import os import io import base64 import numpy as np import torch import time from PIL import Image from pydantic import BaseModel from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import Response, JSONResponse from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from torchvision.transforms.functional import resize from .model import ( build_sam_predictor, build_sam_hq_predictor, build_mobile_sam_predictor, get_multi_label_predictor, ) from .data import Data from .configs import DATA_ROOT, DEVICE, MODEL from .transforms import ResizeLongestSide from .mobile_sam.utils import batched_mask_to_box app = FastAPI() app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) if MODEL == "sam": SAM = build_sam_predictor(checkpoint="sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth") elif MODEL == "sam_hq": SAM = build_sam_hq_predictor(checkpoint="sam_hq_vit_h.pth") elif MODEL == "mobile_sam": SAM = build_mobile_sam_predictor(checkpoint="mobile_sam.pth") else: raise ValueError(f"MODEL must be one of sam, sam_hq, got {MODEL}") DATA = Data(DATA_ROOT / "data.pkl") T = ResizeLongestSide(1024) class SamQuery(BaseModel): points: list[list[int]] labels: list[int] class MaskLabel(BaseModel): mask: str label: str class Masks(BaseModel): masks: list[str] class MaskLabels(BaseModel): masks: list[str] labels: list[str] class Box(BaseModel): x: int y: int width: int height: int class Boxes(BaseModel): bboxes: list[Box] class MaskBoxes(BaseModel): masks: list[str] bboxes: list[Box] class MaskBoxLabels(BaseModel): masks: list[str] bboxes: list[Box] labels: list[str] class ImageData(BaseModel): image: str @app.get("/") async def index(): return FileResponse(path=f"{os.environ['HOME']}/app/instance-labeler/out/index.html", media_type="text/html")"/v1/get_label_preds/{image}") async def get_label_preds(image: str, q: SamQuery) -> MaskBoxes: if image not in DATA: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Image not found") if MODEL == "sam" or MODEL == "mobile_sam": SAM.features = torch.from_numpy(DATA.get_emb(image)).to(DEVICE) elif MODEL == "sam_hq": features = DATA.get_hq_emb(image) SAM.features = torch.from_numpy(features[0]).to(DEVICE) SAM.interm_features = [torch.from_numpy(f).to(DEVICE) for f in features[1:]] meta_data = DATA.get_meta_data(image) SAM.original_size = meta_data["original_size"] SAM.input_size = meta_data["input_size"] SAM.is_image_set = True # type: ignore masks, _, _ = SAM.predict( # type: ignore point_coords=np.array(q.points), point_labels=np.array(q.labels), multimask_output=False, ) bboxes = batched_mask_to_box(torch.as_tensor(masks).to(DEVICE)).cpu().numpy() bboxes = [ Box(x=x1, y=y1, width=y2 - y1, height=x2 - x1) for x1, y1, x2, y2 in bboxes.tolist() ] masks_out = [] for i in range(masks.shape[0]): mask_i = masks[i, :, :] mask_i = Image.fromarray(mask_i) with io.BytesIO() as buf:, format="PNG") mask_i = buf.getvalue() masks_i_b64 = base64.b64encode(mask_i).decode("utf-8") masks_out.append(masks_i_b64) return MaskBoxes(masks=masks_out, bboxes=bboxes) @app.get("/v1/get_labels/{image}") async def get_labels(image: str) -> MaskBoxLabels: if image not in DATA: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Image not found") masks, bboxes, labels = DATA.get_labels(image) if not masks: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Label not found") if len(masks) != len(labels): raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail="Currupted data, masks not equal to labels" ) out_masks = [] for mask in masks: with io.BytesIO() as buf:, format="PNG") mask = buf.getvalue() mask_b64 = base64.b64encode(mask).decode("utf-8") out_masks.append(mask_b64) bboxes = [Box(x=x1, y=y1, width=w, height=h) for x1, y1, h, w in bboxes] return MaskBoxLabels(masks=out_masks, bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels)"/v1/get_multi_label_preds/{image}") async def get_multi_label_preds(image: str, q: MaskLabel) -> MaskBoxLabels: if image not in DATA: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Image not found") image_pil = DATA.get_image(image) image_np = np.array(image_pil.convert("RGB")) mask_data = q.mask.replace("data:image/png;base64,", "") mask = np.array("L")) if mask.sum() == 0: raise HTTPException(status_code=422, detail="Mask is empty") per_sam_model = get_multi_label_predictor(SAM, image_np, mask) start = time.perf_counter() masks, bboxes, _ = per_sam_model(image_np) print(f"inference time {time.perf_counter() - start}") if masks is None: return MaskBoxLabels(masks=[], bboxes=[], labels=[]) masks_out = [] for i in range(len(masks)): mask_i = Image.fromarray(masks[i]) with io.BytesIO() as buf:, format="PNG") mask_i = buf.getvalue() masks_i_b64 = base64.b64encode(mask_i).decode("utf-8") masks_out.append(masks_i_b64) bboxes = [ Box(x=x1, y=y1, width=y2 - y1, height=x2 - x1) for x1, y1, x2, y2 in bboxes.tolist() ] return MaskBoxLabels( masks=masks_out, bboxes=bboxes, labels=[q.label for _ in range(len(masks))] ) @app.put("/v1/label_image/{image}") async def label_image(image: str, mask_labels: MaskLabels) -> Response: if image not in DATA: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Image not found") if len(mask_labels.masks) != len(mask_labels.labels): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid input") save_masks = [] for i in range(len(mask_labels.masks)): mask_i = mask_labels.masks[i] mask_i = mask_i.replace("data:image/png;base64,", "") mask_i ="L") mask_i = mask_i.point(lambda p: 0 if p <= 1 else p) save_masks.append(mask_i) bboxes = ( batched_mask_to_box( torch.as_tensor(np.array([np.array(m) for m in save_masks])) .to(DEVICE) .bool() ) .cpu() .numpy() ) bboxes = [(x1, y1, (y2 - y1), (x2 - x1)) for x1, y1, x2, y2 in bboxes.tolist()] DATA.save_labels(image, save_masks, bboxes, mask_labels.labels) return Response(content="saved", media_type="text/plain") @app.get("/v1/get_image/{image}") async def get_image(image: str) -> Response: if image not in DATA: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Image not found") image_ = DATA.get_image(image) if not DATA.emb_exists(image): SAM.set_image(np.asarray(image_.convert("RGB"))) # type: ignore if MODEL == "sam" or MODEL == "mobile_sam": features = SAM.get_image_embedding().detach().cpu().numpy() # type: ignore DATA.save_emb(image, features) elif MODEL == "sam_hq": features = [SAM.features] + SAM.interm_features # type: ignore DATA.save_hq_emb(image, [f.detach().cpu().numpy() for f in features]) DATA.save_meta_data( image, {"original_size": SAM.original_size, "input_size": SAM.input_size}, ) with io.BytesIO() as buf:, format="PNG") image_ = buf.getvalue() image_b64 = base64.b64encode(image_).decode("utf-8") return Response(content=image_b64, media_type="image/png") @app.put("/v1/upload_image/{image}") async def upload_image(image: str, image_data: ImageData) -> Response: image_b64 = image_data.image image_b64 = image_b64.replace("data:image/png;base64,", "") image_b64 = image_b64.replace("data:image/jpeg;base64,", "") if "data:image/" in image_b64: raise HTTPException( status_code=400, detail="Invalid image format, only accepts png and jpeg" ) image_pil ="RGB") # image_bytes = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(image_b64)) # image_pil = target_size = T.get_preprocess_shape( image_pil.size[1], image_pil.size[0], T.target_length ) image_pil = resize(image_pil, target_size) image_id = DATA.save_image(image, image_pil) return Response(content=image_id, media_type="text/plain") @app.delete("/autolabeler/v1/delete_image/{image}") async def delete_image(image: str) -> Response: if image not in DATA: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Image not found") DATA.delete_image(image) return Response(content="deleted", media_type="text/plain") @app.get("/v1/get_all_images") async def get_all_images() -> Response: return JSONResponse(content={"images": DATA.get_all_images()}) app.mount("/", StaticFiles(directory=f"{os.environ['HOME']}/app/instance-labeler/out", html=True), name="static")