Hello, everyone. Good with you, Mark. Hello, Kavi. Maximilian and Christian. Let's go for the second class. Are you ready, guys? Did you like the approach that we followed this week? Yes, okay. Too much information. Tell me something. Okay, Mark, do you know the point? You have a chance to read it. Okay, do you know these moments for you? Okay, but it's not bad. If you don't like anything, tell me one, and one is coming to me for sure. We are in contact. I don't want to say every day, but every week. Guys, you saw the screen. That was the last point that I meant. We are coming back to this slide, but we want to go for one. Okay, because today I want to introduce you to the topics of this week, and also the one next week. We spoke about cookies. Okay, I think we defined it very well, but today I want to clarify something with you. Today is the point. We just talked about. We spoke about this? Christian, you have to learn. It is the same when I say BC. On the Internet, an assistant is the same as a tricky professional. You know I'm playing with the text. Okay, don't forget it's Barbara Dominic. Now, this is the first part of the class. It's too important. Sorry to speak about all these metrics. We need to find one because you need it to pass this up. You need it to control, you know, to go deeper in this frame that we created last week. Okay, then, the second part of the class is going to be a way to introduce you to the tool that we are going to see together. Google, you remember, is there? It's not for me. It's data. Okay, but it's a really important advertising company, the biggest one. Okay, the largest one. Okay. And if we are speaking about artificial intelligence, my approach to this app is that this tool for a data guy is one of the best ones. This one. No, this one. Okay. This is Google Analytics, Universal Analysis. I'm pretty sure you already used it in the past. But, guys, you see, this version is called Universalities. Okay, in 2,023 there was a new version of Google, and it's called G. A. 4. Do you know it? Yes, Dominique. Great, you know. And G. A. 4 is the tool. If you ask me, it's the tool. If we are speaking about marketing or business digital. Okay? And it has a lot of elements that help people like you and me to market their business. People need to use all the data. Okay, we will define today because we didn't do it today. It's just yeah, a patriot. And also we will speak about bounce rate and time. Okay. That's the first part of the class. It's too important. Sorry to speak about all these metrics. We need to find one because you need it to pass this up. You need it to control, you know, to go deeper in this frame that we created last week. Okay, then, the second part of the class is going to be a way to introduce you to the tool that we are going to see together. Google, you remember, is there? It's not for me. It's data. Okay, but it's a really important advertising company, the biggest one. Okay, the largest one. Okay. And if we are speaking about artificial intelligence, my approach to this app is that this tool for a data guy is one of the best ones. This one. No, this one. Okay. This is Google Analytics, Universal Analysis. I'm pretty sure you already used it in the past. But, guys, you see, this version is called Universalities. Okay, in 2,023 there was a new version of Google, and it's called G. A. 4. Do you know it? Yes, Dominique. Great, you know. And G. A. 4 is the tool. If you ask me, it's the tool. If we are speaking about marketing or business digital. Okay? And it has a lot of elements that help people like you and me to market their business. People need to use all the data. Okay, we will define today because we didn't do it today. It's just yeah, a patriot. And also we will speak about bounce rate and time. Okay.I love to say that this is the Amazon of Google. Okay, this is the Amazon movement. You like this one, Amanda. You don't have to confess it after the class. You can use your credit card and put it here. I mean, in 3 or 4 days, these socks will be in your home. Okay, but why not? I'm trying to find something cheaper, something cheaper. Guys, this is my favorite one. You know the Dino one, Darren, is my 501. Okay, what? M. L. S. So cheap. £60 in 3 or 4 days. Maximilian is Myel Connie. This is in your home if you want it. Okay, and why is friendly speaking about Google makes? And I said store. Okay, because of a group assignment or a group assignment, as you can see here, give me a sec. Oh, pardon me. Here, or a group assignment is going to be related to this. Okay, we will speak about this later, but you have options as a group and option 1, 2, 3, or 4. You need to choose a business scale, Amanda. Okay, and then defend it against me. Yeah, never seen. Okay, perfect. Okay, the point is this is the information that I want to say with you today. Okay. But tell me, please. Yeah, for me. I am Amanda. I can tell you the money that Google will be getting from this page. Yes, you can buy those socks, Amanda. I don't know. I just can only imagine Google employees. Amanda, you know it's a way of I'm kidding. Where is someone that here in my obviously, you know I'm kidding with you. I'm trying to play. But this is real, and don't don't turn me. And you know why? Because Google makes a store is a real site provided by Google, owned by Google, and I'm getting money. But as I told you in the first week, 97% of the money for Google is not coming from here. So I can imagine, Sergei, how they found out of Google the phone there. So we are sorry. Saying, oh, I'm good. I don't remember