import streamlit as st def check_password(): """Returns `True` if the user had the correct password.""" def password_entered(): """Checks whether a password entered by the user is correct.""" if st.session_state["password"] in st.secrets["passwords"]: st.session_state['user'] = st.session_state["password"] st.session_state["password_correct"] = True else: st.session_state["password_correct"] = False if "password_correct" not in st.session_state: # First run, show input for password. st.text_input( "Password", type="password", on_change=password_entered, key="password" ) return False elif not st.session_state["password_correct"]: # Password not correct, show input + error. st.text_input( "Password", type="password", on_change=password_entered, key="password" ) st.error("😕 Password incorrect") return False else: # Password correct. return True