import os import streamlit as st from llama_index import GPTSimpleVectorIndex, SimpleDirectoryReader, ServiceContext,LLMPredictor from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from llama_index.llm_predictor.chatgpt import ChatGPTLLMPredictor import huggingface_hub from huggingface_hub import Repository from datetime import datetime import csv DATASET_REPO_URL = ""#"" DATA_FILENAME = "kion.json" DATA_FILE = os.path.join("data", DATA_FILENAME) HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") print("is none?", HF_TOKEN is None) print("hfh", huggingface_hub.__version__) #os.system("git config --global \"Carlos Diaz\"") #os.system("git config --global \"\"") ##repo = Repository( # local_dir="data", clone_from=DATASET_REPO_URL, use_auth_token=HF_TOKEN #) index_name = "./data/kion.json" documents_folder = "./documents" #@st.experimental_memo #@st.cache_resource def initialize_index(index_name, documents_folder): #llm_predictor = ChatGPTLLMPredictor() llm_predictor = LLMPredictor(llm=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo")) # text-davinci-003"))"gpt-3.5-turbo" service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(llm_predictor=llm_predictor) if os.path.exists(index_name): index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex.load_from_disk(index_name) else: documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(documents_folder).load_data() index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex.from_documents(documents) index.save_to_disk(index_name) print(DATA_FILE) index.save_to_disk(DATA_FILE) return index #@st.experimental_memo #@st.cache_data(max_entries=200, persist=True) def query_index(_index, query_text): response = _index.query(query_text) return str(response) def generate_html() -> str: with open(DATA_FILE) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) rows = [] for row in reader: rows.append(row) rows.reverse() if len(rows) == 0: return "no messages yet" else: html = "
" for row in rows: html += "
" html += f"{row['name']}" html += f"{row['message']}" html += "
" html += "
" return html def store_message(name: str, message: str): if name and message: print(DATA_FILE) print(DATA_FILENAME) print(DATASET_REPO_URL) with open(DATA_FILE, "a") as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=["name", "message", "time"]) writer.writerow( {"name": name, "message": message, "time": str(} ) commit_url = repo.push_to_hub() print(commit_url) return commit_url #generate_html() st.title("KION-Linde AI") st.header("Welcome to KION-Linde's Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Base") st.write("Enter a query about any KION/Linde products. The AI knows all the details, loads, sizes, manuals and procedures to support hundreds of parts and equipment. You can check out also our repository [here](") index = None api_key = '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'#st.text_input("Enter your OpenAI API key here:", type="password") if api_key: os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = api_key index = initialize_index(index_name, documents_folder) if index is None: st.warning("Please enter your api key first.") text = st.text_input("Query text:", value="What type of tires sizes, front, rear the R20 uses?") if st.button("Run Query") and text is not None: response = query_index(index, "Act as a KION equipment expert:" + text) #myhtml = store_message(text, response) st.markdown(response) llm_col, embed_col = st.columns(2) with llm_col: st.markdown(f"LLM Tokens Used: {index.service_context.llm_predictor._last_token_usage}") with embed_col: st.markdown(f"Embedding Tokens Used: {index.service_context.embed_model._last_token_usage}")