from pathlib import Path import audiotools as at from audiotools import AudioSignal import argbind import tqdm from pedalboard import ( Compressor, Gain, Chorus, LadderFilter, Phaser, Convolution, Reverb, Pedalboard ) from import AudioFile # Read in a whole file, resampling to our desired sample rate: samplerate = 44100.0 with AudioFile('guitar-input.wav').resampled_to(samplerate) as f: audio = # Make a pretty interesting sounding guitar pedalboard: board = Pedalboard([ Compressor(threshold_db=-50, ratio=25), Gain(gain_db=30), Chorus(), LadderFilter(mode=LadderFilter.Mode.HPF12, cutoff_hz=900), Phaser(), Convolution("./guitar_amp.wav", 1.0), Reverb(room_size=0.25), ]) @argbind.bind(without_prefix=True) def augment( audio_folder: Path, dest_folder: Path, n_augmentations: int = 10, ): """ Augment a folder of audio files by applying audiotools and pedalboard transforms. The dest foler will contain a folder for each of the clean dataset's files. Under each of these folders, there will be a clean file and many augmented files. """ audio_files = at.util.find_audio(audio_folder) for audio_file in tqdm.tqdm(audio_files): subtree = dest_folder / audio_file.relative_to(audio_folder).parent subdir = subtree / audio_file.stem subdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # apply pedalboard transforms for i in range(n_augmentations):