"HITId","HITTypeId","Title","Description","Keywords","Reward","CreationTime","MaxAssignments","RequesterAnnotation","AssignmentDurationInSeconds","AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds","Expiration","NumberOfSimilarHITs","LifetimeInSeconds","AssignmentId","WorkerId","AssignmentStatus","AcceptTime","SubmitTime","AutoApprovalTime","ApprovalTime","RejectionTime","RequesterFeedback","WorkTimeInSeconds","LifetimeApprovalRate","Last30DaysApprovalRate","Last7DaysApprovalRate","Input.item_id","Input.id","Input.image_set","Input.entity","Input.agent","Input.goal","Input.image1","Input.image2","Input.image3","Input.scene_facet_1","Input.scene_facet_2","Input.scene_facet_3","Input.narrative_facet_1","Input.narrative_facet_2","Input.story","Input.number_of_lines","Answer.condition","Answer.goal","Answer.line0_changed.on","Answer.line10_changed.on","Answer.line11_changed.on","Answer.line1_changed.on","Answer.line2_changed.on","Answer.line3_changed.on","Answer.line4_changed.on","Answer.line5_changed.on","Answer.line6_changed.on","Answer.line7_changed.on","Answer.line8_changed.on","Answer.line9_changed.on","Answer.not_condition","Answer.not_condition_ep","Answer.rating.1","Answer.rating.2","Answer.rating.3","Answer.rating.4","Answer.rating.5","Answer.story_impact.no","Answer.story_impact.yes","Answer.why_no_impact","Approve","Reject" "30Y6N4AHYRG7D32LRIP61OI7WRARDY","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3GM6G9ZBKQHQKVJKY2Y68D2BLJWTMW","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Approved","Mon Oct 30 18:03:19 PDT 2023","Mon Oct 30 18:09:55 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 17:09:55 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 PDT 2023","","","396","100% (2122/2122)","100% (12/12)","100% (12/12)","51","592","Flickr 1","Snow","The girl","Protest ends without any injuries","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1tdIZCigXcwjr9wYhWrbE10drnQFK885x","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1NeSG51wwzQPJamWvmi-UCT0JZd1ELodm","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1IIdFlHFZiQ-Mfh_AoabjFWzY0DXvwWln","a mexican band is getting ready to play at a children's quinceanera. some people are walking their way in to the person's home.","animal rights activists have gathered outside to protest some things today.","a male stand in front of a camera to pose for a picture in front of a train station.","a girl is having a birthday party but they will be serving meat in their home. some protesters have shown up to make a point that eating meat and or harming animals is wrong.","A girl has turned 15 today and she is having a quinceanera party. Some people do not like the fact that this little girls' parents are harvesting a pig for her quinceanera party. Some activists have shown up to protest the event. People are holding up signs and posing in front of cameras trying to make a statement. police have shown up to make sure the mexican band can make their way in peacefully.","A girl is having a birthday party but they will be serving meat in their home. Some protesters have shown up to make a point that eating meat and or harming animals is wrong. A girl has turned 15 today and she is having a quinceanera party. Some people do not like the fact that this little girls' parents are harvesting a pig for her quinceanera party. Some activists have shown up to protest the event. People are holding up signs and posing in front of cameras trying to make a statement. police have shown up to make sure the mexican band can make their way in peacefully","7","The snow needs to be cleared away so celebrants to the birthday party can make it to the party on time.","To have a festive and happy 15th birthday party.","false","","","false","false","false","true","true","false","","","","The snow causes protesters to huddle close to the party entrance, blocking celebrants.","A blizzard engulfs the area, quickly creating a whiteout condition, protesters also show up to block participants from the party.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true","" "30Y6N4AHYRG7D32LRIP61OI7WRARDY","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3MHW492WW3X5XNN93XYL9VQWI4BMV4","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Mon Oct 30 17:35:44 PDT 2023","Mon Oct 30 17:37:47 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 16:37:47 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 PDT 2023","","","123","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","51","592","Flickr 1","Snow","The girl","Protest ends without any injuries","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1tdIZCigXcwjr9wYhWrbE10drnQFK885x","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1NeSG51wwzQPJamWvmi-UCT0JZd1ELodm","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1IIdFlHFZiQ-Mfh_AoabjFWzY0DXvwWln","a mexican band is getting ready to play at a children's quinceanera. some people are walking their way in to the person's home.","animal rights activists have gathered outside to protest some things today.","a male stand in front of a camera to pose for a picture in front of a train station.","a girl is having a birthday party but they will be serving meat in their home. some protesters have shown up to make a point that eating meat and or harming animals is wrong.","A girl has turned 15 today and she is having a quinceanera party. Some people do not like the fact that this little girls' parents are harvesting a pig for her quinceanera party. Some activists have shown up to protest the event. People are holding up signs and posing in front of cameras trying to make a statement. police have shown up to make sure the mexican band can make their way in peacefully.","A girl is having a birthday party but they will be serving meat in their home. Some protesters have shown up to make a point that eating meat and or harming animals is wrong. A girl has turned 15 today and she is having a quinceanera party. Some people do not like the fact that this little girls' parents are harvesting a pig for her quinceanera party. Some activists have shown up to protest the event. People are holding up signs and posing in front of cameras trying to make a statement. police have shown up to make sure the mexican band can make their way in peacefully","7","It needs to be cold if they are going to have fun skiing at the party.","Enjoy her party with family and friends.","true","","","false","true","false","false","false","false","","","","The snow will all melt.","The weather could turn warmer and melt the snow.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3R16PJFTS5B8Q36X8NFGX82NOMNK4L","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3FUI0JHJP0IKZSDGD5N0U1P7RUD33M","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Tue Oct 31 02:59:12 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 03:00:31 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 02:00:31 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","79","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","58","645","Flickr 2","The kids near the window","People","Have a safe and enjoyable ride","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1U6q47T-bm_rzTZIzpZZiCHu99wup9JWa","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RmGls1Tgzlyv9-jrtl-BQX7zyuRgpeTx","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1E8kCzwS9zREQAiYot34LygsrLMCdufV8","It is a house in the forest. It appears to be a very quite place","People are taking a picture near a steam train. The train is working and seams to be on with steam coming out.","A train is rolling along through the forest when it went to an clearing. The people on the train enjoyed the experience.","The people who lived in the house in the forest went to go and take a look at the steam train. They enjoyed there visit to the train and loved it. The train let out a whistle. They then took pictures standing next to the train.","They bought a ticket to ride the little steam engine train. It was wonderful experience and they saw the beautiful landscape. They continued on the journey and taking pictures along the way. They enjoyed the snacks that they purchased on the train as well","The people who lived in the house in the forest went to go and take a look at the steam train. They enjoyed there visit to the train and loved it. The train let out a whistle. They then took pictures standing next to the train. They bought a ticket to ride the little steam engine train. It was wonderful experience and they saw the beautiful landscape. They continued on the journey and taking pictures along the way. They enjoyed the snacks that they purchased on the train as well","8","The kids want to go on the ride and not do something else.","They want to have fun on the train ride.","true","","","true","false","false","true","false","false","false","","","They find something else that they would like to do more.","They think the train ride is boring.