library(shiny) library(bslib) library(minhub) library(magrittr) source("model-session.R") repo <- "stabilityai/stablelm-tuned-alpha-3b" sess <- model_session$new() model_loaded <- sess$load_model(repo) max_n_tokens <- 100 system_prompt = "<|SYSTEM|># StableLM Tuned (Alpha version) - StableLM is a helpful and harmless open-source AI language model developed by StabilityAI. - StableLM is excited to be able to help the user, but will refuse to do anything that could be considered harmful to the user. - StableLM is more than just an information source, StableLM is also able to write poetry, short stories, and make jokes. - StableLM will refuse to participate in anything that could harm a human. " ui <- page_fillable( theme = bs_theme(bootswatch = "minty"), shinyjs::useShinyjs(), card( height="90%", heights_equal = "row", width = 1, fillable = FALSE, card_body(id = "messages", gap = 5, fillable = FALSE) ), layout_column_wrap( width = 1/2, textInput("prompt", label = NULL, width="100%"), actionButton("send", "Loading model...", width = "100%") ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { prompt <- reactiveVal(value = system_prompt) n_tokens <- reactiveVal(value = 0) observeEvent(input$send, { if (is.null(input$prompt) || input$prompt == "") { return() } shinyjs::disable("send") updateActionButton(inputId = "send", label = "Waiting for model") insert_message(as.character(glue::glue("🤗: {input$prompt}"))) # we modify the prompt to trigger the 'next_token' reactive prompt(paste0(prompt(), "<|USER|>", input$prompt, "<|ASSISTANT|>")) }) next_token <- eventReactive(prompt(), ignoreInit = TRUE, { prompt() %>% sess$generate() }) observeEvent(next_token(), { tok <- next_token() n_tokens(n_tokens() + 1) tok %>% promises::then(function(tok) { if (n_tokens() == 1) { insert_message(paste0("🤖: ", tok), append = FALSE) } else { insert_message(tok, append = TRUE) } if (tok != "" && n_tokens() < max_n_tokens) { prompt(paste0(prompt(), tok)) } else { shinyjs::enable("send") updateActionButton(inputId = "send", label = "Send") n_tokens(0) } }) }) # we need this observer to make sure that during the event loop the # tasks are resolved. observe({ invalidateLater(5000, session) sess$sess$poll_process(1) }) # Observer used at app startup time to allow using the 'Send' button once the # model has been loaded. observe({ ready <- sess$sess$poll_process(1) == "ready" send <- isolate(input$send) if (send == 0 && !ready) { invalidateLater(1000, session) } if (ready) { shinyjs::enable("send") updateActionButton(inputId = "send", label = "Send") } else { shinyjs::disable("send") } }) } message_id <- 0 insert_message <- function(msg, append = FALSE) { if (!append) { id <- message_id <<- message_id + 1 insertUI( "#messages", "beforeEnd", immediate = TRUE, ui = card(card_body(p(id = paste0("msg-",id), msg)), style="margin-bottom:5px;") ) } else { id <- message_id shinyjs::runjs(glue::glue( "document.getElementById('msg-{id}').textContent += '{msg}'" )) } # scroll to bottom shinyjs::runjs("var elem = document.getElementById('messages'); elem.scrollTop = elem.scrollHeight;") } shinyApp(ui, server)