the name. Okay, the point is advertising socks, obviously advertising that in okay, they are using they are using Amanda. This side is not important for him or for them. Okay. In order to teach people like you and people like me the benefits of analytics. And here, guys, you see, Google makes a nice store. Google might be My! He's a demo down of Google. My. Hey? There it I, Diana, in order to land, together with the same data site. Universal Analytics, the currency, but also have a. the G. A. 4 person and Amanda, if I have time, maybe not today. Okay. But Monday at the latest you will see. This is screen that I have on my computer on your screen. Okay. I will tell you how to connect it. That's all free, and you don't need to buy any sock. Okay. Don't worry. Okay. You don't have to wait. The point, guys, before Google analytics before buying anything we mentioned as a store. Please please go back to them by measures. Okay. And the most important thing, because it is the way that we have to identify. And are you sure? Okay. Something sorry, something like this. It's a Is that okay? Okay. But I will put it here. I need your help, guys. During the last 2 or 3 days we spoke about the cookies. What's that? What was that, Cookie, My friends? Amanda? You are not. It's Tiffany. Well, it's not by definition, you know. It's not about the definition. If you die. Correct Dominique My. You die perfect. You know I love to. I mean, it is not the more academic definition. But okay, you know. I love to say that a cookie, guys, a cookie is just a small file, you know, a mark, said a small file. I at stupid. It's my whole time. Okay, so simple. It's a simple, you know, TSD: that kind of document. Imagine the cookie like this. Okay, Vienna. Yes. So this is the cookie. And when you open it, you can see the information inside. Okay.Hopefully that cookie helped me. I understand that's all. And that title is the way that we identify that document. Okay. So that file is empty at the beginning when you create it. Just imagine just a line. Well, it's so important, but it's just a line containing a cookie. This is the way that companies like mine identify you, sir, with that. Okay, with a cookie ID. Why do these have here? Well, if so, a number of 6 teams number. Okay, that's all. I don't know if you are a company or it's my help for me for a company like mine. You are a cookie. Okay? Well, it's a good start. I believe me, it's a really good step. Last Saturday I told you. Well, I can't know everything, but I don't know your name, my friends. I don't know if you are a woman. How are you? Where are you? I mean, where are you? Yes, okay. But things like this. Okay. And this file is as important as it, and a small file we done. I'm like, okay, ID and I ID okay and identification number. So if you have any questions, please tell me. Okay. He set up. But as we told on Wednesday, I you know, so Tuesday or Thursday I don't remember it now. Okay, you set up by a brochure. Okay. So my self-service table. Okay, as a first variable. Okay, that cookie has. An I mean, you guys, you have a number because you are using a browser, could be good on, could be Safari. We spoke about this during the week. Why not open up? Okay? No one. You are smiling. No up with a page. That's right. Third page. Okay, I approached it. Okay. I'm telling you. Say, say, please go on. No? No. The point is it's valuable. It's a he died. Okay, I'm telling you that if you visit Monica using Chrome. But let me see. Yeah, it's Safari. Here. I look for. I never use it, so sorry. Okay. Here, perfect. And I go to mark up for Google analysis for these kind of tools. You see. I'm a different. You said bye. Bye. Did you know this? No, for him? Well, how much? I'm telling you that the user notification on the Internet. All these kind of companies who try to sell you something. The basis is the cookie. It's a cookie like this. Okay. Have you ever tried to find, to, to, to, to buy a fly on the Internet? Yes, to book a flight, a hotel. Okay. Yeah. You want to say something. If you are opening, let me see. Give me I I I to look for an assembly. Yeah, we do all opening yes, and that's it. But I I wanted to do it, you know, by if you open it. And in incognito mode, okay, a page mode. The cookie is going to be different as well, even in the same browser. Okay, yeah. Okay. But I only to the closer level. Okay, only to the process level. Not to the server side. 11. Okay. It's important. I always make this job. If you use an incognito mode. Okay, your man can't know what you were watching there. Okay, but Google knows, my friend. No, she yes, these kind of things. It's a it's a it's again. It's a game. Have you? You were looking for that fly, you know, after you know, for Christmas. December 22. Okay. And you came here. I don't know to to Ryanair. It's a popular low cost airline. You don't. Okay? Okay. These one Italy. Okay, imagining the price guys €80, you 80, you because Amanda, he gained with his wife. Whatever? Okay. Rome for a weekend. Wow! Romantic city! Yes, anything you do as I said right. But Javier didn't buy you today. No, no, no, no! Let's think it Rome or Paris, Rome or Paris. Okay, €80 today. Javier, tomorrow. Sunday. After discussing, hey? Wrong definitely. He came back to the same company. Rome room. But the price the same city, same date. But the price is not 80. It's going to be 95 or 100 happy to you guys. Cuba. Is because that document that is important as a small document with a cookie I did, using the same browser. There. Hey, how we are kind yesterday! How are this