import streamlit as st from uoh_software_project_time_report.project import * GSHEET_URL = "" st.set_page_config(page_title="Project Time report", layout="centered") st.write('XXXXX Add dash board with KPI panels here! (e.g. total time spent, remaining time, velocity, e.t.c)') st.title("Project Time report!") pr = Project('keys.json') form = st.form(key="annotation") with form: cols = st.columns((1, 1)) author = cols[0].selectbox( "Name:", ["", "Arttu I Lehtonen", "Borna Jamali", "Leevi J A Takala", "Matias Tolppanen", "Nella T Nieminen", "Tuula Jakobsson Peralta", "Machihito Mizutani", "Roberto Morabito", "Hiroshi Doyu", "Anastasia C Diseth", ], index=0 ) binum = cols[1].text_input("Backlog item # (Daily, Review, Retro, Planning is '0'):") cols = st.columns(2) date = cols[0].date_input("work date:") hours = cols[1].slider("Time spent (hours):", 0.25, 7.5, step=0.25) comment = st.text_area("Comment:") submitted = st.form_submit_button(label="Submit") if submitted: pr.append([[author, binum, hours, str(date), comment]]) st.success("Thanks! Your time was recorded.") st.balloons() expander = st.expander("See all records") with expander: st.write(f"Open original [Google Sheet]({GSHEET_URL})") st.dataframe(pr.get())