--- title: Model Validation emoji: 🏢 colorFrom: pink colorTo: purple sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.31.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false --- **Documentation** # Group1_Subtask2 ## Generating A Judger Response For Target Model **Model Functionalities** - Model Prompt - Two responses from the model based on the prompt - Judger Model takes the two responses as prompts and gives back a judgment - User modifies the judgment to fit his/her views **Target Model** - Gemini
**Featured Judger Model** - Gemini


-> model_prompt_response function: takes prompt from the user as an argument and parse to the model. Returns:
- **response1_model**: Response 1 from the target model - **judge_1**: Judgement 1 from the judger for response 1 - **score1_judger**: Score 1 from the judger for response 1 - **response1_mode2**: Response 2 from the target model - **judge_2**: Judgement 2 from the judger for response 2 - **score1_judger**: Score 2 from the judger for response 2 -> judge_response function: Takes score1_judger, score2_judger, judge_1 and judge_2 from model_prompt_response as arguments. Returns:
- **response1_judger**: Edited/Accepted Response 1 by user - **score1_anonator**: Edited/Accepted Score 1 by user - **response2_judger**: Edited/Accepted Response 2 by user - **score2_anonator**: Edited/Accepted Score 2 by user -> assign_score function. Implements a simple search algorithm that searches **judge_1** and **judge_2** for score and assigns a score to the responses from the target model. ![Response Model](./gif.gif)


File -> requirements.txt
gradio for gradio
google.generativeai for Gemini generative AI
api_key api key
model model instance

***Team*** *** Collins Okoth: collins.okech@digitaldividedata.com
Albert Disi: albert.disi@digitaldividedata.com
Joseph Amadi: joseph.amadi@digitaldividedata.com *** Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference