import os import pickle import random import string import json import logging from pathlib import Path from omegaconf import OmegaConf import numpy as np import PIL.Image as Image import torch from import Dataset from tqdm import tqdm REPEATE_NUM = 10000 WHITE = 255 MAX_TRIAL = 10 _upper_case = set(map(lambda s: f"{ord(s):04X}", string.ascii_uppercase)) _digits = set(map(lambda s: f"{ord(s):04X}", string.digits)) english_set = list(_upper_case.union(_digits)) NOTO_FONT_DIRNAME = "Noto" class GoogleFontDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, args, mode='train', metadata_path="./lang_set.json"): super(GoogleFontDataset, self).__init__() self.args = args self.font_dir = Path(args.font_dir) self.mode = mode self.lang_list = sorted([x.stem for x in self.font_dir.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]) self.min_tight_bound = 10000 self.min_font_name = None if self.mode == 'train': self.lang_list = self.lang_list[:-2] else: self.lang_list = self.lang_list[-2:] with open(metadata_path, "r") as json_f: = json.load(json_f) self.num_lang = None self.num_font = None self.num_char = None self.content_meta, self.style_meta, self.num_lang, self.num_font, self.num_char = self.get_meta()"min_tight_bound: {self.min_tight_bound}") # 20 @staticmethod def center_align(bg_img, item_img, fit=False): bg_img = bg_img.copy() item_img = item_img.copy() item_w, item_h = item_img.size W, H = bg_img.size if fit: item_ratio = item_w / item_h bg_ratio = W / H if bg_ratio > item_ratio: # height fitting resize_ratio = H / item_h else: # width fitting resize_ratio = W / item_w item_img = item_img.resize((int(item_w * resize_ratio), int(item_h * resize_ratio))) item_w, item_h = item_img.size bg_img.paste(item_img, ((W - item_w) // 2, (H - item_h) // 2)) return bg_img def _get_content_image(self, png_path): im = bg_img ='RGB', (self.args.imsize, self.args.imsize), color='white') blend_img = self.center_align(bg_img, im, fit=True) return blend_img def _get_style_image(self, png_path): im = w, h = im.size # tight_bound_check & update tight_bound = self.get_tight_bound_size(np.array(im)) if self.min_tight_bound > tight_bound: self.min_tight_bound = tight_bound self.min_font_name = png_path logging.debug(f"min_tight_bound: {self.min_tight_bound}, min_font_name: {self.min_font_name}") bg_img ='RGB', (max([w, h, self.args.imsize]), max([w, h, self.args.imsize])), color='white') blend_img = self.center_align(bg_img, im) return blend_img def get_meta(self): content_meta = dict() style_meta = dict() num_lang = 0 num_font = 0 num_char = 0 for lang_dir in tqdm(self.lang_list, total=len(self.lang_list)): font_list = sorted([x for x in (self.font_dir / lang_dir).iterdir() if x.is_dir()]) font_content_dict = dict() font_style_dict = dict() for font_dir in font_list: image_content_dict = dict() image_style_dict = dict() png_list = [x for x in font_dir.glob("*.png")] for png_path in png_list: # image_content_dict[png_path.stem] = self._get_content_image(png_path) # image_style_dict[png_path.stem] = self._get_style_image(png_path) image_content_dict[png_path.stem] = png_path image_style_dict[png_path.stem] = png_path num_char += 1 font_content_dict[font_dir.stem] = image_content_dict font_style_dict[font_dir.stem] = image_style_dict num_font += 1 content_meta[lang_dir] = font_content_dict style_meta[lang_dir] = font_style_dict num_lang += 1 return content_meta, style_meta, num_lang, num_font, num_char @staticmethod def get_tight_bound_size(img): contents_cell = np.where(img < WHITE) if len(contents_cell[0]) == 0: return 0 size = { 'xmin': np.min(contents_cell[1]), 'ymin': np.min(contents_cell[0]), 'xmax': np.max(contents_cell[1]) + 1, 'ymax': np.max(contents_cell[0]) + 1, } return max(size['xmax'] - size['xmin'], size['ymax'] - size['ymin']) def get_patch_from_style_image(self, image, patch_per_image=1): w, h = image.size image_list = [] relative_patch_size = int(self.args.imsize * 2) for _ in range(patch_per_image): offset = w - relative_patch_size if offset < relative_patch_size // 2: # if image is too small, just resize crop_candidate = np.array(image.resize((self.args.imsize, self.args.imsize))) else: # if image is sufficent to be cropped, randomly crop x = np.random.randint(0, offset) y = np.random.randint(0, offset) crop_candidate = image.crop((x, y, x + relative_patch_size, y + relative_patch_size)) _trial = 0 while self.get_tight_bound_size(np.array(crop_candidate)) < relative_patch_size // 16 and _trial < MAX_TRIAL: x = np.random.randint(0, offset) y = np.random.randint(0, offset) crop_candidate = image.crop((x, y, x + relative_patch_size, y + relative_patch_size)) _trial += 1 crop_candidate = np.array(crop_candidate.resize((self.args.imsize, self.args.imsize))) image_list.append(crop_candidate) return image_list def get_pairs(self, content_english=False, style_english=False): lang_content = random.choice(self.lang_list) content_unicode_list = english_set if content_english else[lang_content] style_unicode_list = english_set if style_english else[lang_content] if content_english == style_english: # content_unicode_list == style_unicode_list chars = random.sample(content_unicode_list, + 1) content_char = chars[-1] style_chars = chars[] else: content_char = random.choice(content_unicode_list) style_chars = random.sample(style_unicode_list, # fonts = random.sample(self.content_meta[lang_content].keys(), # k=self.args.reference_imgs.char + 1) # content_fonts = fonts[:self.args.reference_imgs.char] # style_font = fonts[-1] style_font_list = list(self.content_meta[lang_content].keys()) style_font_list.remove(NOTO_FONT_DIRNAME) style_font = random.choice(style_font_list) content_fonts = [NOTO_FONT_DIRNAME] content_fonts_image = [self.content_meta[lang_content][x][content_char] for x in content_fonts] style_chars_image = [self.content_meta[lang_content][style_font][x] for x in style_chars] # style_chars_image = [self.content_meta[lang_content][style_font][x] for x in style_chars] # style_chars_cropped = [] # for style_char_image in style_chars_image: # style_chars_cropped.extend(self.get_patch_from_style_image(style_char_image, # // self.args.reference_imgs.char)) target_image = self.content_meta[lang_content][style_font][content_char] content_fonts_image = [self._get_content_image(image_path) for image_path in content_fonts_image] style_chars_image = [self._get_content_image(image_path) for image_path in style_chars_image] target_image = self._get_content_image(target_image) return content_char, content_fonts, content_fonts_image, style_font, style_chars, style_chars_image, target_image def __getitem__(self, idx): """GoogleFontDataset의 __getitem__ Args: idx (int): torch dataset index Returns: dict: return dict with following keys gt_images: target_image, content_images: same_chars_image, style_images: same_fonts_image, style_idx: font_idx, char_idx: char_idx, content_image_idxs: same_chars, style_image_idxs: same_fonts, image_paths: '' """ use_eng_content, use_eng_style = random.choice([(True, False), (False, True), (False, False)]) if self.mode != 'train': use_eng_content = False use_eng_style = True content_char, content_fonts, content_fonts_image, style_font, style_chars, style_chars_image, target_image = \ self.get_pairs(content_english=use_eng_content, style_english=use_eng_style) content_fonts_image = np.array([np.mean(np.array(x), axis=-1) / WHITE for x in content_fonts_image], dtype=np.float32) style_chars_image = np.array([np.mean(np.array(x), axis=-1) / WHITE for x in style_chars_image], dtype=np.float32) target_image = np.mean(np.array(target_image, dtype=np.float32), axis=-1)[np.newaxis, ...] / WHITE dict_return = { # data for training 'gt_images': target_image, 'content_images': content_fonts_image, 'style_images': style_chars_image, # TODO: crop style image with fixed size # data for logging 'style_idx': style_font, 'char_idx': content_char, 'content_image_idxs': content_fonts, 'style_image_idxs': style_chars, 'image_paths': '', } return dict_return def __len__(self): return len(self.lang_list) * REPEATE_NUM if __name__ == '__main__': hp = OmegaConf.load('config/datasets/googlefont.yaml').datasets.train metadata_path = "./lang_set.json" FONT_DIR = "/data2/hksong/DATA/fonts-image" _dataset = GoogleFontDataset(hp, metadata_path=metadata_path, font_dir=FONT_DIR) TEST_ITER_NUM = 4 for i in range(TEST_ITER_NUM): data = _dataset[i] print(data.keys()) print(data['gt_image'].size, data['content_images'][0].size, data['style_images'][0].size, data['lang'], data['style_idx'], data['char_idx'], data['content_image_idxs'], data['style_image_idxs'])