FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.13.1-cuda11.6-cudnn8-devel # Arguments to build Docker Image using CUDA ARG USE_CUDA=0 ARG TORCH_ARCH= ENV AM_I_DOCKER True ENV BUILD_WITH_CUDA "${USE_CUDA}" ENV TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST "${TORCH_ARCH}" ENV CUDA_HOME /usr/local/cuda-11.6/ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends wget ffmpeg=7:* \ libsm6=2:* libxext6=2:* git=1:* nano=2.* \ vim=2:* -y \ && apt-get clean && apt-get autoremove && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* WORKDIR /app COPY . /app RUN pip install -r requirements.txt # Expose the desired port (change it if needed) EXPOSE 7680 CMD ["python3", ""]