interesting. You know he came. He didn't buy. But he came back. And the price is different. Okay.Let's try with 95, have you? If you go to Safari and open it, and go to the Madrid room, same date, same number of passengers, €80. One more time. Do you know these people I'm talking about? I'm sorry, in Spanish? I do. You know it's on that. Yes. If you didn't know it, my advice was free. Okay, you are saving money with my advice. Okay. But hey, Bob, maybe you don't know it. The second body able to define a cookie is the device. Okay, I was telling you, hey? If you go to a different browser using the same laptop, the service information, the price is going to be different. Okay. But if you use Chrome also, you know their device. Well, of course this question is for you, is the same cookie ID or he said, this one. You know guys, is the John John downtown Mohammed, and give me a sec. Okay, I will explain it. It's funny. I really love this diagram. My stories, you know you have. Yes, you know, when your friend is putting you know a question in that story, and you have to say yes, not log. Yes. How many people in this class say yes, is the same cookie ID? We are using the same document to collect information. Keep up. What do you say? Hey? Come on. How many people raise your hand? Use Zoom, whatever you want. But how many people say is the same cookie ID? Yeah, yeah, for sure, Amanda. So I mean, if you maybe it's because of my English. If you don't understand anything, just okay. But, Amanda, I was looking for your cable, and I like it. Okay, you are looking for this page in your browser. Okay, in your laptop, the laptop that you are using now with me. Okay. And as I told you, when you open the browser, and you visited me, I create a document with it empty. With that by the able cookie ID, the identification. Okay, I don't know that you are not just a number. Okay. Okay. And you were you seen Amanda, Hiba? Good on. Do you? Then you go here. Sorry, you go here to your cell phone. Okay. You went to Ryanair in this case one more time. The question is the same cookie. Is this same cookie ID? How many people say yes? Christian, Amanda, Muhammad? Okay, how many people? And Stephanie, as well as one? Well, you know they they are thinking like the last minute. How many people that in Ian say no? And what's happening with the race, and what's happening with the race? Yes or not, guys? Have I? What do you say? Yes or not? Okay? Yes, sir. It's not depend, guys. It's not depend. It's different. It's a different device. It's a different cookie ID. Salma, I know that you have a question. Okay. But last week I told you. Wow, this is Internet. We come through everything artificial intelligence. I can know everything that you can do, Kristen. But now I'm telling you, you are using today. You are using the same laptop. I mean the same laptop, different browser. I lose the track. Okay, you use the same browser. But the different device. How many devices you use daily life? Okay. So for me, I have. Yes, that's Mohammed. Give me a sec. Okay, I I will go. Yeah, for me. It's so difficult to connect the lots, you know. But it's so funny. Mohammed Sama. Okay. Give me a second, because some I I you stop 2 min ago in order to answer a question, and before someone, then you okay. Salma, wait for the magic of front. Okay, I mean, we will face this definition in. I don't know 5 min. 10 min. Okay. Okay, that's my idea. Today. Mohammed. So that's that's why I was answering. It depends. No, no, Mohammed, perfect your answer. You know I'm not tricky, Professor. You know I don't discover all my secrets in the same moment. I mean the answer in that moment was perfect. Okay, but you have a no leak as a user, guys. I want to offer you the you know, the opposite side of that going the professional one. And Mohammed, you are right. Okay, you are right. But the question now is the same cookie ID. How many people say yes? Companies like mine and Ryanair know the New York Times and what is happening with Google and other companies that require you to log in. Muhammad, I don't like cookies. If you change your device or process, that number will be different. But these companies, especially Google with Chrome, have an upper level identification. They log in with this ID and can connect all the points, all the behavior, and all the combinations between browsers and devices. You have to offer them information because you are the client. Do you pay for Gmail, My Friends, or any other services? Google is free, but you are the product. They collect data and offer it to advertisers. If you buy a newspaper, you have a chance to pass my sub. That's all. Do you have any questions?We will speak. I think we did it. But we will speak about the first practice and third party weeks later. Okay, maybe during the week. Okay, maybe doing. Anyway, they have no difference. And they are so important. If we are facing this cookie-less scenario that we were just talking about in the last week. Okay, but let's make Salma happy. Okay. Let's speak about what was the session guys? What was the system for for internet? Well, a basic perfect. But if you put me to the test, you don't pass on time spent on a particular page. And Jen Jones mark I mean for a user level. If we are, you know, drinking a beer in the bar. I mean, if you don't know anything about data or the internet. I don't discuss. Okay, that's an SIS session for you. Okay. But if you want to be a professional later. If you want to control those data, said, you know, because maybe you don't are in front of the business. But you are