import gradio as gr import numpy as np import os import requests from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from typing import List NER_MODEL_PATH = 'dell-research-harvard/historical_newspaper_ner' EMBED_MODEL_PATH = 'dell-research-harvard/same-story' AZURE_VMS = {} AVAILABLE_STATES = ['All States'] for k, v in os.environ.items(): if 'AZURE_VM' in k: AZURE_VMS[k.split('_')[-1]] = v AVAILABLE_STATES.append(k.split('_')[-1].capitalize()) AVAILABLE_YEARS = ['All Years'] def find_sep_token(tokenizer): """ Returns sep token for given tokenizer """ if 'eos_token' in tokenizer.special_tokens_map: sep = " " + tokenizer.special_tokens_map['eos_token'] + " " + tokenizer.special_tokens_map['sep_token'] + " " else: sep = " " + tokenizer.special_tokens_map['sep_token'] + " " return sep def find_mask_token(tokenizer): """ Returns mask token for given tokenizer """ mask_tok = tokenizer.special_tokens_map['mask_token'] return mask_tok if gr.NO_RELOAD: ner_model=AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(NER_MODEL_PATH) ner_tokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(NER_MODEL_PATH, return_tensors = "pt", max_length=256, truncation = True) token_classifier = pipeline(task = "ner", model = ner_model, tokenizer = ner_tokenizer, ignore_labels = [], aggregation_strategy='max') embedding_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(EMBED_MODEL_PATH) embedding_model = SentenceTransformer(EMBED_MODEL_PATH) embed_mask_tok = find_mask_token(embedding_tokenizer) embed_sep_tok = find_sep_token(embedding_tokenizer) # with open(REF_INDEX_PATH, 'r') as f: # news_paths = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()] def handle_punctuation_for_generic_mask(word): """If punctuation comes before the word, return it before the mask, ow return it after the mask""" if word[0] in [".",",","!","?"]: return word[0] + " [MASK]" elif word[-1] in [".",",","!","?"]: return "[MASK]" + word[-1] else: return "[MASK]" def handle_punctuation_for_entity_mask(word,entity_group): """If punctuation comes before the word, return it before the mask, ow return it after the mask - this is for specific entity masks""" if word[0] in [".",",","!","?"]: return word[0]+" "+entity_group elif word[-1] in [".",",","!","?"]: return entity_group+word[-1] else: return entity_group def replace_words_with_entity_tokens(ner_output_dict: List[dict], desired_labels: List[str] = ['PER', 'ORG', 'LOC', 'MISC'], all_masks_same: bool = True) -> str: if not all_masks_same: new_word_list=[subdict["word"] if subdict["entity_group"] not in desired_labels else handle_punctuation_for_entity_mask(subdict["word"],subdict["entity_group"]) for subdict in ner_output_dict] else: new_word_list=[subdict["word"] if subdict["entity_group"] not in desired_labels else handle_punctuation_for_generic_mask(subdict["word"]) for subdict in ner_output_dict] return " ".join(new_word_list) def mask(ner_output_list: List[List[dict]], desired_labels: List[str] = ['PER', 'ORG', 'LOC', 'MISC'], all_masks_same: bool = True) -> List[str]: return replace_words_with_entity_tokens(ner_output_list, desired_labels, all_masks_same) def ner(text: List[str]) -> List[str]: results = token_classifier(text) return results[0] def ner_and_mask(text: List[str], labels_to_mask: List[str] = ['PER', 'ORG', 'LOC', 'MISC'], all_masks_same: bool = True) -> List[str]: ner_output_list = ner(text) return mask(ner_output_list, labels_to_mask, all_masks_same) def embed(text: str) -> List[str]: data = [] # Correct [MASK] token for tokenizer text = text.replace('[MASK]', embed_mask_tok) text = text.replace('[SEP]', embed_sep_tok) data.append(text) embedding = embedding_model.encode(data, show_progress_bar = False, batch_size = 1) embedding = embedding / np.linalg.norm(embedding, axis = 1, keepdims = True) return embedding def query(sentence: str, state: str, years: List[str]) -> List[str]: mask_results = ner_and_mask([sentence]) embedding = embed(mask_results) assert embedding.shape == (1, 768) embedding = embedding[0].astype(np.float64) req = {"vector": list(embedding), 'nn': 5} if state == 'All States': pass else: vm_address = AZURE_VMS[state.upper()] # Send embedding to Azure VM response ="http://{vm_address}/retrieve", json = req) doc = response.json() article = doc['bboxes'][int(doc['article_id'])] if len(article['lccn']['dpedia_ids']) == 0: location = 'Unknown' else: location = doc['lccn']['dpedia_ids'][0].replace('%2C_', ', ') results = { 'newspaper_name': doc['lccn']['title'], 'location': location, 'date': doc['scan']['date'], 'article_text': article['raw_text'], 'pdf_link': doc['scan']['jp2_url'].replace('jp2', 'pdf') } return results['newspaper_name'], results['location'], results['date'], results['article_text'], results['pdf_link'] if __name__ == "__main__": demo = gr.Interface( fn=query, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(lines=10, label="News Article"), gr.Dropdown(AVAILABLE_STATES, label="States to Search"), gr.CheckboxGroup(AVAILABLE_YEARS, label="Years to Search") ], outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Newspaper Name"), gr.Textbox(label="Location"), gr.Textbox(label="Date"), gr.Textbox(lines = 10, label="Article Text OCR"), gr.Textbox(label="PDF Link") ] ) demo.launch()