import discord import os import threading from discord.ext import commands import json import datetime import requests import os.path import gspread import gradio_client import gradio as gr from gradio_client import Client DISCORD_TOKEN = os.environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN", None) intents = discord.Intents.all() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents) """""" XP_PER_MESSAGE = 10 # 100k messages = 1M exp = lvl 100 data_file_path = '/data/xp_data.json' xp_data = {} """""" service_account = json.loads(os.environ.get('KEY')) file_path = 'service_account.json' with open(file_path, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(service_account, json_file) gspread_bot = gspread.service_account(filename='service_account.json') worksheet ="levelbot").sheet1 """""" API_URL = "" HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN", None) headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_TOKEN}"} def query(payload): response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.json() @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {}') print(f"XP_PER_MESSAGE: {XP_PER_MESSAGE}") global xp_data xp_data = load_xp_data() #print('XP data loaded:', xp_data) print('XP data loaded') print(xp_data) """ try: with open('xp_data.json', 'r') as f: xp_data = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: xp_data = {} """ def save_xp_data(): with open(data_file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(xp_data, f) def load_xp_data(): if os.path.exists(data_file_path): with open(data_file_path, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) return {} @bot.event async def on_message(message): try: if != bot.user: #output = query({"inputs": f"{message.content}",}) #print(output) """AWAIT LEVEL ALGORITHM OR SOMETHING (MULTIPLE FILES?)""" author_id = str( # dictionary pairs (ID -> TOTAL XP) xp_data.setdefault(author_id, 0) # default if it doesn't already exist xp_data[author_id] += XP_PER_MESSAGE print(f"{} = {xp_data[author_id]}") #print(f"xp_data: {xp_data}") save_xp_data() bot_ids = [1166392942387265536, 1158038249835610123, 1130774761031610388, 1155489509518098565, 1155169841276260546, 1152238037355474964, 1154395078735953930] try: if not in bot_ids: #if == 811235357663297546: # get level guild = bot.get_guild(879548962464493619) current_level = calculate_level(xp_data[author_id]) lvl1 = guild.get_role(1171861537699397733) lvl2 = guild.get_role(1171861595115245699) lvl3 = guild.get_role(1171861626715115591) lvl4 = guild.get_role(1171861657975259206) lvl5 = guild.get_role(1171861686580412497) lvl6 = guild.get_role(1171861900301172736) lvl7 = guild.get_role(1171861936258941018) lvl8 = guild.get_role(1171861968597024868) lvl9 = guild.get_role(1171862009982242836) lvl10 = guild.get_role(1164188093713223721) lvl11 = guild.get_role(1171524944354607104) lvl12 = guild.get_role(1171524990257082458) lvl13 = guild.get_role(1171525021928263791) lvl14 = guild.get_role(1171525062201966724) lvl15 = guild.get_role(1171525098465918996) """ if current_level == 2: if lvl2 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl2}") await print(f"Removed {lvl1} from {}") if current_level == 3: if lvl3 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl3}") await print(f"Removed {lvl2} from {}") if current_level == 4: if lvl4 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl4}") await print(f"Removed {lvl3} from {}") if current_level == 5: if lvl5 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl5}") await print(f"Removed {lvl4} from {}") if current_level == 6: if lvl6 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl6}") await print(f"Removed {lvl5} from {}") if current_level == 7: if lvl7 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl7}") await print(f"Removed {lvl6} from {}") if current_level == 8: if lvl8 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl8}") await print(f"Removed {lvl7} from {}") if current_level == 9: if lvl9 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl9}") await print(f"Removed {lvl8} from {}") if current_level == 10: if lvl10 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl10}") await print(f"Removed {lvl9} from {}") if current_level == 11: if lvl11 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl11}") await print(f"Removed {lvl10} from {}") if current_level == 12: if lvl12 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl12}") await print(f"Removed {lvl11} from {}") if current_level == 13: if lvl13 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl13}") await print(f"Removed {lvl12} from {}") if current_level == 14: if lvl14 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl14}") await print(f"Removed {lvl13} from {}") if current_level == 15: if lvl15 not in await print(f"Gave {} {lvl15}") await print(f"Removed {lvl14} from {}") """ except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") await bot.process_commands(message) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") def calculate_level(xp): return int(xp ** (1.0 / 3.0)) def calculate_xp(level): return (int(level ** 3)) @bot.command() async def restore_exp(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: try: guild = ctx.guild lvl1 = guild.get_role(1171861537699397733) lvl2 = guild.get_role(1171861595115245699) lvl3 = guild.get_role(1171861626715115591) lvl4 = guild.get_role(1171861657975259206) lvl5 = guild.get_role(1171861686580412497) lvl6 = guild.get_role(1171861900301172736) lvl7 = guild.get_role(1171861936258941018) lvl8 = guild.get_role(1171861968597024868) lvl9 = guild.get_role(1171862009982242836) lvl10 = guild.get_role(1164188093713223721) lvl11 = guild.get_role(1171524944354607104) lvl12 = guild.get_role(1171524990257082458) lvl13 = guild.get_role(1171525021928263791) lvl14 = guild.get_role(1171525062201966724) lvl15 = guild.get_role(1171525098465918996) level_roles = [lvl1,lvl2,lvl3,lvl4,lvl5,lvl6,lvl7,lvl8,lvl9,lvl10,lvl11,lvl12,lvl13,lvl14,lvl15] member_id_column_values = worksheet.col_values(1) for role in level_roles: role_members = [ for member in ctx.guild.members if role in member.roles] # role = position in level_roles + some adjustment factor # list of people in a given role (e.g. lvl5) print(f"role: {role} | role_members: {role_members}") #members_with_role = [ for member in ctx.guild.members if lvl13 in member.roles] # extract user_id + xp based on level for member_id in role_members: string_member_id = str(member_id) if string_member_id in member_id_column_values: continue member = await bot.fetch_user(member_id) #xp = calculate_xp(13) position = level_roles.index(role) + 1 xp = calculate_xp(position) level = calculate_level(xp+1) print(f"{role} {level} {xp} {member}") string_xp = str(xp) string_level = str(level) # get column name / data to safetycheck # does a record already exist? #cell = worksheet.find(string_member_id) #if cell is None: print(f"creating new record for {member}") # if not, create new record length = len(worksheet.col_values(1)) worksheet.update(values=[[string_member_id,, xp, level]], range_name=f'A{length+1}:D{length+1}') """ cell = worksheet.cell(length+1,1) worksheet.update_cell(length+1, 1, string_member_id) worksheet.update_cell(length+1, 2, worksheet.update_cell(length+1, 3, string_xp) worksheet.update_cell(length+1, 4, string_level) """ """ else: if cell: continue print(f"updating record for {member}") # if so, update that row... # update exp, can only be in a positive direction worksheet.update(values=[[xp, level]], range_name=f'C{cell.row}:D{cell.row}') #worksheet.update_cell(cell.row, cell.col+2, xp) #worksheet.update_cell(cell.row, cell.col+3, level) """ """ value = cell.value row_number = cell.row column_number = cell.col """ except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.command() async def fixsheets(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: try: # iterate through @verified role members # test in test sheet first role_id = int(900063512829755413) # 900063512829755413 = @verified role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is None: print(f"Role with ID '{role_id}' not found.") return members_with_role = [ for member in ctx.guild.members if role in member.roles] print(f"Members with the role with ID '{role_id}': {', '.join(map(str, members_with_role))}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.command() async def level(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: try: user_data = [] for author_id_str, xp_value in xp_data.items(): try: current_level = calculate_level(xp_value) author_id = int(author_id_str) user = bot.get_user(author_id) user_data.append((user, xp_value, current_level)) except Exception as e: print(f"Error for user {author_id}: {e}") sorted_user_data = sorted(user_data, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for user, xp, level in sorted_user_data: print(f"user: {user} | xp: {xp} | level: {level}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") """ if author_id in xp_data: xp = xp_data[author_id] level = calculate_level(xp) await ctx.send(f'You are at level {level} with {xp} XP.') else: await ctx.send('You have not earned any XP yet.') # show top users by level / exp """ @bot.command() async def count(ctx): """Count total messages per user in all channels.""" if == 811235357663297546: message_counts = {} for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None): message_counts[] = message_counts.get(, 0) + 1 except discord.Forbidden: # Handle the Forbidden error #await ctx.send(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") sorted_users = sorted(message_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) top_list = "\n".join([f"{}: {count}" for