analyzing this kind of the you need to understand it, my friends. That means you didn't speak so much today. I'm worried. Okay, I'm. I'm thinking like no worries, you know. I try to challenge you. That's all guys. Okay, you don't need to, I mean, thank you. Mark. Please. We stop it. You please go for it, Mark. Any any comment? Okay. Came here to help us. Okay, okay, good going. But every day that that check. You know the resolves, the information it related to the newspaper assistant. Okay, I mean my, your your answer was not so, but it was related. You know the time that you spend there. Yeah, you wanted to say that one. Okay. But the BC: okay, for the analytics tool on the internet is every time that you open that you get the connection with that server to the market one today. I'm a for one. Oh, guys, 2. I know next week. Every time that you got here you know that analytics. 2 G, 4 or universalities is connecting recording a session. Okay. Do you like bars, Salma? Do you like bars beer, you know. Coke a petrol lang. Hello! Do you like bars? No, cool? Not my sorry. No, am I not? Do you like bars, Ian? Well, often for a coffee or a Coke. What up here? Okay. I love to use this as simple in order to not forget it. Okay. It's important to remark that we, when we are speaking about cookies. We are not speaking about people. Because, as you saw it, Stephanie. You could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cookies. Okay, at the same time. Okay. So a cookie is not a person, but for my sample, Barbara Christian. It. I. O Carlos. Yes, okay. A cookie is the number, and cookies are the number of people who arrived to my back. Okay. And a session. This is the number of time that that people came. You can be so engaged to my back. Okay, and you come. Will be me 3 times per day. Who Amanda or Heba? Only come in there early morning in order to drink a coffee. Oh, my! You nearby going? Okay, you know about that bar. But you never go in. Okay. This is a simple, okay. Sessions is every time able to connect them that everybody I mean. Every connection to my but. Okay. Ladies. Okay. That's all the analytics tool. You will discover it after this subject. They are so stupid they are only tools. Pedro. If you want to put something intelligent there. It's coming by your side. No, by their tool side. Yeah. But, guys. I'm speaking to you an I in marca.com corset. Barbara. Is this warning guys or not? Ian? No. Okay. If yes, tell me, please. Okay. Perfect. Okay. We are visiting Mark on my favorite site. Ever. Okay, I really like sports. So I come here and we were speaking. We were, you know, this is a national team coach. Yeah. I mean my national team, Spain. Okay. But I left. I left this page as you do it every day with all the sites. Okay. Like this one, and I go to. We will make some nice analytics on this one. I will do it. We will go for that. Go fee guys, we do a break. We we make a break. And then, Amanda, we come back. You know, specifically. Keep up. Okay? Well. 2829 min after we go for a coffee together, you know we make a break. Okay.We came back to the same basic analysis. He said, "Be filling one that in he died is the same if I have yet there." We spoke about this. Okay, if you VC my play is my side okay? The session, you know they paid of that document is going to be the same, do you? But what happened? Kiba? If we didn't last 29 minutes, we spent together drinking that coffee 31 minutes. What's happening for the analytics tool for the user interface? This one is the same page. You can refresh and nothing happened there, but for the company, how about please? So now, when people told me that you were good, this was for reasons like this, okay. It's a different session for the stupid tool that analysis tool and that is stupid and no entity. Right now, the document is collecting the info in another page. That's all. Okay, so a session is defined by the 30 minute inactivity rule. Why, Salma? 30 minutes. Why, Dominic? 30 minutes. No 80, no 15, no 45. It's because at Google India, 15 years ago, Carlos decided by his own, that's all. Okay, it could be 40, yes, it could be 40, but they decided 30. That's all. It is that time that they consider that for a coffee you are, you know, that's all right. Okay. He died 5, 7 years ago, I was using Google analytics and a Dover analysis, and that 30 minutes were different. I don't remember for which one, but for one it was 20, and for the last one, but from the other one, 30, bye bye. Could you imagine my report? I mean the information that you were setting the why this number for? Why these? Well, okay. But what's happening, guys? And this is important. If you are visiting, because today, these days, these weeks, Mohammed and me, we were speaking about football before the class, and I, I don't know, half of the day looking for this one, and after this one, after this one, this one, and of the yes, after this one, I don't know the one, this one, and then this one, and this one for more than 20 to 12 hours, my friends, more than 12. What's happening on the new page? I mean, if you see you can here and you press here. Hi, this okay. This is the same for this one. I mean, you go. Yes, it's a new session for this side. Yes, I mean 30 minutes in the domain, because I mean it could be different at that in. But it's an advanced conversation. Okay, it could be different. But I mean the way that we have to collect the information is offered by the domain. Okay, we can modify it, but this is about the domain. The point is, guys, this is a session. If there is 12 hours of activity, you