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true","" "3R16PJFTS5B8Q36X8NFGX82NOMNK4L","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3IFS6Q0HJL339CGEONVO6FZ82S7SI1","A249LDVPG27XCE","Approved","Tue Oct 31 01:02:56 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 01:12:04 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 00:12:04 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","548","100% (766/766)","100% (7/7)","100% (7/7)","58","645","Flickr 2","The kids near the window","People","Have a safe and enjoyable ride","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1U6q47T-bm_rzTZIzpZZiCHu99wup9JWa","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RmGls1Tgzlyv9-jrtl-BQX7zyuRgpeTx","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1E8kCzwS9zREQAiYot34LygsrLMCdufV8","It is a house in the forest. It appears to be a very quite place","People are taking a picture near a steam train. The train is working and seams to be on with steam coming out.","A train is rolling along through the forest when it went to an clearing. The people on the train enjoyed the experience.","The people who lived in the house in the forest went to go and take a look at the steam train. They enjoyed there visit to the train and loved it. The train let out a whistle. They then took pictures standing next to the train.","They bought a ticket to ride the little steam engine train. It was wonderful experience and they saw the beautiful landscape. They continued on the journey and taking pictures along the way. They enjoyed the snacks that they purchased on the train as well","The people who lived in the house in the forest went to go and take a look at the steam train. They enjoyed there visit to the train and loved it. The train let out a whistle. They then took pictures standing next to the train. They bought a ticket to ride the little steam engine train. It was wonderful experience and they saw the beautiful landscape. They continued on the journey and taking pictures along the way. They enjoyed the snacks that they purchased on the train as well","8","The people are sure the the kids near the window seats on the train are necessary for the kids to enjoy the day.","The People want to enjoy a day exploring and riding The the steam train.","false","","","false","false","false","true","true","true","true","","","The train allows free pictures but only accepts cash and the People don't have any cash.","The ATM is not working and it is the only cash machine around.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3TX9T2ZCBBLFO0O3IUO9FF9RCOZWZ5","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","32AT8R96GOT8I3BEI4K2PINJWMKUSZ","A19UED74G8FXN3","Approved","Mon Oct 30 17:19:34 PDT 2023","Mon Oct 30 17:22:21 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 16:22:21 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","167","100% (3420/3420)","100% (47/47)","100% (24/24)","59","654","Flickr 2","Train window","Silas","Silas finishes his trip without losing his temper","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1EHyVnl_JAkJ32cvHlLWdfIlD52d3_g6R","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1w5ppdHkXwMRnoZ5v70Fvx8ot8f0TShYm","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T5aVrR-OJ4iU0_LvsZxEgflx3RUwdtGU","There is an A-Frame house that was built in the woods. The house sits atop a hill.","There are a group or Asian tourists checking out a steam locomotive. They arrived on a tour bus.","There are passengers riding on an old fashioned train. The train is on the tracks going through the woods.","Silas like to be left alone when he wasn't at work. That was why he built a house in the middle of the woods. The peace and quiet was the only thing that kept Silas from going crazy. During the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive. The place was a tourist trap, filled with loud people and cameras.","Every day Silas would take the tourists on a trip around the area. He answered the same questions every day, trying not to lose his temper. The only time Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train. That's when he let his mind wander back to being at home, alone and calm. One of these days Silas would leave his job and all the maddening people behind.","Silas like to be left alone when he wasn't at work. That was why he built a house in the middle of the woods. The peace and quiet was the only thing that kept Silas from going crazy. During the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive. The place was a tourist trap, filled with loud people and cameras. Every day Silas would take the tourists on a trip around the area. He answered the same questions every day, trying not to lose his temper. The only time Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train. That's when he let his mind wander back to being at home, alone and calm. One of these days Silas would leave his job and all the maddening people behind","10","Watch the scenery go by through the windows while driving the train.","Silas wants to enjoy his time alone when driving the train.","false","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","Watch the train's control gauges while driving.","The train windows could be too smudged to see through.","false","true","false","false","false","true","false","He's still able to drive the train, he just won't be able to daydream meanwhile." "3TX9T2ZCBBLFO0O3IUO9FF9RCOZWZ5","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3AUQQEL7U8D8U9G2ESBNBYJJF2L0VK","A249LDVPG27XCE","Approved","Tue Oct 31 01:12:05 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 01:20:59 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 00:20:59 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","534","100% (766/766)","100% (7/7)","100% (7/7)","59","654","Flickr 2","Train window","Silas","Silas finishes his trip without losing his temper","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1EHyVnl_JAkJ32cvHlLWdfIlD52d3_g6R","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1w5ppdHkXwMRnoZ5v70Fvx8ot8f0TShYm","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T5aVrR-OJ4iU0_LvsZxEgflx3RUwdtGU","There is an A-Frame house that was built in the woods. The house sits atop a hill.","There are a group or Asian tourists checking out a steam locomotive. They arrived on a tour bus.","There are passengers riding on an old fashioned train. The train is on the tracks going through the woods.","Silas like to be left alone when he wasn't at work. That was why he built a house in the middle of the woods. The peace and quiet was the only thing that kept Silas from going crazy. During the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive. The place was a tourist trap, filled with loud people and cameras.","Every day Silas would take the tourists on a trip around the area. He answered the same questions every day, trying not to lose his temper. The only time Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train. That's when he let his mind wander back to being at home, alone and calm. One of these days Silas would leave his job and all the maddening people behind.","Silas like to be left alone when he wasn't at work. That was why he built a house in the middle of the woods. The peace and quiet was the only thing that kept Silas from going crazy. During the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive. The place was a tourist trap, filled with loud people and cameras. Every day Silas would take the tourists on a trip around the area. He answered the same questions every day, trying not to lose his temper. The only time Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train. That's when he let his mind wander back to being at home, alone and calm. One of these days Silas would leave his job and all the maddening people behind","10","Everyone wanted to sit by the train window for the ride some threatened to wait overnight if needed to get that seat, but no one ever had.","Silas wants the tourist to leave at night so he can have his peace and quite without other people around.","false","","","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","true","false","A large group of college students decided they wanted to wait to take a tour until the train window seat was open and spent the night.","The college students are on break, they have no obligations to go home to and are young, resilient and determined.","false","false","false","false","true","false","true","" "3DGDV62G7QTZYGOQH1100AROYIXP2V","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3GNCZX450L7RQ2HOKIZHUC6E20XAP1","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Tue Oct 31 03:02:47 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 03:03:57 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 02:03:57 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","70","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","60","673","Flickr 2","Train track","People","The train ride ends in 2 hours","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ddNeAVqEzJpxLq4R-B2d2o5gnAI65WF-","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15UcKzzQ3WZqk7Qw7kXNFqhDaC_f6g9mu","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1H28-KQ5ytzOW45giAkd5VsKzVqVnZfIa","Anytime someone would like to be by themselves or have some peace and quiet, this is the perfect spot. It has become a very popular spot among the family.","In this small town, the train is a popular attraction. Everyone loves to stop by and see the train go through.","This train ride makes for a beautiful ride through the forest. Everyone loves to hang out of the side of the train and really enjoy the nature.","Each weekend, people love to come down to the house in the forest to temporarily escape their lives. Anyone is able to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. It's also possible to walk around this small town and see some attractions if interested. One of the main attractions is the red train that always runs through town.","There is also a train ride through the forest you can take. This ride takes you all through the mountains and forest. Everyone loves the scenery so much that people even hang out of the side of the train. This is a great activity for any visitors who come to stay in the house in the forest.","Each weekend, people love to come down to the house in the forest to temporarily escape their lives. Anyone is able to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. It's also possible to walk around this small town and see some attractions if interested. One of the main attractions is the red train that always runs through town. There is also a train ride through the forest you can take. This ride takes you all through the mountains and forest. Everyone loves the scenery so much that people even hang out of the side of the train. This is a great activity for any visitors who come to stay in the house in the forest","8","The track needs to be in good operating condition.","Have fun on the train ride.","false","","","false","false","true","true","true","true","true","","","The track gets damaged due to a tree falling on it.","A storm could happen which would knock a tree onto the tracks.