Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -8,18 +8,59 @@ os.system("pip3 install torch")
8 |
os.system("pip3 install collections")
9 |
os.system("pip3 install torchvision")
10 |
os.system("pip3 install einops")
11 |
#os.system("pip3 install argparse")
12 |
13 |
from PIL import Image
14 |
import torch
15 |
from torchvision import transforms
16 |
from model_video import build_model
17 |
import numpy as np
18 |
import collections
19 |
#import argparse
20 |
21 |
net = build_model(device).to(device)
22 |
23 |
model_path = 'image_best.pth'
24 |
25 |
@@ -44,8 +85,10 @@ def test(gpu_id, net, img_list, group_size, img_size):
44 |
for i in range(5):
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
#w, h = 224,224#Image.open(image_list[i][j]).size
50 |
#result = result.resize((w, h), Image.BILINEAR)
51 |
8 |
os.system("pip3 install collections")
9 |
os.system("pip3 install torchvision")
10 |
os.system("pip3 install einops")
11 |
os.system("pip3 install pydensecrf")
12 |
#os.system("pip3 install argparse")
13 |
import pydensecrf.densecrf as dcrf
14 |
from PIL import Image
15 |
import torch
16 |
from torchvision import transforms
17 |
from model_video import build_model
18 |
import numpy as np
19 |
import collections
20 |
21 |
def crf_refine(img, annos):
22 |
def _sigmoid(x):
23 |
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
24 |
25 |
assert img.dtype == np.uint8
26 |
assert annos.dtype == np.uint8
27 |
assert img.shape[:2] == annos.shape
28 |
29 |
# img and annos should be np array with data type uint8
30 |
31 |
EPSILON = 1e-8
32 |
33 |
M = 2 # salient or not
34 |
tau = 1.05
35 |
# Setup the CRF model
36 |
d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], M)
37 |
38 |
anno_norm = annos / 255.
39 |
40 |
n_energy = -np.log((1.0 - anno_norm + EPSILON)) / (tau * _sigmoid(1 - anno_norm))
41 |
p_energy = -np.log(anno_norm + EPSILON) / (tau * _sigmoid(anno_norm))
42 |
43 |
U = np.zeros((M, img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]), dtype='float32')
44 |
U[0, :] = n_energy.flatten()
45 |
U[1, :] = p_energy.flatten()
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=3, compat=3)
50 |
d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=60, srgb=5, rgbim=img, compat=5)
51 |
52 |
# Do the inference
53 |
infer = np.array(d.inference(1)).astype('float32')
54 |
res = infer[1, :]
55 |
56 |
res = res * 255
57 |
res = res.reshape(img.shape[:2])
58 |
return res.astype('uint8')
59 |
60 |
#import argparse
61 |
62 |
net = build_model(device).to(device)
63 |
64 |
model_path = 'image_best.pth'
65 |
66 |
85 |
for i in range(5):
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
pred_mask=[crf_refine(img_list[i],pred_mask[i]) for i in range(5)]
90 |
91 |
result = [Image.fromarray((torch.from_numpy(pred_mask[i]).unsqueeze(2).repeat(1,1,3)).numpy()) for i in range(5)]
92 |
#w, h = 224,224#Image.open(image_list[i][j]).size
93 |
#result = result.resize((w, h), Image.BILINEAR)
94 |