.1080/2573234X.2021.1934128 •Duan, C. [C.J.], & Pierce, G. S. (2017). Starting operations man- agement with a ‘Big Bang’: Using sitcom to introduce OM con- cepts to students. Operations Management Education Review ,11, 115–122. •Duan, C. [CJ], Hu, J., Garrott, S., et al. (2016). Using excel solver to solve Braydon Farms’ truck routing problem: A case study. South Asian Journal of Management Sciences (SAJMS) ,10(1), 38– 47. doi:10.21621/sajms.2016101.04 •Duan, C. [Chaojie], Grover, V., Roberts, N., & Balakrishnan, N. ( (2014). Firm valuation effects of the decision to adopt relation- ally governed business process outsourcing arrangements. In- ternational Journal of Production Research ,52(15), 4673–4694. doi:10.1080/00207543.2014.884289. eprint: https:/ /doi.org/ 10.1080/00207543.2014.884289 •Kronenburg, M. A., Shetterly, D. R., Duan, C., Krishnamoorthy, A., & Loutzenhiser, K. (2013c). The impact of contract design on contract performance satisfaction. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews ,3(4), 2673. •Duan, C. [Chaojie], Grover, V., & Balakrishnan, N. ( (2009). Busi- ness process outsourcing: An event study on the nature of pro- cesses and firm valuation. European Journal of Information Sys- tems ,18(5), 442–457. doi:10.1057/ejis.2009.38 /usersConference Proceedings •Duan, C. [C.J.]. (2013). Retrieving hypothesis parameters from real life events. In The 43rdsoutheast decison sciences institute conference proceedings . SE DSI. •Kronenburg, M. A., Shetterly, D. R., Duan, C., Krishnamoorthy, A., & Loutzenhiser, K. (2013a). Public management skills needed in contract development. In The southeastern conference for pub- lic administration . SECoPA. •Kronenburg, M. A., Shetterly, D. R., Duan, C., Krishnamoorthy, A., & Loutzenhiser, K. (2013b). Public management skills needed in contract development. In The southeastern conference for pub- lic administration . SECoPA. •Kronenburg, M. A., Shetterly, D. R., Duan, C., Krishnamoorthy, A., & Loutzenhiser, K. (2012). The impact of contract design on contractor performance - a second look. In 5thinternational pub- lic procurement conference . IPPC. •Duan, C. [C.J.]. (2004). Teams in TQM: An knowledge based view. In The 35thdsi. •Duan, C. [C.J.]. (2001). One machine scheduling of jobs to min- imize total weighted tardiness. In The 37thsoutheast informs . SE INFORMS.an on-going study and we will be able to “tweak” or al- ter the system based on your recommendations as our business grows..." Stephen (Brad) Bradshaw Garrott Owner, Braydon Farms, 2015 "...I work on projects focused on educating high school students in Mississippi in entrepreneurship opportu- nities and what resources are available to start-ups. I use Excel frequently and I am thankful for being familiar with excel formula’s like vlookup and IF. ... I wish there was an Operations Management class because that was my favorite in undergrad and where I find myself passionate. I am considering entering the workforce aiming for an Operations Management position based on my success in your class and how much I enjoyed it. I think your class is very important and I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn from you. I am also open to entrepreneurship opportunities as I am so active in the entrepreneurship ..." Russell, QM 3345, 2016