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true","" "3DGDV62G7QTZYGOQH1100AROYIXP2V","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3S3AMIZX3XP6UKBWZN4D0DFDOKDDCQ","A19UED74G8FXN3","Approved","Mon Oct 30 23:26:25 PDT 2023","Mon Oct 30 23:29:17 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 22:29:17 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","172","100% (3420/3420)","100% (47/47)","100% (24/24)","60","673","Flickr 2","Train track","People","The train ride ends in 2 hours","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ddNeAVqEzJpxLq4R-B2d2o5gnAI65WF-","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15UcKzzQ3WZqk7Qw7kXNFqhDaC_f6g9mu","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1H28-KQ5ytzOW45giAkd5VsKzVqVnZfIa","Anytime someone would like to be by themselves or have some peace and quiet, this is the perfect spot. It has become a very popular spot among the family.","In this small town, the train is a popular attraction. Everyone loves to stop by and see the train go through.","This train ride makes for a beautiful ride through the forest. Everyone loves to hang out of the side of the train and really enjoy the nature.","Each weekend, people love to come down to the house in the forest to temporarily escape their lives. Anyone is able to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. It's also possible to walk around this small town and see some attractions if interested. One of the main attractions is the red train that always runs through town.","There is also a train ride through the forest you can take. This ride takes you all through the mountains and forest. Everyone loves the scenery so much that people even hang out of the side of the train. This is a great activity for any visitors who come to stay in the house in the forest.","Each weekend, people love to come down to the house in the forest to temporarily escape their lives. Anyone is able to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. It's also possible to walk around this small town and see some attractions if interested. One of the main attractions is the red train that always runs through town. There is also a train ride through the forest you can take. This ride takes you all through the mountains and forest. Everyone loves the scenery so much that people even hang out of the side of the train. This is a great activity for any visitors who come to stay in the house in the forest","8","The can see the beauty of the forest while the train runs along the train tracks.","The people want to have fun and relax in the countyside.","false","","","false","false","false","true","true","true","false","","","The train tracks were broken that day, so the train wasn't running","A tree fell across the train tracks.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true","" "3X55NP42EQ0OJYK9L1F5JKWG4WXP36","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3C8HJ7UOPAEM67SJ4UNOU13S6FHZMH","A19UED74G8FXN3","Approved","Mon Oct 30 17:12:30 PDT 2023","Mon Oct 30 17:19:25 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 16:19:25 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:31 PDT 2023","","","415","100% (3420/3420)","100% (47/47)","100% (24/24)","61","677","Flickr 3","The landscape","The man","Dig the box out","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1h_5Gl3h2ARaBH_llEc3uUlPV4cK_Ra3b","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1A7nq9DyVU9iiLuO-tQ4VDzspCt_RSOOu","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Reaqjt1ZijghrOsBvuMGhifWq2fKIIsF","Weather seldom changes in the desert. Seasons pass and the landscape remains similar.","A person runs their hand along a rock. They do this very gently.","People go to the tourist destination. They look at the beautiful rock formations.","A man returns to the desert he knew from his youth. He touches the rocks and experiences the same emotions he felt so long ago. There is a box buried near the rock he is touching. He is going to dig it up.","Two mysterious figures arrive in another part of the desert. A mountain overlooking the valley the man is now digging in. They say nothing, but walk slowly. The woman rifles through her purse.","A man returns to the desert he knew from his youth. He touches the rocks and experiences the same emotions he felt so long ago. There is a box buried near the rock he is touching. He is going to dig it up. Two mysterious figures arrive in another part of the desert. A mountain overlooking the valley the man is now digging in. They say nothing, but walk slowly. The woman rifles through her purse","8","The rock he buried the box near was there last time he was here.","The man wants to find the box he left behind by the desert rocks.","false","","","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","","","The rock he buried the box near is gone when he returns.","The wind and sand buried the rock.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true","" "3X55NP42EQ0OJYK9L1F5JKWG4WXP36","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3VZLGYJEYOUX0JRNI1PX5IJQDJ1XZZ","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Mon Oct 30 17:28:57 PDT 2023","Mon Oct 30 17:35:18 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 16:35:18 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:31 PDT 2023","","","381","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","61","677","Flickr 3","The landscape","The man","Dig the box out","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1h_5Gl3h2ARaBH_llEc3uUlPV4cK_Ra3b","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1A7nq9DyVU9iiLuO-tQ4VDzspCt_RSOOu","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Reaqjt1ZijghrOsBvuMGhifWq2fKIIsF","Weather seldom changes in the desert. Seasons pass and the landscape remains similar.","A person runs their hand along a rock. They do this very gently.","People go to the tourist destination. They look at the beautiful rock formations.","A man returns to the desert he knew from his youth. He touches the rocks and experiences the same emotions he felt so long ago. There is a box buried near the rock he is touching. He is going to dig it up.","Two mysterious figures arrive in another part of the desert. A mountain overlooking the valley the man is now digging in. They say nothing, but walk slowly. The woman rifles through her purse.","A man returns to the desert he knew from his youth. He touches the rocks and experiences the same emotions he felt so long ago. There is a box buried near the rock he is touching. He is going to dig it up. Two mysterious figures arrive in another part of the desert. A mountain overlooking the valley the man is now digging in. They say nothing, but walk slowly. The woman rifles through her purse","8","He needs to travel to the desert and explore the area.","Relive his memories of the desert when he was a youth.","true","","","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","","","The weather is too bad and he isn't able to go outside.","It could start to thunderstorm and start to rain heavily.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true","" "3LG268AV3AQC59GLND0Q760SW3BRER","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","33SA9F9TR0EK0OV1C9FYIP41GCWEWT","A249LDVPG27XCE","Approved","Tue Oct 31 00:42:44 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 00:54:29 PDT 2023","Mon Nov 13 23:54:29 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","705","100% (766/766)","100% (7/7)","100% (7/7)","64","693","Flickr 3","The women’s bag","Two Researchers","Collect information about the stones","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1k9AXvGOsxqIjXT1-DhNbxmJzvh33F7Sg","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1YDEeZwxw8CiCTsgbNUphVSi95-WsYdUY","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1r3Bs7PcsS3Ixeg7Sjv6p0AJDOylVeP9P","there are dry land with some trees ans stones.this is an empty land no one is living this area.","The man was touching the hard surface on the stone","the two person was capturing the environment of a dry land.the climate was worse in the dry forest.","A man was walking on a dry land the land have some trees and stones.the land covered by rocks the man touching the stone for research.","The two researchers going to the forest for researching some materials like rocks and stones.they are capturing the moments in the dry land.the land land consist of small trees.","A man was walking on a dry land the land have some trees and stones. The land covered by rocks the man touching the stone for research. The two researchers going to the forest for researching some materials like rocks and stones. They are capturing the moments in the dry land. The land land consist of small trees","5","The woman has the notebook of notes and findings in the women's bag she is carrying.","The two researchers want to catalog the geological make up of the land.","false","","","false","true","true","false","","","","","","The woman realizes at the end of the day that she no longer has the women's bag she was carrying.","The woman lost the bag somewhere along the way.