import cv2 import numpy as np import tempfile import time import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO import plotly.graph_objs as go from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel from torch.cuda import is_available MODEL_ID = "openai/clip-vit-base-patch32" DEMO_IMAGE = 'demo.jpg' EMOTION_DICT = { 0: ['Angry', '😡'], 1: ['Disgusted', 'đŸ¤ĸ'], 2: ['Fearful', '😨'], 3: ['Happy', '😃'], 4: ['Neutral', '😐'], 5: ['Sad', '☚ī¸'], 6: ['Surprised', '😮'] } device = 'cuda' if is_available() else 'cpu' @st.cache_data def load_model(): processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(MODEL_ID) model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(MODEL_ID) return processor, model @st.cache_data def load_token_embds(): emotions = list(EMOTION_DICT.values()) desc = [f'a photo of a {emotion[0]} person' for emotion in emotions] tok = processor(text = desc, return_tensors = 'pt', images = None, padding = True).to(device) tok_emb = model.get_text_features(**tok) tok_emb = tok_emb.detach().cpu().numpy() / np.linalg.norm(tok_emb.detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0) return tok_emb st.set_page_config(page_title="Mood Scope", page_icon="🎭") st.title('Mood-Scope') st.sidebar.title('Options') app_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox('Choose Page', ['Run Mood Scope', 'About the App']) st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html = True ) if app_mode == 'About the App': st.markdown(""" Mood Scope detects emotions of people in an image using deep learning # Installation - Clone this repo ` git clone ` - Install requirements ` pip insatll requirements.txt ` - Launch streamlit app ` streamlit run ` # Usage The 'Run Mood Scope' section of the app lets you upload any image. After doing so, it analyzes and detects the mood of the person in the picture. The app displays the detected dominant emotion with a suitable emoji. It also displays the distribution of the moods using a spider chart. The higher the point, the stronger the presence of that emotion in the image. ### Emotion-emoji guide | Emotion | Emoji | |------------|------------| | Angry | 😡 | | Disgusted | đŸ¤ĸ | | Fearful | 😨 | | Happy | 😃 | | Neutral | 😐 | | Sad | ☚ī¸ | | Surprised | 😮 | The app is available and can be accessed via two platforms - [`Hugging Face Spaces`]( - [`Render`]( # Features - Image upload - Emotion detection - Spider chart display - Emotion intensity analysis # Built Using - [Python]( - [PyTorch]( - [OpenAI CLIP]( - [Streamlit]( # Details Face facts achieves zero-shot image classification using CLIP. CLIP can be a powerful tool for image classification because it allows you to leverage both visual and language information to classify images. This even means no dataset was used for any training or finetuning. First, the emotions (angry, fearful, sad, neutral etc.) were organized using a template to create natural language descriptions for the images. Each emotion was transformed into a template phrase "a photo of a {emotion} person," where {emotion} is one of the emotions in the list. The text descriptions were then tokenized to generate text embeddings that can be processed by the CLIP model. The image was preprocessed using the CLIPProcessor, which includes resizing and normalization. This prepares the image for feature extraction. The CLIP model then computes features for the image to generate image embeddings that capture the visual features of the image. To calculate the similarity between each description and the image, a dot product is performed between the image embeddings and text embeddings. This results in a score that indicates how similar the description is to the image. The score is then used to classify the image into one of the emotion categories. # Contact Dahir Ibrahim (Deedax Inc) Email - Twitter - YouTube - Project Link - """) elif app_mode == 'Run Mood Scope': processor, model = load_model() st.sidebar.markdown('---') with st.columns(3)[1]: kpi = st.markdown('**Dominant Detected Emotion**') emotion_emoji = st.markdown('-') #emotion_text = st.markdown('-') img_file_buffer = st.sidebar.file_uploader('Upload an Image', type = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg']) if img_file_buffer: buffer = BytesIO( data = np.frombuffer(buffer.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) image = cv2.imdecode(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) else: demo_image = DEMO_IMAGE image = cv2.imread(demo_image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) st.sidebar.text('Original Image') st.sidebar.image(image, channels = 'BGR') im_proc = processor(images=image, return_tensors='pt')['pixel_values'] im_emb = im_emb = im_emb.detach().cpu().numpy() tok_emb = load_token_embds() score =, tok_emb.T) output_emoji = EMOTION_DICT[score.argmax(axis = 1).item()][1] output_text = EMOTION_DICT[score.argmax(axis = 1).item()][0] emotion_emoji.write(f'


', unsafe_allow_html = True) categories = [emotion[0] for emotion in EMOTION_DICT.values()] data = list(map(int, (100 * (score / score.sum())).squeeze())) trace = go.Scatterpolar(r = data, theta = categories, fill = 'toself', name = 'Emotions') layout = go.Layout( polar = dict( radialaxis = dict( visible = False, range = [0, 50] ) ), ) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) #emotion_text.write(f'**{output_text}**')