member, count in sorted_users[:50]]) #await ctx.send(f"Message count per user in all text channels:\n{top_list}") print(f"Message count per user in all text channels:\n{top_list}") @bot.command() async def count_messages1(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1) message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): message_count += 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f'Total messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_messages7(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=7) message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): message_count += 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f'Total messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_messages14(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=14) message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): message_count += 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f'Total messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_messages30(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=30) message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): message_count += 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f'Total messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_messages60(ctx): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=60) message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): message_count += 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f'Total messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_messages(ctx, time: int): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=time) message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: print( try: async for message in channel.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): message_count += 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") print(f'Total messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_threads(ctx, time: int): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=time) thread_message_count = 0 for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: print(f"CHANNELNAME: {}") for thread in channel.threads: print( print( async for message in thread.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): thread_message_count += 1 print(f'Total thread_messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {thread_message_count}') @bot.command() async def count_forum_threads(ctx, time: int): if == 811235357663297546: end_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Current date and time start_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=time) forum_thread_message_count = 0 for forum in ctx.guild.forums: print(f"FORUMNAME: {}") for thread in forum.threads: print( print( async for message in thread.history(limit=None, after=start_date, before=end_date): print(f"THREAD NAME: {}") forum_thread_message_count += 1 """ async for thread in forum.archived_threads(limit=None, before=end_date): print(f"ARCHIVED THREAD NAME: {}") forum_thread_message_count += 1 """ print(f'Total forum_thread_messages between {start_date} and {end_date}: {forum_thread_message_count}') @bot.command() async def top_gradio(ctx, channel_id): if == 811235357663297546: message_counts = {} try: channel = await bot.fetch_channel(channel_id) async for message in channel.history(limit=None): message_counts[] = message_counts.get(, 0) + 1 except discord.Forbidden: print(f"Missing access to read messages in {}") sorted_users = sorted(message_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) top_list = "\n".join([f"{}: {count}" for member, count in sorted_users[:50]]) print(f"Message count per user in the channel:\n{top_list}") @bot.command() async def top_gradio_threads(ctx, channel_id): if == 811235357663297546: message_counts = {} channel = await bot.fetch_channel(channel_id) print(channel) threads = channel.threads print(threads) for thread in threads: print(f"Thread Name: {}, Thread ID: {}, Parent ID: {thread.parent_id}") async for message in thread.history(limit=None): message_counts[] = message_counts.get(, 0) + 1 async for thread in channel.archived_threads(limit=None): print(f"ARCHIVED Thread Name: {}, ARCHIVED Thread ID: {}, Parent ID: {thread.parent_id}") async for message in thread.history(limit=None): message_counts[] = message_counts.get(, 0) + 1 sorted_users = sorted(message_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) top_list = "\n".join([f"[{}]{}: {count}" for member, count in sorted_users[:50]]) print(f"Message count per user in the channel:\n{top_list}") """""" DISCORD_TOKEN = os.environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN", None) def run_bot(): threading.Thread(target=run_bot).start() def greet(name): return "Hello " + name + "!" demo = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") demo.launch()