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3LG268AV3AQC59GLND0Q760SW3BRER","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3ZPBJO59KSLXBSMCLFIEB4CT1CKDH1","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Tue Oct 31 02:57:28 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 02:59:08 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 01:59:08 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","100","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","64","693","Flickr 3","The women’s bag","Two Researchers","Collect information about the stones","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1k9AXvGOsxqIjXT1-DhNbxmJzvh33F7Sg","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1YDEeZwxw8CiCTsgbNUphVSi95-WsYdUY","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1r3Bs7PcsS3Ixeg7Sjv6p0AJDOylVeP9P","there are dry land with some trees ans stones.this is an empty land no one is living this area.","The man was touching the hard surface on the stone","the two person was capturing the environment of a dry land.the climate was worse in the dry forest.","A man was walking on a dry land the land have some trees and stones.the land covered by rocks the man touching the stone for research.","The two researchers going to the forest for researching some materials like rocks and stones.they are capturing the moments in the dry land.the land land consist of small trees.","A man was walking on a dry land the land have some trees and stones. The land covered by rocks the man touching the stone for research. The two researchers going to the forest for researching some materials like rocks and stones. They are capturing the moments in the dry land. The land land consist of small trees","5","They need to use the items in the bag to help them identify rocks.","Find out some information about the geology of an area.","false","","","true","true","false","false","","","","","","They forgot their equipment in the bag at the lab.","They were in a hurry and forgot to bring it.","false","false","true","false","false","false","true","" "33NOQL7T9QJ4YZSLKR831Z65UHWZ8T","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","345LHZDED0C4YMQZSPJ1HAF747XU3L","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Approved","Tue Oct 31 04:56:01 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 05:05:30 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 04:05:30 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 PDT 2023","","","569","100% (2122/2122)","100% (12/12)","100% (12/12)","69","737","Flickr 4","The sand","The family","Find rare rock","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1WLXWVRrDyaJ4ZU6a6tjErZ3rc-_j5Wcc","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1HYucvMw8UZtexQHomij6xs_20UdHXhxR","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T8mXd2tGf07KJB5Up-f55gGVNRyuaJQ_","View of what looks like a very hot part of the world. There are clouds in the sky and the roads have no markings.","There are 3 people further along the path than the woman closest to the camera. They are looking at something on the ground.","A rather large rock in the middle of the ground. It has some interesting dark red patterns on the inside of it and is covering some dead grass.","A family walking through what seems a never ending trail out in the country. The sky is blue and the weather looks beautiful. Three of the family have stumbled across something while out on their trail. They are waiting for the last member of their party to catch up so they can assess.","Out in the middle of nowhere, they have stumbled across one of the world's rarest rocks. It is holding all of the family's attention who are further up the path, it is all they are focused on. Will the last member realise what it is? I hope that they don't pass up on this opportunity. It would be so unfortunate if this rock isn't collected, it is wanted by so many museums worldwide.","A family walking through what seems a never ending trail out in the country. The sky is blue and the weather looks beautiful. Three of the family have stumbled across something while out on their trail. They are waiting for the last member of their party to catch up so they can assess. Out in the middle of nowhere, they have stumbled across one of the world's rarest rocks. It is holding all of the family's attention who are further up the path, it is all they are focused on. Will the last member realise what it is?. I hope that they don't pass up on this opportunity. It would be so unfortunate if this rock isn't collected, it is wanted by so many museums worldwide","9","The sand contains something amazing, an object that blends in with surrounding sand.","To experience something amazing as a family together.","false","","","true","true","false","true","false","false","false","false","","Snow covers the land concealing the sand and objects.","A sudden blizzard blankets the area in thick snow.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true","" "33NOQL7T9QJ4YZSLKR831Z65UHWZ8T","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3GFK2QRXXC1K452818MVEVYO3JY5WK","A249LDVPG27XCE","Approved","Tue Oct 31 01:20:59 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 01:26:31 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 00:26:31 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 PDT 2023","","","332","100% (766/766)","100% (7/7)","100% (7/7)","69","737","Flickr 4","The sand","The family","Find rare rock","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1WLXWVRrDyaJ4ZU6a6tjErZ3rc-_j5Wcc","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1HYucvMw8UZtexQHomij6xs_20UdHXhxR","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T8mXd2tGf07KJB5Up-f55gGVNRyuaJQ_","View of what looks like a very hot part of the world. There are clouds in the sky and the roads have no markings.","There are 3 people further along the path than the woman closest to the camera. They are looking at something on the ground.","A rather large rock in the middle of the ground. It has some interesting dark red patterns on the inside of it and is covering some dead grass.","A family walking through what seems a never ending trail out in the country. The sky is blue and the weather looks beautiful. Three of the family have stumbled across something while out on their trail. They are waiting for the last member of their party to catch up so they can assess.","Out in the middle of nowhere, they have stumbled across one of the world's rarest rocks. It is holding all of the family's attention who are further up the path, it is all they are focused on. Will the last member realise what it is? I hope that they don't pass up on this opportunity. It would be so unfortunate if this rock isn't collected, it is wanted by so many museums worldwide.","A family walking through what seems a never ending trail out in the country. The sky is blue and the weather looks beautiful. Three of the family have stumbled across something while out on their trail. They are waiting for the last member of their party to catch up so they can assess. Out in the middle of nowhere, they have stumbled across one of the world's rarest rocks. It is holding all of the family's attention who are further up the path, it is all they are focused on. Will the last member realise what it is?. I hope that they don't pass up on this opportunity. It would be so unfortunate if this rock isn't collected, it is wanted by so many museums worldwide","9","The family has to look for whatever is laying on top of the sand.","The family wants to find treasures in the sand.","false","","","false","true","true","true","true","true","true","true","","The stone gets buried in the sand.","A windstorm the night before covers the rock with sand.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3CIS7GGG6734L182R7VVCHNC32FUEY","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","36NEMU28XIXICCNET73HVX9APENWM0","A249LDVPG27XCE","Approved","Tue Oct 31 00:54:29 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 01:02:56 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 00:02:56 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 PDT 2023","","","507","100% (766/766)","100% (7/7)","100% (7/7)","72","778","Flickr 5","Scattered trees","Sandy","Explore the national park","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RMWPL4jNX0qD17FlUFEkrIPNDLo6hslA","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Y82cM_4_ku3tQmLCrtjg6_FnKoaPpZyY","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1xZsVfKVsL2K3w-qzEL1WGcsNSYsZghZ8","There is a sign indicating a national park. The grass is yellowing, meaning that is getting close to winter.","The sky is bright blue in stark contrast to the green and yellow of the vegetation. Everything looks calm and serene.","There is a deer casually walking across the prairie land. It is headed in the direction to the National Forest.","Sandy always preferred to take her vacation when it started getting cold. She hated to sweat and loved building campfires. Another good thing about this time of year was that the National Parks were usually empty. Camping and hiking are best done with as few people as possible. I mean, who really wants neighbors when you're on the side of a mountain?","Sandy woke up as soon as the sun started to heat up her tent. She opened the flap and breathed in the crisp morning air. As she built her campfire to make breakfast and heat up her coffee, she heard the mating call of a deer. Looking up from her fire she spotted the creature, standing in the middle of the prairie. It's breath was visible in the cool air. This was Sandy's perfect moment and the reason she came back year after year.","Sandy always preferred to take her vacation when it started getting cold. She hated to sweat and loved building campfires. Another good thing about this time of year was that the National Parks were usually empty. Camping and hiking are best done with as few people as possible. I mean, who really wants neighbors when you're on the side of a mountain?Sandy. Woke up as soon as the sun started to heat up her tent. She opened the flap and breathed in the crisp morning air. As she built her campfire to make breakfast and heat up her coffee, she heard the mating call of a deer. Looking up from her fire she spotted the creature, standing in the middle of the prairie. It's breath was visible in the cool air. This was Sandy's perfect moment and the reason she came back year after year","11","The scattered trees are located on private property but have always been vacant.","Sandy wants to be alone on the side of the mountain without the intrusion of other campers.","false","true","","false","true","true","true","false","false","true","true","true","The owners of the land containing the scattered trees built a cabin and live by the scattered trees now.","The owners are retired and are now using their retirement property as they intended.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3CIS7GGG6734L182R7VVCHNC32FUEY","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3GFK2QRXXC1K452818MVEVYO3JYW5B","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Tue Oct 31 03:00:34 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 03:02:47 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 02:02:47 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:29 PDT 2023","","","133","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","72","778","Flickr 5","Scattered trees","Sandy","Explore the national park","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RMWPL4jNX0qD17FlUFEkrIPNDLo6hslA","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Y82cM_4_ku3tQmLCrtjg6_FnKoaPpZyY","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1xZsVfKVsL2K3w-qzEL1WGcsNSYsZghZ8","There is a sign indicating a national park. The grass is yellowing, meaning that is getting close to winter.","The sky is bright blue in stark contrast to the green and yellow of the vegetation. Everything looks calm and serene.","There is a deer casually walking across the prairie land. It is headed in the direction to the National Forest.","Sandy always preferred to take her vacation when it started getting cold. She hated to sweat and loved building campfires. Another good thing about this time of year was that the National Parks were usually empty. Camping and hiking are best done with as few people as possible. I mean, who really wants neighbors when you're on the side of a mountain?","Sandy woke up as soon as the sun started to heat up her tent. She opened the flap and breathed in the crisp morning air. As she built her campfire to make breakfast and heat up her coffee, she heard the mating call of a deer. Looking up from her fire she spotted the creature, standing in the middle of the prairie. It's breath was visible in the cool air. This was Sandy's perfect moment and the reason she came back year after year.","Sandy always preferred to take her vacation when it started getting cold. She hated to sweat and loved building campfires. Another good thing about this time of year was that the National Parks were usually empty. Camping and hiking are best done with as few people as possible. I mean, who really wants neighbors when you're on the side of a mountain?Sandy. Woke up as soon as the sun started to heat up her tent. She opened the flap and breathed in the crisp morning air. As she built her campfire to make breakfast and heat up her coffee, she heard the mating call of a deer. Looking up from her fire she spotted the creature, standing in the middle of the prairie. It's breath was visible in the cool air. This was Sandy's perfect moment and the reason she came back year after year","11","She needs to travel to a place that has small trees in a prairie landscape.","Enjoy the solitude of her vacation.","false","false","","false","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","There is a large fire in the area making it impossible to camp there.","The trees could burn down due to the fire.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3UEBBGULPH8WRF8YMIF1UZ8CF3UUFG","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3F6HPJW4JGKS58JLJPKXGOVCJ97W2A","A2M9JNCHRKMCC4","Approved","Tue Oct 31 02:55:12 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 02:57:25 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 01:57:25 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","133","100% (6216/6216)","100% (56/56)","100% (43/43)","80","824","Flickr 6","Weather","People","Deliver the food to starving animals","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=11y_dQItN5hxT2q8oCSrb1DJAc2kuEhyb","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10u_puKQ_U6b8zi9fNsPczET9atLQbKHX","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15HfaG5MUticGMLQ7OBPuyCL4OlUXsOm8","The wind blows through the grass, whistling slightly around the edge of the sign. The grass is brown because there has been a drought all summer. The wind blows hard and hot, and the pines are the only green for miles.","The young bison nibbles the dry grass. It has been a very harsh summer. The bison should be getting fat but its ribcage is clearly visible through its shaggy fur.","The doe rarely left the shelter of the forest, but it was time. The long shadows cast by the trees from the early morning sun would help conceal her. Her coat was the exact same color as the grass in the shadows. Hopefully there would be enough here to make a meal.","This time of year, the prairie near the badlands should have been rippling with lush grass as tall as a tall man's waist. But the drought had ravaged the region. The grass was struggling to grow, short and brown and blasted by the incessant heat. Everyday I passed this sign driving into the park for work, and everyday the prairie just looked worse and worse. Even the buffalo were skinny and underfed, ribs showing as they nosed the ground looking for good grass to eat.","The deer I saw on my morning drive looked a little better off. This doe wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't starving like the bison clearly had been. The forest was comparably much cooler and wetter than the prairies, so even during a drought the deer could usually find more to eat. Still, the image of the skinny, starving bison haunted me. I resolved to talk to my supervisor as soon as I got into the ranger station. We would have to bring in some bales of hay to feed the buffalo. My boss would probably scream and say it wasn't in the budget, but at the end of the day, she loves the animals as much as I do.","This time of year, the prairie near the badlands should have been rippling with lush grass as tall as a tall man's waist. But the drought had ravaged the region. The grass was struggling to grow, short and brown and blasted by the incessant heat. Everyday I passed this sign driving into the park for work, and everyday the prairie just looked worse and worse. Even the buffalo were skinny and underfed, ribs showing as they nosed the ground looking for good grass to eat. The deer I saw on my morning drive looked a little better off. This doe wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't starving like the bison clearly had been. The forest was comparably much cooler and wetter than the prairies, so even during a drought the deer could usually find more to eat. Still, the image of the skinny, starving bison haunted me. I resolved to talk to my supervisor as soon as I got into the ranger station. We would have to bring in some bales of hay to feed the buffalo. My boss would probably scream and say it wasn't in the budget, but at the end of the day, she loves the animals as much as I do","12","Enough rain to provide water to the grass.","Keep the buffalo fed by providing hay to them.","true","false","false","true","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","A drought occurring with no rain falling.","No rainfall happening over the area.","false","true","false","false","false","false","true","" "3UEBBGULPH8WRF8YMIF1UZ8CF3UUFG","3VWCB4I0HBPBAKUUHI20GLQV6097QP","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Mon Oct 30 17:09:51 PDT 2023","2","BatchId:5148873;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Mon Nov 06 16:09:51 PST 2023","","","3ZDAD0O1T4X1E7IOC90FJUI9SOQXTW","APRZ7BR8C0ZMQ","Approved","Tue Oct 31 03:02:38 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 03:38:09 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 02:38:09 PST 2023","Fri Nov 03 11:30:30 PDT 2023","","","2131","100% (2122/2122)","100% (12/12)","100% (12/12)","80","824","Flickr 6","Weather","People","Deliver the food to starving animals","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=11y_dQItN5hxT2q8oCSrb1DJAc2kuEhyb","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10u_puKQ_U6b8zi9fNsPczET9atLQbKHX","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15HfaG5MUticGMLQ7OBPuyCL4OlUXsOm8","The wind blows through the grass, whistling slightly around the edge of the sign. The grass is brown because there has been a drought all summer. The wind blows hard and hot, and the pines are the only green for miles.","The young bison nibbles the dry grass. It has been a very harsh summer. The bison should be getting fat but its ribcage is clearly visible through its shaggy fur.","The doe rarely left the shelter of the forest, but it was time. The long shadows cast by the trees from the early morning sun would help conceal her. Her coat was the exact same color as the grass in the shadows. Hopefully there would be enough here to make a meal.","This time of year, the prairie near the badlands should have been rippling with lush grass as tall as a tall man's waist. But the drought had ravaged the region. The grass was struggling to grow, short and brown and blasted by the incessant heat. Everyday I passed this sign driving into the park for work, and everyday the prairie just looked worse and worse. Even the buffalo were skinny and underfed, ribs showing as they nosed the ground looking for good grass to eat.","The deer I saw on my morning drive looked a little better off. This doe wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't starving like the bison clearly had been. The forest was comparably much cooler and wetter than the prairies, so even during a drought the deer could usually find more to eat. Still, the image of the skinny, starving bison haunted me. I resolved to talk to my supervisor as soon as I got into the ranger station. We would have to bring in some bales of hay to feed the buffalo. My boss would probably scream and say it wasn't in the budget, but at the end of the day, she loves the animals as much as I do.","This time of year, the prairie near the badlands should have been rippling with lush grass as tall as a tall man's waist. But the drought had ravaged the region. The grass was struggling to grow, short and brown and blasted by the incessant heat. Everyday I passed this sign driving into the park for work, and everyday the prairie just looked worse and worse. Even the buffalo were skinny and underfed, ribs showing as they nosed the ground looking for good grass to eat. The deer I saw on my morning drive looked a little better off. This doe wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't starving like the bison clearly had been. The forest was comparably much cooler and wetter than the prairies, so even during a drought the deer could usually find more to eat. Still, the image of the skinny, starving bison haunted me. I resolved to talk to my supervisor as soon as I got into the ranger station. We would have to bring in some bales of hay to feed the buffalo. My boss would probably scream and say it wasn't in the budget, but at the end of the day, she loves the animals as much as I do","12","To counter the bad weather's effects by bringing in Hay for animals.","To help the starving animals.","false","true","false","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","To have a budget reduction making buying hay impossible.","The weather devolves, causing ice to cover landscape, making travel impossible.","false","false","false","true","false","false","true","" "3MZ3TAMYTN7OLEI7JWQHSLYKOWKRI2","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","3OB0CAO74K9093H3HB5SOPMUJ0AHYX","A3IZUI16N8RFE6","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 10:34:08 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 11:25:05 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 10:25:05 PST 2023","","","","3057","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","51","592","Flickr 1","Snow","The girl","Protest ends without any injuries","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1tdIZCigXcwjr9wYhWrbE10drnQFK885x","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1NeSG51wwzQPJamWvmi-UCT0JZd1ELodm","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1IIdFlHFZiQ-Mfh_AoabjFWzY0DXvwWln","a mexican band is getting ready to play at a children's quinceanera. some people are walking their way in to the person's home.","animal rights activists have gathered outside to protest some things today.","a male stand in front of a camera to pose for a picture in front of a train station.","a girl is having a birthday party but they will be serving meat in their home. some protesters have shown up to make a point that eating meat and or harming animals is wrong.","A girl has turned 15 today and she is having a quinceanera party. Some people do not like the fact that this little girls' parents are harvesting a pig for her quinceanera party. Some activists have shown up to protest the event. People are holding up signs and posing in front of cameras trying to make a statement. police have shown up to make sure the mexican band can make their way in peacefully.","A girl is having a birthday party but they will be serving meat in their home. Some protesters have shown up to make a point that eating meat and or harming animals is wrong. A girl has turned 15 today and she is having a quinceanera party. Some people do not like the fact that this little girls' parents are harvesting a pig for her quinceanera party. Some activists have shown up to protest the event. People are holding up signs and posing in front of cameras trying to make a statement. police have shown up to make sure the mexican band can make their way in peacefully","7","snowfall or adverse weather condition that could disrupt quinceanera","The girl who is celebrating her 15th birthday party","false","","","false","false","true","false","false","false","","","","enjoyable celebrating she desires. with good condition","an event involved snow that changed cndition","true","false","false","false","false","false","true","" "388CL5C1RL7DMLCA8UB06XO6IRGHL9","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","33PPUNGG3BPD3N5B92J5G0X2C3CRZV","ASJXABMULZJ2M","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 10:13:42 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 10:35:44 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 09:35:44 PST 2023","","","","1322","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","58","645","Flickr 2","The kids near the window","People","Have a safe and enjoyable ride","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1U6q47T-bm_rzTZIzpZZiCHu99wup9JWa","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RmGls1Tgzlyv9-jrtl-BQX7zyuRgpeTx","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1E8kCzwS9zREQAiYot34LygsrLMCdufV8","It is a house in the forest. It appears to be a very quite place","People are taking a picture near a steam train. The train is working and seams to be on with steam coming out.","A train is rolling along through the forest when it went to an clearing. The people on the train enjoyed the experience.","The people who lived in the house in the forest went to go and take a look at the steam train. They enjoyed there visit to the train and loved it. The train let out a whistle. They then took pictures standing next to the train.","They bought a ticket to ride the little steam engine train. It was wonderful experience and they saw the beautiful landscape. They continued on the journey and taking pictures along the way. They enjoyed the snacks that they purchased on the train as well","The people who lived in the house in the forest went to go and take a look at the steam train. They enjoyed there visit to the train and loved it. The train let out a whistle. They then took pictures standing next to the train. They bought a ticket to ride the little steam engine train. It was wonderful experience and they saw the beautiful landscape. They continued on the journey and taking pictures along the way. They enjoyed the snacks that they purchased on the train as well","8","This images in children picture nothing but house along the way in enjoyed the train","The people is lived in house in forest went the images in the picture","false","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","","","The forest in the pictures in along the way manner related to that goal in prevent condition in agent and entity in specific characteristics","The picture in images in beautiful landscape wonderful experience standing next to train in children visit to train in loved","true","false","false","false","false","true","false","the picture is very like in images in happy to enjoying the children in family members" "3D0LPO3EADJ7E15WVMVGKEN33SYOYW","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","3VNXK88KKF2QQ34FEOUG49KCI629VS","A16V5CHZ10ZPZN","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 12:54:30 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 13:18:47 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 12:18:47 PST 2023","","","","1457","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","59","654","Flickr 2","Train window","Silas","Silas finishes his trip without losing his temper","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1EHyVnl_JAkJ32cvHlLWdfIlD52d3_g6R","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1w5ppdHkXwMRnoZ5v70Fvx8ot8f0TShYm","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T5aVrR-OJ4iU0_LvsZxEgflx3RUwdtGU","There