import gradio as gr import utils DESCRIPTION = """ This Space helps you find out the top-n slow tests from a particular GitHub Action run step. It also buckets the tests w.r.t their durations. """ ARTICLE = """ To obtain the article name you're looking for, you need to scroll down the run page (for [example]( and select one from the 'Artifacts' section. """ with gr.Interface( fn=utils.analyze_tests, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(info="GitHub repository ID", placeholder="huggingface/diffusers"), gr.Textbox(placeholder="GitHub token", type="password"), gr.Textbox(placeholder="GitHub Action run ID"), gr.Textbox(info="Artifact name", placeholder="pr_flax_cpu_test_reports"), gr.Slider(2, 20, value=1, label="top-n", info="Top-n slow tests."), ], outputs=gr.Markdown(label="output"), examples=[ ['huggingface/diffusers', 'ghp_XXX', '8430950874', 'pr_torch_cpu_pipelines_test_reports', 5], ], title="Short analysis of PR tests!", description=DESCRIPTION, article=ARTICLE, allow_flagging="never", cache_examples=False, ) as demo: demo.queue() demo.launch(show_error=True)