import pandas as pd import pyperclip df = pd.read_csv('./result_good-workers.csv') prompt = ''' Here is a story about an event: {story} The goal of the story: {goal} Condition: {condition} Do you think this condition will lead to the goal of the story? Answer it in Yes or No. ''' for index, row in df.iterrows(): story = row['Input.story'] goal = row['Answer.goal'] condition = row['Answer.condition'] not_condition = row['Answer.not_condition'] nprompt = prompt.format(story=story, goal=goal, condition=condition) print(nprompt) pyperclip.copy(nprompt) input("Press Enter to for next not condition") nprompt = prompt.format(story=story, goal=goal, condition=not_condition) print(nprompt) pyperclip.copy(nprompt) input("Press Enter to for next story")