is an A-Frame house that was built in the woods. The house sits atop a hill.","There are a group or Asian tourists checking out a steam locomotive. They arrived on a tour bus.","There are passengers riding on an old fashioned train. The train is on the tracks going through the woods.","Silas like to be left alone when he wasn't at work. That was why he built a house in the middle of the woods. The peace and quiet was the only thing that kept Silas from going crazy. During the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive. The place was a tourist trap, filled with loud people and cameras.","Every day Silas would take the tourists on a trip around the area. He answered the same questions every day, trying not to lose his temper. The only time Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train. That's when he let his mind wander back to being at home, alone and calm. One of these days Silas would leave his job and all the maddening people behind.","Silas like to be left alone when he wasn't at work. That was why he built a house in the middle of the woods. The peace and quiet was the only thing that kept Silas from going crazy. During the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive. The place was a tourist trap, filled with loud people and cameras. Every day Silas would take the tourists on a trip around the area. He answered the same questions every day, trying not to lose his temper. The only time Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train. That's when he let his mind wander back to being at home, alone and calm. One of these days Silas would leave his job and all the maddening people behind","10","during the day he made his living as a train conductor on an old time steam locomotive.","Silas had peace at work was when he was driving the train","false","","","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","a person is morally responsible for what she has done only if she could have done","a man is shot near the fences for supposedly trying to escape","true","false","false","false","false","true","false","a property is a stateful field which reflects a property of the device" "37M4O367VL2LCAA074B6HD05DNFM5Z","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","31N2WW6R9UAFF4T9X0O2VAE4UK2F3R","A2MEQYMRLFCTOB","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 11:14:03 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 12:05:16 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 11:05:16 PST 2023","","","","3073","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","60","673","Flickr 2","Train track","People","The train ride ends in 2 hours","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1ddNeAVqEzJpxLq4R-B2d2o5gnAI65WF-","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15UcKzzQ3WZqk7Qw7kXNFqhDaC_f6g9mu","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1H28-KQ5ytzOW45giAkd5VsKzVqVnZfIa","Anytime someone would like to be by themselves or have some peace and quiet, this is the perfect spot. It has become a very popular spot among the family.","In this small town, the train is a popular attraction. Everyone loves to stop by and see the train go through.","This train ride makes for a beautiful ride through the forest. Everyone loves to hang out of the side of the train and really enjoy the nature.","Each weekend, people love to come down to the house in the forest to temporarily escape their lives. Anyone is able to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. It's also possible to walk around this small town and see some attractions if interested. One of the main attractions is the red train that always runs through town.","There is also a train ride through the forest you can take. This ride takes you all through the mountains and forest. Everyone loves the scenery so much that people even hang out of the side of the train. This is a great activity for any visitors who come to stay in the house in the forest.","Each weekend, people love to come down to the house in the forest to temporarily escape their lives. Anyone is able to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. It's also possible to walk around this small town and see some attractions if interested. One of the main attractions is the red train that always runs through town. There is also a train ride through the forest you can take. This ride takes you all through the mountains and forest. Everyone loves the scenery so much that people even hang out of the side of the train. This is a great activity for any visitors who come to stay in the house in the forest","8","People even hang out the side of the train","NO","false","","","false","false","false","true","true","true","false","","","Walk around","Some peace","false","false","true","false","false","false","true","" "3VW0145YL0WTJ9PLW6F0INJAVOAJMI","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","384PI804XVLS2HZYKX6I0BZCGYCS0S","A2TQXV068W53NC","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 10:13:42 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 11:10:07 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 10:10:07 PST 2023","","","","3385","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","61","677","Flickr 3","The landscape","The man","Dig the box out","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1h_5Gl3h2ARaBH_llEc3uUlPV4cK_Ra3b","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1A7nq9DyVU9iiLuO-tQ4VDzspCt_RSOOu","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Reaqjt1ZijghrOsBvuMGhifWq2fKIIsF","Weather seldom changes in the desert. Seasons pass and the landscape remains similar.","A person runs their hand along a rock. They do this very gently.","People go to the tourist destination. They look at the beautiful rock formations.","A man returns to the desert he knew from his youth. He touches the rocks and experiences the same emotions he felt so long ago. There is a box buried near the rock he is touching. He is going to dig it up.","Two mysterious figures arrive in another part of the desert. A mountain overlooking the valley the man is now digging in. They say nothing, but walk slowly. The woman rifles through her purse.","A man returns to the desert he knew from his youth. He touches the rocks and experiences the same emotions he felt so long ago. There is a box buried near the rock he is touching. He is going to dig it up. Two mysterious figures arrive in another part of the desert. A mountain overlooking the valley the man is now digging in. They say nothing, but walk slowly. The woman rifles through her purse","8","part of earth surface that can be viewed at one time from one place","two people are there in mountain place","false","","","false","false","false","false","true","false","false","","","people face is not there is hidden image of picture","two people image is clearly shown in this picture","true","false","false","false","false","false","true","" "3RIHDBQ1NGIXS3UV86CF6A3VIW6HMB","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","3L2IS5HSFD2B2QJ9A83GQODD9ODUNQ","A2Q6HR490I7MR","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 20:53:55 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 21:17:22 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 20:17:22 PST 2023","","","","1407","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","64","693","Flickr 3","The women’s bag","Two Researchers","Collect information about the stones","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1k9AXvGOsxqIjXT1-DhNbxmJzvh33F7Sg","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1YDEeZwxw8CiCTsgbNUphVSi95-WsYdUY","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1r3Bs7PcsS3Ixeg7Sjv6p0AJDOylVeP9P","there are dry land with some trees ans stones.this is an empty land no one is living this area.","The man was touching the hard surface on the stone","the two person was capturing the environment of a dry land.the climate was worse in the dry forest.","A man was walking on a dry land the land have some trees and stones.the land covered by rocks the man touching the stone for research.","The two researchers going to the forest for researching some materials like rocks and stones.they are capturing the moments in the dry land.the land land consist of small trees.","A man was walking on a dry land the land have some trees and stones. The land covered by rocks the man touching the stone for research. The two researchers going to the forest for researching some materials like rocks and stones. They are capturing the moments in the dry land. The land land consist of small trees","5","The weight","Man touching the stone","false","","","false","false","false","false","","","","","","Nothing","Nothing to change","true","false","false","false","false","true","false","Nothing to impact" "341H3G5YF2YMGANIPNVO8K0NBJMZ08","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","3NVC2EB65TJLFVA42QGQKVLK0VT3YD","A3LTER09HHX5N4","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 12:13:01 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 12:47:50 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 11:47:50 PST 2023","","","","2089","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","69","737","Flickr 4","The sand","The family","Find rare rock","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1WLXWVRrDyaJ4ZU6a6tjErZ3rc-_j5Wcc","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1HYucvMw8UZtexQHomij6xs_20UdHXhxR","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1T8mXd2tGf07KJB5Up-f55gGVNRyuaJQ_","View of what looks like a very hot part