know, using the same domain, what about one minute? The session expires and the new session starts. Why, Selma? Because the tool has a condition, a rule, let's say. You are more than 12 hours in the side. The human good at both. Okay, in order to consider it, to control these Christians at 12 hours happens many times. Help, Mom and Don't want to say every day. But, hey, you know what's happening. Yes. I have another definition of page views. Thank you. I have a question. Yeah, for sure. It's a difference. I mean, let me spend you this one, Mohammed. I mean, you are using different, I mean, I'll just 21. I want to resources. It is different. Okay. But the point is, we are analyzing an analytics tool session, Google analytics. So you are collecting that information in now. Weep or suite. Okay, but the content is the same, because that banking is all it's working as well with that session. Okay, but let me, follow with your a simple in your bank account. If you are using that bank account, you know, I mean the session maybe expired after two minutes, or maybe five. Okay, because of security reasons. Okay, more than 30. You vote for that. Go-free. Someone can take it. Okay.For the analytics tool, it is not critical, but for your banking account, my friend, so after two minutes, five minutes, let's assume it's over and this is clear to your eyes because the logout is automatic. Yes, Mohammed, but in the analytics tool, nothing happened here that day. It's the same one. You came 20 minutes before, after no problem. This page is going to be the same one. The way I am collecting the information is the same. Okay, but if you come to this page after 31 minutes, the page is the same one, but for the analytics tool, the data part is different. Okay, Mohammed, perfect. Do you have any questions so far? One more time, Christian, interesting. Don't lie to me. Okay, are you watching the football game at the same time or not? No, you told me that you would be maybe if you are interested enough to forget the football game. Stephanie, I'm happy. Okay, yes, the point. Let's go for the last definition. While I'm at it, let's see if I can do it with a bounce with some time. Okay, Juan Selma, what do you need to speak to me about? Wow, you say only hello? What about me? But I need more. Come on, guys, Carlos, what's the page view? Stephanie, try it. Let's try, and that's so important for me. But a page view is a different concept. Christian, okay, see I. Well, Muhammad, I look, don't forget it. I love people who try. Okay, but in this occasion, no. Let's see something. You, how would you ever seen these guys? You know these are, you know, is there a console? Yeah, perfect. All of you guys, Kiba, Heba, Diana, Dominique, Amanda, yes, okay, you know I'm gonna clear it. But what's happening here on the right side of my page? What's happening? I love to say that in that this is internetworking. That's all. All the elements on the page are loaded. Okay, I will do my magic. Okay, I will put here. Cool it. That's all. You don't have to know it. Okay, but yes, you see, these guys. You see, this number is enough big. See, Amanda, Itai, Vienna, yeah, you see that, my cookie, my friends? That's the cookie ID of my good old Macbook Pro combination. Yes, if I see, guys, if I see another page, boom, another hit. Okay, if I see another one, a basket one. Okay, is happening. Just come in for sure. Yeah, Hobby, another piece of information sent to that server, a page view, guys, is every time. Every time that info is sent to the server. And Mohammed, I don't remember who said, okay, but yes, you are right. Every time that you said, BC, okay, during that session, update and I send the analytics information to the server. That's a complete definition. Dominique, happening many, many times, not to me, because I'm really, really good. There. No, to me, Pedro, Salman, happened one, that sometimes these analytics code, these analytics, to the server, is not launched or many reasons, because no analytics there because some problems, because I don't want to send it. In that case, you are refreshing the page and nothing happened no more. At blocking, we will speak about blocking. Okay, this is my worst enemy. By opening these, I'm refreshing the page. You see, nothing happened for the analytics tool. No more page views. Why? Because I'm stopping. I cancel it. The track. Yeah, well, we are doing it well. If you don't let me, oh, let me! Well, you don't see you don't see anything.I can move this if you find it in this. Give me a sec and we'll do it one more time. Here they have the name. Okay, but not the previous one. I know it now. Information to the because and refreshing the pay. Interesting. Ian Salman. Difficult to understand? Nice? Yeah, for sure. Yes, because you know this ecosystem. I mean, we are speaking only about one cookie. Okay. To the point is when you are visiting these kind of pages every day. My friends. Okay. 200, 250 cookies are working at the same time and each one has a function. Each one. Okay. And in my systems, everything is connected. This cookie information is not. This piece of information is collecting this and this one, this one and they are linked because of any service. Okay. Am I offering you a clear answer or not? Okay. It's not telling you guys. I'm sometimes working around. Okay. Because I don't know what you have inside Lianna in Tennessee. Heba. Interesting. Dominique is additional information for you. Okay. More. But now you have to speak on this side Kibba. Salma is stay funny. Okay. And you need to replay me. Okay, one