import gradio as gr import yfinance as yf from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import plotly.graph_objs as go import numpy as np def train_predict_wrapper(ticker, start_date, end_date, prediction_days): """ Downloads stock data, trains a linear regression model, and predicts future prices. Args: ticker: The ticker symbol of the stock. start_date: The start date for the data (YYYY-MM-DD format). end_date: The end date for the data (YYYY-MM-DD format). prediction_days: The number of days to predict. Returns: A plot of predicted closing prices for the next `prediction_days`. """ # Download stock data data =, start=start_date, end=end_date) # Extract closing price data = data["Close"] # Prepare data for model data = data.reset_index() data['Date'] = data['Date'].map(mdates.date2num) X = np.array(data.index).reshape(-1, 1) y = data['Close'].values # Train linear regression model model = LinearRegression()[:-prediction_days], y[:-prediction_days]) # Predict future prices future_indices = np.array(range(len(X), len(X) + prediction_days)).reshape(-1, 1) predicted_prices = model.predict(future_indices) # Plot dates = [mdates.num2date(date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for date in data['Date']] future_dates = [mdates.num2date(date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for date in future_indices.flatten()] fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=dates, y=y, mode='lines', name='Historical Prices')) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=future_dates, y=predicted_prices, mode='lines', name='Predicted Prices')) fig.update_layout(title='Stock Price Prediction', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Price') return fig # Define Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=train_predict_wrapper, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Ticker Symbol"), gr.Textbox(label="Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD)"), gr.Textbox(label="End Date (YYYY-MM-DD)"), gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=30, step=1, label="Prediction Days") ], outputs="plot" ) # Launch the app iface.launch()