of the world. There are clouds in the sky and the roads have no markings.","There are 3 people further along the path than the woman closest to the camera. They are looking at something on the ground.","A rather large rock in the middle of the ground. It has some interesting dark red patterns on the inside of it and is covering some dead grass.","A family walking through what seems a never ending trail out in the country. The sky is blue and the weather looks beautiful. Three of the family have stumbled across something while out on their trail. They are waiting for the last member of their party to catch up so they can assess.","Out in the middle of nowhere, they have stumbled across one of the world's rarest rocks. It is holding all of the family's attention who are further up the path, it is all they are focused on. Will the last member realise what it is? I hope that they don't pass up on this opportunity. It would be so unfortunate if this rock isn't collected, it is wanted by so many museums worldwide.","A family walking through what seems a never ending trail out in the country. The sky is blue and the weather looks beautiful. Three of the family have stumbled across something while out on their trail. They are waiting for the last member of their party to catch up so they can assess. Out in the middle of nowhere, they have stumbled across one of the world's rarest rocks. It is holding all of the family's attention who are further up the path, it is all they are focused on. Will the last member realise what it is?. I hope that they don't pass up on this opportunity. It would be so unfortunate if this rock isn't collected, it is wanted by so many museums worldwide","9","the condition required for successful goal completion is that the sand is suitable for building a sandcastle","the goal for the family in the story is to build a sandcastle on the beach","true","","","true","true","false","true","false","false","false","true","","An alternate condition that would make the goal unlikely to happen is if the sand is too wet and doesn't hold its shape","the event involving the entity the sand that could lead to the changed condition in","false","false","true","false","false","false","true","" "3KVQ0UJWPZ5HHM4EB6HTQB2WBPTW50","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","3KJYX6QCMCVFWFHO00LTT3YFEBDJVW","AEPFYYENKG69F","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 14:00:03 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 14:19:29 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 13:19:29 PST 2023","","","","1166","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","72","778","Flickr 5","Scattered trees","Sandy","Explore the national park","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1RMWPL4jNX0qD17FlUFEkrIPNDLo6hslA","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1Y82cM_4_ku3tQmLCrtjg6_FnKoaPpZyY","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1xZsVfKVsL2K3w-qzEL1WGcsNSYsZghZ8","There is a sign indicating a national park. The grass is yellowing, meaning that is getting close to winter.","The sky is bright blue in stark contrast to the green and yellow of the vegetation. Everything looks calm and serene.","There is a deer casually walking across the prairie land. It is headed in the direction to the National Forest.","Sandy always preferred to take her vacation when it started getting cold. She hated to sweat and loved building campfires. Another good thing about this time of year was that the National Parks were usually empty. Camping and hiking are best done with as few people as possible. I mean, who really wants neighbors when you're on the side of a mountain?","Sandy woke up as soon as the sun started to heat up her tent. She opened the flap and breathed in the crisp morning air. As she built her campfire to make breakfast and heat up her coffee, she heard the mating call of a deer. Looking up from her fire she spotted the creature, standing in the middle of the prairie. It's breath was visible in the cool air. This was Sandy's perfect moment and the reason she came back year after year.","Sandy always preferred to take her vacation when it started getting cold. She hated to sweat and loved building campfires. Another good thing about this time of year was that the National Parks were usually empty. Camping and hiking are best done with as few people as possible. I mean, who really wants neighbors when you're on the side of a mountain?Sandy. Woke up as soon as the sun started to heat up her tent. She opened the flap and breathed in the crisp morning air. As she built her campfire to make breakfast and heat up her coffee, she heard the mating call of a deer. Looking up from her fire she spotted the creature, standing in the middle of the prairie. It's breath was visible in the cool air. This was Sandy's perfect moment and the reason she came back year after year","11","a condition required to successful completion of Sandy's goals is peaceful scattered trees in the area","Sandy is enjoying to perfect and peaceful outdoor experience","true","false","","false","true","false","true","false","false","true","false","false","sandy goal is unlikely to happens the parents happens of the presence of a park ranger of the goal","scattered the goals condition is changed to strict on the national park side of the lead conditions.","true","false","false","false","false","false","true","" "33W1NHWFYJ5NWJK9NPJYSV2S8UJTZE","3EVCCKXZAIVO3CW845MPDJRXUYWJX5","Understanding how changing an attribute of an agent affects the visual story","Help us to generate alternate story","story, multimodal, counterfactual","$0.45","Tue Oct 31 10:13:37 PDT 2023","1","BatchId:5149227;OriginalHitTemplateId:920937340;","3600","1209600","Tue Nov 07 09:13:37 PST 2023","","","3O6CYIULEGL1PKSN29U3M7Q420CUWC","A2G95587OYD83D","Submitted","Tue Oct 31 10:13:42 PDT 2023","Tue Oct 31 11:04:54 PDT 2023","Tue Nov 14 10:04:54 PST 2023","","","","3072","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","0% (0/0)","80","824","Flickr 6","Weather","People","Deliver the food to starving animals","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=11y_dQItN5hxT2q8oCSrb1DJAc2kuEhyb","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=10u_puKQ_U6b8zi9fNsPczET9atLQbKHX","https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=15HfaG5MUticGMLQ7OBPuyCL4OlUXsOm8","The wind blows through the grass, whistling slightly around the edge of the sign. The grass is brown because there has been a drought all summer. The wind blows hard and hot, and the pines are the only green for miles.","The young bison nibbles the dry grass. It has been a very harsh summer. The bison should be getting fat but its ribcage is clearly visible through its shaggy fur.","The doe rarely left the shelter of the forest, but it was time. The long shadows cast by the trees from the early morning sun would help conceal her. Her coat was the exact same color as the grass in the shadows. Hopefully there would be enough here to make a meal.","This time of year, the prairie near the badlands should have been rippling with lush grass as tall as a tall man's waist. But the drought had ravaged the region. The grass was struggling to grow, short and brown and blasted by the incessant heat. Everyday I passed this sign driving into the park for work, and everyday the prairie just looked worse and worse. Even the buffalo were skinny and underfed, ribs showing as they nosed the ground looking for good grass to eat.","The deer I saw on my morning drive looked a little better off. This doe wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't starving like the bison clearly had been. The forest was comparably much cooler and wetter than the prairies, so even during a drought the deer could usually find more to eat. Still, the image of the skinny, starving bison haunted me. I resolved to talk to my supervisor as soon as I got into the ranger station. We would have to bring in some bales of hay to feed the buffalo. My boss would probably scream and say it wasn't in the budget, but at the end of the day, she loves the animals as much as I do.","This time of year, the prairie near the badlands should have been rippling with lush grass as tall as a tall man's waist. But the drought had ravaged the region. The grass was struggling to grow, short and brown and blasted by the incessant heat. Everyday I passed this sign driving into the park for work, and everyday the prairie just looked worse and worse. Even the buffalo were skinny and underfed, ribs showing as they nosed the ground looking for good grass to eat. The deer I saw on my morning drive looked a little better off. This doe wasn't exactly fat, but she wasn't starving like the bison clearly had been. The forest was comparably much cooler and wetter than the prairies, so even during a drought the deer could usually find more to eat. Still, the image of the skinny, starving bison haunted me. I resolved to talk to my supervisor as soon as I got into the ranger station. We would have to bring in some bales of hay to feed the buffalo. My boss would probably scream and say it wasn't in the budget, but at the end of the day, she loves the animals as much as I do","12","health and well being of certain plants","the place was very dried so people no wanted this place because water is very rare of this place.","false","true","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","false","its was many trees to see clearly","the place is uncomfortable for alone","true","false","false","false","false","false","true",""