more time, Carlos. To clarify everything. He's not. Stefanie interested in the FIFA World Cup. You know, I think Spain has some things right this year. Okay. So what about that? I'm basically every day this week. Here guys. Is my behavior. See my question, Selma, to you, but also to the rest of people here. How many cookies, conversations, and how many pages? See, guys, one more question before I'm saying, hey, don't answer it. But do you like beers? So being okay. Paid at all. You on. If you don't, if you like beer, that's no problem, man, I have another solution for you. Amanda. You like chocolate? Me too. You know I see him. I love more chocolate and beer. Okay, and more chocolate than bikes. It's difficult. It's difficult. Okay. But also Salma, I really like books. You like beers, chocolate, or books? Are we talking also about that? We are forgetting, you know, for now that body able first of all, or third party cookies, because, Stefanie, these first of it's coming to us, if we are saying in their domain. Okay, but in this exercise we have not. I mean nice. Are you speaking about beer soccer the boots? Because with these learnings we are going to use analytics guys. Okay? And after using analysis, Christian, you are competing. Don't tell the a. But you are competing. Okay, so we will make a competition. Maybe next week next Saturday, and he but if you win that competition you have to choose beer, chocolate, or books, and I will offer you that to your home. Okay, directly to your home this time from I I promise that you will find it okay by first. So do you like beers, chocolate, or books? Yes, 3 of them not. But you have to choose one, my friend. And I'm getting money from the school, but not so much. So I have to choose. Okay, beer. I will promise one. I put that beer in Chile. You do win. Okay. Yeah. The point is. Let's try. What's that cookie? How many cookies, how many sessions, how many page views in this weekly behavior? I need a break down to them in order to be the first one to replace Salma Kuan, Ian. Yes, and and gunny. Hey? Who? How many people say? 8 cookies here. I don't know we day. I can do it with you right now. Your number let's do something. You know we have a chat right? We have a chat in order to be well, this is being recorded also. How many? Bye? 4, 8, hey? Sessions 9. Wow! This is a lottery right now. Bye. Let's do it together, guys. Let's do it together. Okay. Let's do it together. The boys the first day here. Okay. Then a year in Selma. You see my and also Chrome as a browser, IBC. PET, the home page of Marca, the World Cup main page, and also I came back to to this one. Okay. Should I? Soon? One cookie see that in if my behavior is creating one cookie for the 2, right. C one. I'm not sure. Everything.No discussion, right? No discussion. Okay. The boy needed that last Monday. Yeah. Last night they were on Tuesday, you know, 10 am same day, same time different day. Ivan and Dominic were using the same device, and also the same browser. They won't update the main date. You know, I really like what I see, you know. Look at what's playing for the Real Madrid basketball team some years ago, so I visited the article of their victory, and also the record article of Luke Adams. The question is, one more cookie for the same one? Yeah, do you agree with me and our friend? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What a level of this class, my friends. Stay in cookie. See? But they salmon, you know. I didn't want to work last Tuesday. I didn't work. Okay. So at 11 again, you see, not my personal laptop, the working one. I came back to the homepage of the same cookie, Carlos Salma, or a different one. See? And then the same day. But you know, my so far. 11 Pm. Lang. Us stadium article. One more cookie or the same cookie. One more guys. Did you come to Margaret when you were finishing this? Wow, maybe you can be seated. Okay. Let's see the Temple salm at the Temple. This is a Real Madrid stadium. Okay, we will be sitting together. Okay, I will offer you caviar if you like it. Oh, I knew it, you know. I saw his face again. You can see you know those Champions League together. Don't worry. Yeah. Nothing. Nothing in your scheme. Don't worry. Okay. So how many cookies do you look? You look really good like a guy, you know. I thought you were a randomly supported. No problem. Okay. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding guys, I really I to do. But I'm always kidding. 3 so far. Okay, let's see. Wednesday. 10 Pm. Not good pro. And also from Germany, Japan, or live. If a Japanese people here congratulations. Oh, no. The postmates. Should I add another cookie to my report or not? Yeah, Mark Tony? No. Because the same combination, right? Yes, that's it. Then Thursday almost over there that week. Lenovo plus chrome. Should they add another one? Yes. Why, Salman total right now. So far. You. We skip it. Sorry, my friend. So sorry. I'm sorry, Dominique. You're right. Okay? Because I was thinking, well, and I lost my mind. Okay. So this day one, then 2, 3, and Lenovo is the fifth one. Okay. Writing. Writing 3 Pm. Macbook pro plus chrome to the that. Another one? No. But good. Okay. 5 cookies. It's been recording, you know. Also the chat. So no problem. I know. Who are we playing in a proper way? How many systems? Now? One past 6 on this A. Everyone is dealing with this Christian Itai. Yes. One here. 2, 3 sees 7, hey? That's how many paid to us. One on page. See a functional. Second World cup name, page. Should I count these guys compared to us here? Should I count it? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, their team for team 15, 18. It's clear for everyone. See. You see so far, right? But it's tricky. He died. I was trying to confuse you, because only one page. You you see if I put and you were right. I I if I put you, might in it there. You might do it. Plus one Madrid article here. The number of is going to be different. Okay, I mean, I I I coach 9, okay, and also 19. I didn't do it. Okay, I didn't do it. Okay. Guys, is this interesting or not, Carlos? I mean, I don't want I I I can come here to divorce. Okay, just tell me so. In these 10 min. I mean, if you, if you do this one and you want I mean session on a page view. Yes, in in fact. Carlos, if that time that we we facing to each other for the first time, you know that we mean you want. I'll pay a beer for you. Okay. During this class I spend your classes with Marca Marta, because every time that you refresh these these also, it's being refreshing, and I can get in that loss more money here. Yes, that's my business, Diana. You know I have a 5 year old out there. Santa Claus is coming to visit us. You see, I need a lot of money. Okay. Yeah, no. See they boys and there. But here, guys here we gotta go. Now you speak.I will fill everything in later. Okay for you. But what is the bounce rate for the first time someone visits the website? So you need to know what the bounce rate is. Why is it important? I mean, do you see something like this possible? Give me a second. Also, okay, because I want to defend my position against Carlos. Okay, Carlos, you told me that you were right here, then you were there, and that's one way, right? Okay. But you told me that you were right here immediately, you know, but a different one. No, from the same domain like this one. That sounds right, Carlos. But this is not the same, my friend. You know this is what Alfredo said. You know what I mean. It's alright for it to sail me. I don't know. Yeah, it's Darine Amanda. You go to Manga. Okay. Or to Amazon guys that way. You Vc. Only one page is the funny only one paid. And then you left the domain that's bouncing. Okay, that's one way to imagine. I'm gonna for you at week. Okay, yes, give for this as simple here guys in my team. Barbara, that you are not now in America. I refresh. I mean, I'm refreshing and arriving now for America. Hey? Tomatoes? Sorry, tomato. Okay. I'm. As I told you as we land together. Sending information to the survey in this. Okay, one only this here guys. You have also information. Let me see. Okay, offering to the server. Hey. I'm visiting this bar with that cookie at November, Saturday, November 26, and in my country I mean, this is, you know, Gpm. at 11, 1522 s. You all are offering to the survey that information. Okay, Carlos, are you told me? But for sure, as you told me you are right here. and then you left. Okay. How much time will the tool tell you that you spent on my side in my paint? What's the answer? Do you like beer? Do you like chocolate? Do you like to read a book? How many seconds? It's definitely I need your opinion. I do think of that. In how many seconds will the tool tell you that you spent there? Christian. No, no go for it, I would say 0. But I don't know. Christian. We're right just right, because sometimes you know the barely is to insurance and Christian the answer of that analysis tool so stupid. I told you. Diana. You and we see them in this case here. Still, my friends. Why? Because you are right to mark i'll phone. So I send you full. Sorry. I say, info to the server here 1117, 43 s. This is gonna start. Okay, why is that first payment? But when you are leaving with kind of information, are you sending to the tool? To the the answer. But it is nothing. Okay. So the analytics tool Christian. So a stupid tool. The intelligent part is here. If something is intelligent, it's coming from here summer. Okay. The 2. It's going to show you a. I have no information about the time. because I know that you can at at one 17, 30 s by a simple, but they don't know when you left, because when you leave no information to the server. Okay. With the information. Stephanie, I didn't tell you. And it was in the discussion. Okay, I didn't tell you this day. Okay. I am paying for this kind of analysis tool Kiva: €700,000 per year. It's not some weeks. I don't get that money only some weeks and €700,000. Okay. Could you imagine how you are paying that amount of money, you know, building this kind of a consistent in a company like I don't know 20 millions. They yet pay more of revenue. and hey, I for no information about the time that tool is not of any. In order to to say, I don't know they create it. Okay. So. And you left when you only offer one time I mean one heat of information to the server. the starting point, but not the only one. Okay. What's happening. If you, after missing the homepage, you go here. Okay, Poland, Arabia. You are sending information to the server One more time. He's not at 11 at 1 17 he's at one 20 here 2 times, offering information with 10 information there. including. so the tool is going to ask you. How much time did you spend on my side. Okay.If you spend 3 minutes from 17:02 to 17:20, the bounce rate in that case is going to be 0. Okay, this matrix Mohammed bounce rate and time are related. We are doing it because if you are right, I can collect information about the times. The bounce rate is going to be 0, but if I couldn't, it would be 0. And the bounce rate is going to be 100%. Okay, so Christian, I have 3 definitions, and we are almost closing with these. Okay, about