import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np def plot_real_estate_correlation(state): # Read the CSV file df = pd.read_csv('') # Filter for the given state df = df[df['State'] == state.upper()] # Extract the list of ZIP codes and dates zip_codes = df['RegionName'].unique() dates = pd.to_datetime(df.columns[7:]) # Assuming price data starts from the 8th column # Initialize a DataFrame to hold price data for correlation calculation price_matrix = [] # Loop through each ZIP code in the state for zip_code in zip_codes: df_zip = df[df['RegionName'] == zip_code] # Extract only the columns with date data (price values) prices = df_zip.iloc[0, 7:].values # Extract price values starting from the 8th column # Append prices to the matrix if there are no missing values if not np.isnan(prices).all(): price_matrix.append(prices) # Convert to DataFrame for easier manipulation price_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(price_matrix, index=zip_codes) # Transpose to align for correlation calculation (each column = ZIP code) price_matrix_df = price_matrix_df.T.dropna() # Calculate the correlation matrix for ZIP codes corr_matrix = price_matrix_df.corr() # Prepare the grid data for 3D plot z_data = corr_matrix.values x_data, y_data = np.meshgrid(zip_codes, zip_codes) # Create the 3D surface plot fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Surface(z=z_data, x=x_data, y=y_data)]) # Update plot layout fig.update_layout( title=f'3D Correlation Matrix of Housing Prices in {state}', scene=dict( xaxis_title='ZIP Code', yaxis_title='ZIP Code', zaxis_title='Correlation', ), autosize=True ) return fig iface = gr.Interface(fn=plot_real_estate_correlation, inputs=[gr.components.Textbox(label="State (e.g., 'NJ' for New Jersey)")], outputs=gr.Plot()) iface.launch(share=False, debug=True)