bounce rate, don't worry guys, because we are going to speak about this within the week. Okay, bounce rate that loss. Okay, is that saying a single page visit if you're thinking of all those times that you came to my site, only one page. Only one. Okay, and also a bounce rate? The bounce rate can be defined as sessions without time information. Yeah, of one, the last definition of bounce. Every time that you arrive to my site, you do nothing for the analysis, too. And then you leave. Okay. But my question, Salma, this is especially for you. Okay, imagine that you are right to market it. I also for you as well. Okay, yes, you are right to Malcolm and you spend 20 minutes reading. You know the homepage like this one 20 minutes, and then scroll up and then just scroll down, down. And then, well, you see this picture that Julian clicked? Oh, well, what are no fair 20 minutes. Wow! Are you sure? Well, he's defending his position very well. Tell my beard chocolate to books. What do you prefer? Books? Okay, your question. Say again, please. I mean, and do you know how to measure the time? Good question. First of all, okay, the time is something that matrix is related mainly to the session. Okay, okay, mainly to the session. And you can get sessions without time information and session without time information in the second one, I mean the first one session with time information. You have to have at least two pages. Okay? Okay. Hmm. Yeah, bounce rate are single page visits, single page sessions, because I will go back if you come first page, the starting point and then you create another page view. Miss it in another page. Okay, from this point to this point I can calculate how much time do you spend there? He's going to. Yes, yeah, he's going to offer you this information as time, session, position, time. Sorry. Okay, but these for getting the last page, because it's impossible to offer info about the last, because when you leave, no information about this. I mean, this is complex guys, and I prefer to learn this. I explain it to speak about this today and then learn all the concepts during the week. Okay, but okay, please, don't forget to answer me. But related to this, because it's important for the rest as well. Okay. But coming to Salva, he got. How about? I don't remember being on this the question. But when you were right, okay, you were right. It was bounce rate? Because if you are visiting a site for 20 minutes like this, you are not offering by the fall more information to the service, so it's impossible for the analytics to calculate the time. Am I clear, guys? But Salma, you know I'm coming back. I'm coming back, I told you the first day I come into almost everything, and today I told you how you are not a cook. You are 5, c. 7, depending on the table. It's so difficult for me to identify you as a person. Okay. But I'm coming back to you if you control the tools, if you control javascript programming languages and you know what you are doing with your business. Okay, yeah. For so you can drop all the elements in the page that you want. See? So, Salma, if you. If you are scrolling down until 25%, I put an event. And even don't worry about this work now an event to control the. The okay is arriving to the 25% of a scroll send more information to the server. Additional information to the server. No, by default, guys. I have to implement it in that moment. In that moment I got the starting point from the page view, and also I include the information time. Okay. I have to close, but I don't want to do it without a replacement. I think that function was one that you asked me something from your side. I tried to be sure of almost everything I was using. Scroll down, you scroll down a simple. But imagine you are here. Give me a sec. Okay. You are here. Oh, sure. Pardon me. Okay. This one. Okay. And you are clicking here, in the sharing button social bottom. And also I'm actually shooting when you click and you are clicking here. You want to comment this all these small options by your side. It offers me the chance to be sure of the time. Okay. So if you click it, if you click in this before for me, but if you are too for Google, I'm nice. You are clicking. I don't know in my in the rows. I really like it. Okay. You click here. Well here. Oh, here. And that Google in this case not me. Sorry. I don't know how to skip it. And bundle. If you do it, what a lot of luck! I'm collecting that information. All that information. Do you guys see? One more time, he and the last one today? It's interesting. This. Okay. Don't forget this. I mean, this week is key for you, because we will see together Google Analytics, and I will offer you, I mean, Monday morning, the early morning, the way to go to the same data that I'm checking right now. Okay. Yes, are we? And I will offer you some practical advice. These questions related to this. Okay. See. So next Saturday we will play together. Okay, and in the last 20 to 25 minutes, we'll have a competition for beers, Joe plots or books. And then I will send it to you if you win. Only viewing. Okay. It doesn't matter, and we are finishing that. You can drink beers, chocolate or read a book that Saturday after my class. But if you win, I will offer you something for free and the meal function. Guys, good week. I'm in that with her Quan, in order to define the deadlines for everything. Okay, let's go for what we decided. Okay, any questions? Tell me. Okay. You need to speak today. Are you watching football or what? No, no, I'm listening. Oh, okay, I'm kidding. Hey, guys, good weekend.